Amazon BestSeller in 2 Categories

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Once you have claimed your copy of the Killer Breasts Book, we'll send you an email on how to access a FREE Digital Version of Dr. Diane's Detox Guide plus 5 Powerful Bonuses to help you along your journey!

FREE Digital Version of Dr. Diane's Detox Guide 'Are toxins at the root of your symptoms?' ($14.95 Value!)

PLUS These 5 Bonuses:

Beat Breast Implant Illness and Thrive

If you want to overcome breast implant illness symptoms such as Hormone Imbalances, Autoimmune Conditions, Skin issues, Digestive upset & Symptom Chaos, you'll need three things. A desire to feel your best, a system to cleanse and heal your entire body, and the key to unlock your body's innate intelligence. In this book, you'll learn how to become your own best healer and transform your life from the inside out.

Be empowered with:

"Vital book for anyone curious about Breast Implant Illness"

This book (and Dr. Diane's podcasts) have been vital in my journey with BII. Diane keeps it real and simple in her no-fluff-hype-and-wellness-coach ways! She shares loads of knowledge and resources which I spent endless hours googling and researching! HIGHLY RECOMMEND this book be near anyone curious about BII and explant surgery. ~Carrie Jooy (Explant Warrior)

HURRY, this offer wont last long…

Why did I create all of these Free Bonuses?

Because the information in this book can change and SAVE millions of lives, not only women who have them but the babies they birth, feed and raise. What I wrote in it is the truth about the damage breast implants can cause that we were not properly warned about, and how to recover from it, prepare for explant and THRIVE #beyondtheboobs. 😉 It is my heart centered mission to get this book in the hands of women with implants, breast cancer victims, doctors, surgeons and anyone aspiring to get breast implants so they can determine if they still want them after hearing my journey and the stories of thousands of other women who have walked this path and regained their lives after explant.

My friends, you have been so AMAZING to me, I have tears in my eyes as I type this. I've already hit my goal of Amazon best-seller in not one but TWO categories! Now I just want to get a few thousand books out and all of these Bonuses to say thank you and help you. My wish is that this book will help you find light, hope and clarity through this confusing process and that you continue to pay it forward and share with others.

“I Love this book. Killer Breasts is an accelerator.”

‘Killer Breasts’ is the first-hand experience from a woman who first denied, then became aware, then suffered and cried, walked, cried, crawled, screamed in anger, got up again and started walking some more, through all 5 Stages of ‘Change For Good’ on the topic of implantations (breasts, buttocks, Botox…). I’ve known Dr. Diane for a number of years and been a behind-the-scenes friend empowering her often-emotionally painful and unfortunately all-too-common journey from Double D’s and temporary nirvana through dis-ease to Functional Medicine deep dives, through the ups and downs of Action, into Maintenance and carrying this message out to the world.
I can think of no better Coach, and no better Advocate, for those learning about the life-threatening dangers of implants than Diane Kazer and her book ‘Killer Breasts’. Reading this book gives you the map to get all the way to your Miami of abundant, vibrant health. Get ready, a paradigm shift is on your horizon.”
Emily Shannon
“Dr. Diane and her team helped me understand that my breast implants were distracting my immune system – preventing it from dealing with mold and other toxins I was suffering from. I had no idea that commonplace items in my everyday life were laden with toxins and dramatically impacting my health. From pharmaceutical drugs, hormonal birth control, allergy meds, beauty products, cleaning supplies, botox, glyphosate – and of course the mold. I was unknowingly poisoning myself and my family, including my son, who was ingesting toxins through my breast milk, resulting in major gut and food allergy issues. Finally the house of cards fell and my health suffered greatly, as did my son’s. Thanks for helping us both heal and for showing us a better way. I’ve gained 30 much needed pounds. My hair has stopped breaking off and falling out and my brain fog is getting better by the day, plus I am now free from Insomnia, Chronic fatigue, Muscle weakness, Full body pain, Unexplained weight loss, Heart palpitations, Depression, Anxiety, Explosive rage, Blurred vision, Diarrhea, Constipation, Mast cell activation disorder, Food sensitivities, Rosacea and Tinnitus (ear ringing). Best of all, my son’s health issues have completely resolved and he is thriving”
Emily Shannon

About the Author

Dr. Diane Kazer, the Non Toxic Beauty Queen, is a Breast Implant Illness Recovery Expert and the Producer of the Non Toxic Beauty Revolution attended by over 30,000 people all over the world. She has supported women in over 15 countries and earned the award as Orange County’s top nutritionist and integrative health professional. Through her ‘Toxic Beauty’ detox and explant journey, she reversed Hashimotos, dropped 15 pounds of painful inflammation and pursued her dream as a filmmaker, directing the docu-series ‘Dying to Be Beautiful’.

An intuitive healer, she is the author of ‘Killer Breasts, A Step by Step Guide to Overcoming Breast Implant Illness', and creator of the 3 Step CHI formula - Cleanse, Heal, Ignite - which helps women use the power of intuition to discover their inner healer, by providing them life-long tools to reverse auto-immune disease, breast implant illness, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, gut infections, emotional trauma and perfectionism.

Her mission is to not only help you choose better, but BELIEVE better that you are TRULY beautiful as you are, by divorcing perfectionism, people-pleasing and putting yourself last so you can discover your inner beauty, vibrant energy and warrior immunity.” Best of all, my son’s health issues have completely resolved and he is thriving”

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Disclaimer: Wellness takes work. We coached every one of our patients through fear, overwhelm, and symptom challenges to remove the root causes in order to MASSIVELY Up-level their Energy, Immunity, Beauty and Vitality. Your body is different, therefore your results will be different, and so too will be your perfect health journey to get there. We are not a “pill fix”, “trendy diet” or “overnight fix”, we’re a High Performance Team committed to help you heal it all! If you’re ready to go ALL IN with our tribe, we’re here to help every step of the way.