100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you're not happy with the program, get a FULL refund. (That's how confident I am you will be.)

The Cleanse that Changes Everything!

Ditch the Pill Mill, Diet Dogma, Fitness Hustle & endless cycle of Doctor visits, Lab testing & pHARMa poisons…and FINALLY Get the Body, Brain and Belly you want in 6 weeks!

Learn how to overcome the 4 Root Cause reasons you’re not feeling 111%
* Stress * Hormone Imbalance * Infections * Toxicity.

Are you ready to let that S.H.I.T. goooo already?

The Warrior Cleanse is for anyone who wants to TRANSFORM weight gain, energy drain, broken brain, body pain & the disease train INTO Natural Beauty, Energy, Immunity & Vitality ALL at the same time, without wasting years, thousands of dollars and confusing doctor visits on your own, trying to figure it out!

End the Modern Medicine Maze & Trendy Treadmill of Superficial Solutions.

Start our proven step by step formula, to let that S.H.*.T go and Uplevel your entire Life for GOOD!

Detox or Die with Di

Why Detox or Die? While that may sound excessive, here’s the truth you deserve to know…

Bombshell New Detox Report:

You’re Being Exposed to New “Cell-Killing” Chemicals that are Rotting Your Health from the Inside Out… Even if You Eat Strictly Organic Food, Filter Your Water, Air, Get 8 Hours of Sleep, and Take Supplements!

…And Detoxing isn’t Enough Anymore.

Over 75,000+ new chemicals have been approved for use on humans… Of which less than 5% have been approved for safety…

They’re silently bypassing your body’s natural defenses, creating the very illnesses we’re told are simply genetic and are stuck with. YES…Even scary diseases and diagnosis like Cancer, Autoimmunity, Alzheimers, IBS, Diabetes and more

If you’ve been experiencing symptoms, these hidden toxins could be the last thing standing between you and the energy, confidence and focus you deserve.

The reason that chronic illness and disease are skyrocketing is clear. 

The symptoms you’re experiencing right now are a warning sign…

Whether we “see” it or not, we’re being exposed to more and more virulent and pervasive toxins every year.

Worse, some of these “breakthrough” new chemicals can get “stuck” in your body, depositing deep into your bones and vital organs where they cause recurring damage…

The real problem is that you’ve never been taught what actually makes you sick in the first place and how to address that so you no longer GET sick.

That’s why I’m sharing this – To empower you to look deeper than you ever looked before… So you can avoid the decade long journey it took me to recover my health.

These same chemicals are the root cause for the TOP 10 challenges everyone faces today!

So… What's the best way to Detox?

I’ll show you.

Who Am I and Why Should You Trust Me?

If you’re seeing this, you’re probably already on my email list and you know who I am…

But if you don’t…
I am an X-Pro Soccer Player, now Certified Detox Expert, Coach to Health Coaches, Ego Slayer and Functional Medicine Practitioner with a background in bodybuilding, fitness nutrition, yoga, personal training and financial planning.

And, let me tell you…I have struggled SO MUCH with hormonal, skin, energy, addiction, mood and gut issues. Because of it, I have endless compassion and empathy for others suffering the same.

While it was no walk in the park, these health struggles later became my passion.

Cystic acne, horrible PMS, Candidiasis, urinary tract infections (UTIs), parasites, viruses, thyroid autoimmune disease, Breast Implant Illness, leaky gut, depression, perfectionism, hormone imbalances, ‘adrenal fatigue'…and more.

I’ve been through it all and I am SO grateful. It motivated me to become a root-cause researcher, acquire over 10 certifications in wellness and learn everything I could possibly learn from the very best experts and doctors in the world.

With that dedication and belief, I self treated and reversed all of them, naturally.

In my pursuit of knowledge to heal, I traveled, mainly solo, to over 25 countries, and immersed myself into yoga, natural medicine, nutrition, food, culture and…LOVE.

I worked alongside doctors in India, using Ayurveda, and others in Thailand, using Chinese Medicine. It was then I began to heal and I became HOOKED.

Passionately curious and eager, I returned to America promising God to follow my path to restore the ancient wisdom of plant medicine.

Today I support aspiring wellness warriors around the world, to not only heal from emotional and hormonal problems, but to radically transform their entire life. And teach them to become health coaches, full time or casually, sharing this wisdom with others.

My approach is a breath of fresh air and unique work of art, with play, self love, nourishing food and a low-toxin beauty and personal care routine.

We teach people to learn and lovingly listen to the wisdom of their bodies so they can be their own greatest healer.  Because after all, the Cure is YOU.

Look how Smart I am 😉

(I mean my Qualifications)

Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy (New Eden)

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Certified Holistic Health & Emotional Freedom Coach

Certified Detox & Toxins Expert

EMF ElectroSmog Coach

NASM Personal Trainer

CYT Certified Yoga Teacher

Advanced Reiki Practitioner

Gut & Infectious Disease Certified Practitioner

Estrogen Metabolism, Blood Chemistry Analysis and EpiGENEtics Specialist

So… When I tell you that I have been through a LOT, I really mean it.

By now, I’ve helped thousands of people all around the world kick parasites out of their bodies through my guided group cleanses & online course – The Warrior Cleanse Pro.


that’s why I’m 111% confident I can help you!

The Danger of ‘Toxins In Moderation’

As with many clients I’ve supported who have done The Warrior Cleanse, it’s not just one toxin, or 2 or 100.

It’s thousands. Over decades.
That accumulated.

And one day…one bite, one meal, one ‘toxic beauty’ treatment, one medication…sends you over the edge and you wonder what went wrong.

Thinking it was maybe food poisoning….or just caught a bug from someone.

This is what Happens when your Toxic Bucket Overflows, then symptoms, illness, then a disease diagnosis.

This process is what makes detox so tricky.

Because doctors and health coaches aren’t telling you the truth about why you’re sick.

And not every symptom of this hidden toxicity is so obvious…

Nor is advice from anyone that claims “Everything in Moderation” … that’s a slippery, downward slope toward hell NOT health.

Today I’m going to show you my proven detox strategy that’s helped me and thousands of warriors like you, from all over the world, overcome endless “diagnoses” and “mystery” symptoms that plagued all of us for far too long.


Before I did the Warrior Cleanse, I had struggles with digestion and energy.. and being “skinny fat.” I learned a LOT during the cleanse and really made a lot of positive changes in my life. It was a busy time in my life, so I could have focused a lot better… but that's okay and I'll get to that. I resonate with Diane's focus on the root cause. That's my primary belief. Her knowledge base is huge when it comes to detox and you get a big picture. It's a lot of information. What's amazing is that if we fall back into old habits (which I have now done after months), we can retake the course as many times as we want for free. With me, I need to do something a couple of times before it really sticks and this really vibes with my learning style. I recommend Diane's detox courses to anyone interested in figuring out the root cause of their issues and blasting at them instead of buying into the system of adding more toxicity to your body. She's fun and she really knows her S.H.I.T.!

Laurie Brander


South Africa

The warrior cleanse is different from other programs claiming to offer the same thing. This is my experience: Only months before doing this course I became aware of the dangers of parasites and was advised by a “health professional” to do a parasite cleanse, which I did. I became so sick with vomiting, diarrhea and later flu and sinus issues that lasted weeks. I can honestly sat that it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life and I thought I was dying. The terror was compounded by the fact that no doctors or homeopaths I went to see had any idea what was happening. They didn't understand that the parasite cleanse was the cause of my symptoms and told me it was unrelated to what was happening to me. It was apparently a coincidence that I “caught a bug” at the same time that I was doing the parasite cleanse. This was very lonely because I knew they were wrong and couldn't help me. That same “healthcare professional” that gave me the parasite cleanse advised me to push through and keep doing the cleanse. 

Luckily I had the sense not to as I now know that this was extremely dangerous advice. I now understand that my drainage pathways were blocked and I had a sluggish lymph and over-burdened liver. If you do the Warrior Cleanse you will learn how to safely do a parasite cleanse. This is information I have yet to find anywhere else!

In this course you will also learn the building blocks to good health and how your body actually works. Yes yes, everyone claims that they teach this, BUT this time it is actually true. The most mind-blowing revelation from the course is that illness is fostered in the environment that you create in your body through many daily choices that we don't even think about. We are taught to believe that Illness is “caught in the air” and is genetic bad luck. Yes these things play a part, but by focusing on them exclusively you leave out the most important piece of the puzzle about why you are sick.

Now I am empowered to make the best decisions for my health. I am no longer a “little me” blindly following (the often harmful) advice of doctors. I am confident to take responsibility for my health instead of just handing over the thinking to the authorities.

“This is honestly the best cleanse program on the market right now, and believe me, I have tried a LOT… pretty much everything under the sun! Diane got something right with this formulation. The first time I tried her cleanse was about 6 months ago. I’m in an urban area and exposed to more toxins than I like to admit.

Before the cleanse I was experiencing a lot of migraines and I would practically get a headache after a sip of wine. My energy levels were lower than they should be, my memory wasn’t as sharp as I like it to be and I would get occasional brain fog. Sometimes my digestion was off and my BMs were irregular.

After the cleanse, not only was I freed from LITERALLY ALL these symptoms, I also lost 10 lbs and KEPT the weight off. Of course I followed Diane’s dietary recommendations while on the cleanse and I feel better when eating the warrior way, although I should stick to the diet even more!

I’m now on my second round of the cleanse 6 months later, although I wish I picked it up again sooner. After 2 days I already feel SO much better. Like the fog has lifted. After trying the shake a few times, I actually enjoyed the flavor more and more and even found myself craving it quite frequently in the 6 months since I finished my first cleanse kit. This product is literally a no brainer.”

Maya Eller

Patricia Clancy

She Overcame Multiple Sclerosis

“For the first time in my life, I truly understand and appreciate my self worth. I am more confident, people are noticing and I overcame my MS symptoms to the point I was able to walk without my wheelchair after 11 years of being dependent on it.

Diane and her program completely changed my life, when everything else failed. My doctors are calling me a ‘miracle' but anyone can do this, and they deserve to!”

With MS, I had many triggers that would cause many different symptoms, all unpleasant. The worst were extreme dizziness/vertigo and the loss of mobility. About 25% of the time, I was using a wheelchair. That doesn’t sound like much, but when it’s you, it is a lot! I spent Some of the Spring and most of the summers in a wheelchair. It’s now July, and I haven’t been in a wheelchair in months!

I get lab work done quarterly because of the MS. They always look “normal”. My results through Diane were significantly different. Without these labs, I’d still have parasites stealing all of my nutrients and leaving me feeling/looking awful. I’d be eating all the wrong foods that were contributing to inflammation, and therefore worsening the MS symptoms. Women can learn so much about their bodies and their needs with the labs!

After working with Diane & the Detox, I wake up after having a very restful night’s sleep. When When I get home from work, I’m not fighting to stay awake. I’m able to spend some time on a hobby, or developing my new cooking skills. Over the weekend, I only do fun things for myself. Before working with Diane, I’d come home exhausted, have bad dreams, and was awake for hours during the night.

I am proof that Autoimmune disease, especially MS, is not a symptom sentence and is an invitation to listen to our body and is not defined by disease.


Assuming all you need to do is ‘eat healthy’ because…

You are NOT what you eat.
You are what you absorb.

Most people think that eating healthier will make them healthier.

And that’s ALL they need to do.

‘Just eat healthier, exercise and rest up’ 🤭

Thanks doc!

But this fix couldn’t be further from the truth IF you’ve got S.H.I.T. going on inside your body. 

That S.H.I.T. limits your ability to experience real radical results, frustrating after all your hard work and efforts to ‘get healthy’

‘Infections’, specifically, parasites …. will literally “eat” the nutrition you’re putting in your body, leaving you with toxic levels of nutrients (ever see Iron or B Vitamins HIGH on blood tests? 

This is why! Your body sequesters (stores) nutrients, as a protective measure, to prevent the parasites from absorbing them, which also means you won’t be able to either. 

‘Toxins’ – Did you know an overload of heavy metals like aluminum, mercury and lead will cause your cells to use them in place of magnesium, calcium, and potassium, preventing these minerals from entering into your cells to make things like ‘hormones’ 

Got Hormone Imbalance? 

This is a HUGE reason why so many do today, which BioIdenticals won’t fix because…

You can’t fix low hormones with more hormones.

A good Detox is a great start, though!

On top of that, biofilms, a defense mechanism used by fungus, bacteria, and parasites will prevent supplements from reaching their intended destination – Your cell.

Because that biofilm is like a slime that lays over the entrance doors where vitamins get absorbed.  

Ear, nose and throat congestion anyone?

90% of the energy you make every day is from your mitochondria, the power houses in your cells.

And if you can’t help your mitochondria, you won’t have the energy to detox…

Or the energy to do LIFE!

You need to replace coffee, adaptogens, and 5-hour energy with stuff that will help you break down biofilms and heavy metals.

Using Cheap or Toxic Cleanse Supplements

There’s a lot of skepticism about supplements – Especially detox supplements – And rightfully so!

Here are the facts:

The kind of “salt” used in restaurants is frequently synthesized from crude oil flake leftovers. The synthetic iodine severely disrupts your thyroid and metabolism.

Synthetic supplements lack trace minerals and polyphenols. Trace minerals like selenium, zinc, chromium, and copper all play vital roles in keeping your blood and immune system healthy. Not to mention all of the hundreds of other biochemical reactions they help with to keep you feeling energized and happy.

Synthetic supplements aren’t easily absorbed or excreted by the body… And the build up can be toxic for your liver! Fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K, need fatty acids to be absorbed properly by the body.

Synthetic vitamin B1 can be made from petroleum which is often full of artificial petroleum byproducts and leftovers… Other supplements don’t disclose dyes, solvents, and emulsifiers.

And despite all of these major issues with synthetic supplements, they can still be labeled as “natural”. That’s why I’ve gone out of my way to vet and partner with only the most pure supplement companies on the planet! (I’ll tell you more about them in a minute.)

Not Using Powerful Binders & Detox Strategies to Carry Toxins Out of the Body

When most people think of cleansing they think of green juices made from celery, kale and lemon…

More advanced people think of cilantro, spirulina, and chlorella…

And while these are all good, they just aren’t powerful enough.

The way these ingredients (called “binders”) pull toxins out of the body is by using their molecular charge. 16

A weak charge means a weak binding capability.

Unfortunately, the charge on cilantro, spirulina, and chlorella are all dismally low.

The fact of the matter is that even if you’re taking them in huge doses, they’re not doing much for you.

Activated charcoal is a good binder, however, it only has a slight negative charge which means it struggles to deal with many of the super strong positively charged toxins like sp1k3 proteins… 

The Warrior Cleanse supplements feature ground-breaking absorption and bioavailability using Carbon Technology that goes far beyond typical nutritional supplements, that don’t “compete” with other products but rather help improve the absorption and bioavailability of other formulas.

These supplements also contain Carbon Technology aka “BioActive Carbons.” These are a new class of binders, drivers, and protectors that help the body heal at the cellular level, which contains extracts of humic and fulvic acid, polysaccharides, and polyelectrolytes that can travel beyond the gut to reach cells, organs, and tissues.

Unlike traditional binders, Carbon Technology has short-, medium- and long-chains that can bind onto a wide spectrum of toxicities for systemic detox, while also adding minerals back (and sparing the ones you already have in your body), and feeding healthy microbes.

No need to take ineffective and mineral depleting Activated Charcoal, parasite blends without binding capabilities, extra Fulvic or Humic acid as stand alone products, because…it's already included in these supplements.

Humic + Fulvic Acid also strips viruses off the cell membrane making these binders extremely effective at addressing ‘Covid’ and ‘Covid like symptoms’ beyond the jab and for those feeling sick around those who have been.

Not Cleansing for Long Enough (OR Finishing a Cleanse, but Going Right Back to the Lifestyle that Necessitated the Cleanse in the First Place…)

You just got back from a weekend of camping. Your car is covered in mud.

So you take it to the car wash, and in just a few minutes, it’s sparkling clean again.

But on the drive back home, you’ve got to drive through another dirty, dusty road…

This is how most people approach detox:

They don’t do it for long enough


They go right back to the lifestyle that made them toxic in the first place!

BOTH are big mistakes that will keep you stuck.

A good detox isn’t a thing you just do one time or once a year…

A good detox is actually a lifestyle. And I’m going to show you how to make these detox routines simple and manageable.

Not Cleansing for Long Enough (OR Finishing a Cleanse, but Going Right Back to the Lifestyle that Necessitated the Cleanse in the First Place…)

If you’ve done a cleanse before you might have done a “colon cleanse” or a “liver flush”…

And, on their own, those are GOOD things.

But you probably didn’t get everything you were looking for out of them – Here’s why.

When you’re cleansing, you really need to work backwards.

When you go on any kind of a cleanse, you stir up toxins in the body…

Kind of like how dirt is kicked up when you step onto the bottom of a lake bed.

If those toxins have nowhere to go, they circulate around the body wreaking havoc all over again before they resettle.

So you need to START with getting the bowels moving…

Second, you need to work on the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder.

Got low thyroid function? 70% of T3 is converted in the liver but if your liver is overloaded… You’re likely going to show poor thyroid health and receive a misdiagnosis of ‘Hashimotos’ Autoimmune disease because of that.

Third, you need to work on lymphatic flow. 

There are over 500 lymph nodes in your body and this fluid comprises 75% of your total body fluid and your FIRST line of defense when you’re exposed to a bug or toxin in your environment.

Lymph is kind of a big deal!

Got cellulite? Low sex drive? Feeling and looking puffy?

This is the stage where you REALLY start to reduce those symptoms!

And the weight just falls off!

Also Glymph (lymph in the brain) is cerebrospinal fluid that recirculates in your brain overnight, washing away the waste products from the day.

If you’re experiencing brain fog, this is the stage where you optimize your sleep and brain recovery so you can go through the whole day happy, sharp, and focused.

BONUS! “Piecemealing” a Cleanse Together

I’ve been fortunate enough to be interviewed on multiple major natural health shows.

On those shows, I talk about some of the different products we use, how they work, and how they might be able to help you.

Naturally, people go out and buy some of those products, and get some of the results…

But I inevitably get an email a few weeks later that looks like this:

“I took _________. Why am I not better yet??”

When you’re doing a full detox, you can’t dip your toe in.

You can’t go half way.

You’ve got to jump all the way into the pool and take care of everything at once.

One supplement isn’t going to fix things. 

You need a complete protocol.

Here’s a few testimonies of warriors who fell victim to these Common Cleanse Fails

Almost 2 years ago, my life consisted of sleep and extreme pain. I would sleep around 22+ hours a day. I was taking high amounts of Oxy and over 10 prescriptions per day. My diet consisted of soda, sweet tea and a frozen dinner (at the most). Even with high amount of pain meds – I was always in extreme pain. Fastforward to today, thanks to Diane, I have my life back, I sleep normal hours, and am able to exercise again. I ditched the wheelchair AND I have gone from 15Rxs to ZERO! Thank you for giving me back my life Di!


Diane has been my crusader and step-by-step tour guide in finding my healthiest and happiest place. Working with her over the past 6 years in nutrition, fitness, and yoga has wholly changed me for the better in both measurable and non-measurable ways. I cannot overestimate my trust in her research and her honest recommendations. Diane will not sell or endorse any product or protocol that hasn’t given every angle of thought to, or would use herself. Even if the answers aren’t easy, she will dig and investigate until she uncovers and learns the root cause of health issues.

Autism Child Behavior Therapist

In 2009 I was 23% body fat. Today, because of Diane, I am 9%. My experience with her extends beyond personal training into yoga and nutrition.. Through her, I have achieved well-rounded health and have learned how important it is to listen to my body, to be balanced, flexible, determined, willing, and a student with open ears. Any time I have a question, Diane is quick to answer. Through her leadership, I have begun a true quest for knowledge of all things health related. She dedicates her life to helping others, and I have really caught her bug!! I can’t recommend her highly enough!


I'm not sure I have met anyone as passionate or excited about health as Diane.  When I contacted her I was well into my journey of health and wellness.  However I really felt like I was only about 75% there.  She was able to identify some things that were missed and helped to line out a protocol to get me moving down the road to recovery again.  She was so down to earth and really wanted to make sure there was a good understanding of what it was we were working towards.  She really wants YOU the client to feel your very best.  I would highly recommend her to anybody who has not had any luck with traditional doctors or if you just feel a little “off”.  She will get you on the road to recovery!

Heather AngleR

I have been feeling more and more miserable every day, my health is deteriorating and my Doctor has not been able to help me.  I found Diane through a friend that she helped tremendously and have found out a wealth of information that is going to assist me in becoming more healthy, have energy, and live longer and stronger.  I am also going to be able to help my family feel better and be healthier.  

Diane is EXTREMELY knowledgeable about what she does and is always striving to obtain further knowledge.

I would definitely recommend her services to anyone who is interested in a healthier lifestyle.  

I had hit rock bottom and feel like Diane saved me from what could have been serious health problems.

Thank you Diane. You Rock.


These people got off the Trendy Treadmill of Diet Dogma, Pharma Poisons, Doctor Diagnosis and Pill Mills to FINALLY achieve the abundant vitality they Deserved!

That’s why I’m proud to introduce the Warrior Cleanse Pro.

It’s a 6 week online course that will show you everything you need to detox your body and your life! You’ll have this tool kit forever to:

I’ve PERFECTED this framework over the past decade and now I’m able to make it available to the entire world.

Here’s a few Video testimonies of warriors who fell victim to these Common Cleanse Fails

Angelique Trabal

Warrior Cleanse Testimony – Mold, Parasites & Heavy Metal Toxicity Transformation

Christy Skouby

Warrior Cleanse Testimony – Overcame Digestion Issues, Heartburn, Fatigue, Weight Gain

Jeff & Tatum Berry

Warrior Cleanse Transformation – AutoImmunity, Brain Fog Improvements & Weight Loss

Here’s What’s Inside:

Module 1 - Colon Cleanse to Optimize Drainage

How to Release 10-20 pounds of Toxic Waste that's Probably Lining Your Colon

The Top 7 "Colon Killing" Foods to Eliminate

An Advanced Hack to Boost Your Body's Natural Ability to Detox

Module 2 - Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

How to Tell if Your Body Is "Trashing" the Food You're Eating before It Has a Chance to Absorb.

The Top Foods to Restore Your Body's Natural Production of Collagen... so You Can Have Better Skin, Hair, Nails, and Joints

How to Find and Eliminate the Single Biggest Toxin Burden on Your Body with a Simple Web Search

Module 3 - Loving your Lymph

If Your Lymph is Stuck, Your Body Can't Use Fat for Energy - Here's How to Get it Moving.

The Biggest LIES About Lymph, Swelling, and Immunity - PLUS! How to Reduce Cellulite

BONUS: A Self-Lymph Massage that You Can Do, At Home, For FREE, to Boost Your Detoxification

Module 4 - Detox Diet

No Diet Dogma here - I’ll teach you the four F.A.S.T. Foods you’ll need to effectively release Heavy Metals, Parasites and their waste! (some 60 times more vitamin rich than the average fruit)

The Myths and Realities of "Alkaline" and "Acid" Foods - AND How to Balance Them According to a Cleanse

88% of the Population Can’t Make Hormones or Manage Blood Sugar Properly. Here’s What You Can Do About it.

Module 5 - Detoxing the Gut & Addressing Parasites

The CRUCIAL steps to Ensure You're Properly Prepared for a Parasite Cleanse

The 14 HIDDEN Sources of Viruses You May Be Exposed to…

Do you like Sushi? It can be LOADED with Parasites... and THIS is the Best Supplement to take with Sushi to Limit Your Risk

How Often to Do Parasite Cleanse - We Deworm our pets, Why not us?

How to Adjust Supplement Dosing for Kids

Module 6 - Heavy Metal Detox + Deeper Parasite Cleansing

The Binders “Cheat Sheet” that Tells You Exactly Which Binders Are Best for Which Toxins (Exclusive New Research) - most are using Level 2 of 10 Binders

The comprehensive approach to Cleansing Parasites that involve not only ‘KILLING in the Name of … Parasites’, but also the other half of the battle, mopping up the mess they release in your body

The Undisclosed Toxins in C Jabs and How to Deal with Them

Module 7 - Reducing Toxins & Healthy Swaps (Blockers & Builders)

Discover the "Alternative Toxins" that Big Companies are Secretly, Legally allowed to exclude from Their Labels (and How to Avoid These)

Learn about the Biggest Cause of Organ Acidosis and How to Help Your Body Regulate pH for Optimized Healing (Not what you think!)

Healthy Swaps for EVERYTHING, no sacrifice included - Save Money and Find More Effective and Safe Products for Your Home, Body, and Life!

Module 8 - Going Deeper with Functional Medicine Diagnostics

How Doctors Unknowingly Misinterpret Your Blood Labs. This leads to More Prescriptions and Surgeries

The Big Difference Between Being “In Range” and Being “Optimal” On Your Lab Work

How to Test for High Priority Toxins and Heavy Metals with Lab Testing So You Can Customize Your Protocol (that blood testing falls short on)

How to Become Your Own Best Doctor AND Help Others, in a world where the ‘Medical Mafia’ system is crumbling.

These 14 Video Lessons - Valued at $1997

You’re Also Going to Get…

(Value: $1503)

Downloadable Lesson ebooks (value: $197)

‘This not That’ Health ‘Builders’ and Blockers’ lists (value: $397)

These ‘Healthy Swaps’ include Personal Care, Beauty, MedSpa, supplements, home solutions, and more! This alone will save you 10+ years of research on how to CLEAN IT ALL UP with the best health hacks in the world!

Healthy Food Swap Checklists & VIDEO (value: $297)

BONUS VIDEOS on Shopping, Systems & Solutions for how to create systems around how to shop, where to shop, TWC approved brands (who make products aligned with our values that actually taste good) + BONUS: Save time doing so!

The Warrior Cleanse RECIPE book (value: $47)

Supplements & Detox Troubleshooting Resources (value: $77)

Resources, Library of Documentaries & ebooks (value: $488)

8 BONUS Video Lessons

(Value: $997)

On EMF Hygiene

Detoxing from the CV Jab

The Truth about Gluten (EXCLUSIVE Interview with Dr. Tom O’Byran)

Advanced Detox Hacks

The Importance of Spine Health to Optimize Detox

How to partner with a Functional Medicine MD so your doctor visits involve Root Cause Research and Effective Remedies

Additional Bonus!

IF you join today… You’ll also get a VERY special limited-time FREE BONUS worth $97…

(Where I hang out too)

  • LIVE Webinars with Diane and the CHI Team
  • Access to all Call Replays
  • Exclusive access to Expert Videos
  • Action Steps from Diane to take control of your health
  • 1-on-1 Support from Diane and the CHI Team
  • Exclusive interviews with an array of special guests
  • The Knowledge and power to be in control of your life
  • Savings on Supplements

And so much more!

But I’m not sure how long I’ll keep this one on the table. 

I don’t want the Mastermind to become too big of a party …

And when I feel like it’s starting to get too crowded… I WILL pull this bonus…mark my words! LOL


End the Modern Medicine Maze & Trendy Treadmill of Superficial Solutions.

Start our proven step by step formula, to let that S.H.*.T go and Uplevel your entire Life for GOOD!

PLUS! DISCOUNTS on all Warrior Cleanse Recommended Solutions!

I’ve gone out of my way to partner with the best of the best in supplement companies.

You can be sure that you’re getting only the top notch stuff. Stuff that isn’t adding to the problem while draining your wallet at the same time.

On top of that, everything is organized in one place for you. Just buy the kit that fits your investment level.

That means no running around to 10 different online retailers to find what you need. Everything is available at the click of a button right here.

You just pay one, flat-rate price and you’ll get a COMPLETE kit. Easy!

But you and I both know that Just buying a bunch of stuff isn’t enough to get you where you want to be…

That’s why I’m also including…

Unlimited half price private 1 on 1 Support Sessions to support you during your Cleanse!

At any point during the course you can schedule a check in session with a Warrior Cleanse Certified coach!

These sessions are NOT available to ANYBODY outside of the Warrior Cleanse.

The reason I’m giving you access to these is so that a Warrior Cleanse practitioner can help you customize the journey and support you along the way. 🙂

Plenty of people buy courses and get overwhelmed with the content or the supplements or resources.

Access to a coach means you can lean on an experienced practitioner to help you dial supplements up or down and get all your detox questions answered!

End the Modern Medicine Maze & Trendy Treadmill of Superficial Solutions.

Start our proven step by step formula, to let that S.H.*.T go and Uplevel your entire Life for GOOD!

Here’s What Celebrities & Doctors Are Saying About the Warrior Cleanse

“Ever since I began working with Diane, I have become much more aware of my eating and exercise habits on a long term basis. No longer do I feel that it is a burden or a phase but more of a permanent way of living. Eating healthy and staying fit on the go is a huge challenge, but Diane got me over that hump.

Marley Williams

“Diane is a part of my wellness team, as her philosophy is on point in seeking to find the underlying cause of disease instead of just treating symptoms. I wish there were more health practitioners like Diane that would actually look within the body as a whole, rather than try and treat 1 part with a pill, potion or lotion!”

Dr. Brandon Haskins

Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine
“Diane is THE BEST! I travel internationally a lot, and she was able to customize an on the go nutrition and detox protocol for me, based on my labs, that led to amazing results – in just the first month alone, I lost 15 pounds, and my energy went through the roof. I think clearer, sleep better and my junk food cravings diminished.”

Mike Roberts

CEO of Sharper Image, FAO Schwartz, 360 Company
“Few people I've met in this profession take health as seriously as this woman. I have worked with Diane over the past 3 years to accomplish things that others may take a lifetime to. If you’re looking for the answers most doctors aren’t able to provide, on your body as a whole, prepare for the transformation of your life!”

Evan Hesse

CEO – Central Ave Pictures & Studio Charlotte

Now It’s Your Turn.

Remember when I shared with you how I tried for YEARS to regain my health after parasitic infections, breast implants, toxic people…

I trained and got TONS of certifications and attended dozens of workshops and mentorships just to scrape all of this disjointed information together…

I had to learn the hard way and figure out which supplements were a waste of time and money…

But most of all, it was the TIME I lost doing it the wrong way – the slow way.

I don’t want you to go through the same pain I did.

That’s why I put this together for you.

And it’s why I’ve redone it many times to make sure it’s as easy as possible for YOU to create maximum results.

The Price?

Listen – You can try other detoxes and you’ll probably get SOME results.

But you’re taking a gamble on whether or not:

They address parasites properly

Address all of the organ systems completely, and in the right order

You will get access to professional grade supplements that will really make a difference

They promote weak binders that won’t get the job done

If they have the support to help your customize

You can try to piece it together yourself…

Spending hundreds of hours researching and doing advanced therapies.

You can even go as far as getting half-a-dozen certifications and spending over $100,000 trying to put your body back together…

Or you can get it all in one place – Which is right here!

That’s why you should join the Warrior Cleanse Pro today.

It’s just $4497 $497 for lifetime access to the course, discounts, and bonuses.


The Warrior Cleanse Course ONLY


The Warrior Cleanse Course is a DIY Educational Series, this option DOES NOT include supplements.

Bundle & Save Course + Supplements



Save $35 when you Bundle the
Warrior Cleanse Course with the
Foundational Five Bundle.

That’s just how valuable this material is.

I know it might FEEL more expensive on the front end…

But it’s a smart move to buy something that’s going to put the power in YOUR hands and last a lifetime.

The average cost of a ‘Gall Bladder removal’ Surgery is over $15,000
IVF therapy is over $20,000 (and less than 26% effective)
Cancer over $100,000

And that’s barely scratching the surface…

End the Modern Medicine Maze & Trendy Treadmill of Superficial Solutions.

Start our proven step by step formula, to let that S.H.*.T go and Uplevel your entire Life for GOOD!

“What’s the Guarantee?”

We’ve had THOUSANDS of people take this course and their entire lives changed because of what they learned…

I’m so confident this program and supplements will work for you, that I offer a 100% guarantee. Here’s the deal, …you just have to have listened to the modules, given the protocol a shot and actually TRIED what I suggested. I’m a woman of my word. If you didn’t see releases and results, first off I would be surprised because you would be the first. Second, if you really want to give up on moving beyond that, into a second round of cleansing (which I teach in the course), and lose the possibility of overcoming the myriad of symptoms I shared on this page for YEARS to come, just send my team and email within 7 days of purchasing the program, and we’ll refund the money you paid for the program! (supplements excluded)

You’ve Got Two Choices…

Right now, you’ve got two choices….

You can keep doing what you’ve always done, and you’ll always get what you’ve always got…

Weight gain, body pain, energy drain, and broken brain.

OR, you can make this relatively tiny investment (compared to what you’ll get in return) and finally live a life free from confusion, symptoms and pain.

See if it will work for you. If it doesn’t – for whatever reason – you get your money back. There’s no risk. You have nothing to lose!

Either way, one year from today, you will surely arrive. The question is, “Where?”

The clock will keep ticking. The days, weeks, months, and years will slip by before you know it.

Having read all of the stories on this page, will you look back, knowing that you gave it your all? That you had the courage to try something new? Something that SO many others have had success with?

Or will life pass you by in a foggy blur of prescriptions and diagnoses?

The choice is yours. The power is yours.

End the Modern Medicine Maze & Trendy Treadmill of Superficial Solutions.

Start our proven step by step formula, to let that S.H.*.T go and Uplevel your entire Life for GOOD!

Thank You, Warrior.

Thank you for loving yourself enough to be here today.

It has truly been an honor to have guided thousands around the world in the quest to unleash their inner warrior and discover a body they never dreamed possible.

I believe that cleansing is fundamental to our health. We all need to flush out the toxins, heal the body and nourish the soul.

I spent decades of my life going from cleanse to cleanse, learning and experimenting with what works and what doesn’t (and unfortunately there’s a lot out there that doesn’t).

Without releasing toxins and supporting our organs, we are not addressing the underlying problems and consequently end up engaging in a vicious cycle of reabsorption and pollution.

No more. The cycle ends here!

I cannot wait to be a part of your journey.

The Warrior Cleanse has allowed me to personally reverse my autoimmune diseases, skin issues, and hormone imbalance.

We all come here for different reasons, but the results are the same: you will not believe how amazing hormonal freedom can feel.

Let's do this!

End the Modern Medicine Maze & Trendy Treadmill of Superficial Solutions.

Start our proven step by step formula, to let that S.H.*.T go and Uplevel your entire Life for GOOD!

Got More Questions?

I've got answers. Write me here.

Frequently Asked Questions

While those are all valid treatments for different things, all in that list are focused on purely antiviral or anti-parasitic activities. What makes the Warrior Cleanse different is that it helps you detox the waste material left behind by those bugs. We also cover various strategies for dealing with heavy metals and other chemicals like glyphosate, parabens, phthalates.
Like I shared above, all of the binders in the previous list are helpful and have their place, but on their own they do not do a complete job ridding your body of toxins. This is because the products in the list above have a weak charge or lack the kind of molecular sieve structure that products we will recommend inside the program have. Adding in the types of binders that we recommend in the program (and most importantly, in the right order!) is key to effective detoxing.
YES! While I applaud the work you’ve already done in detoxing, I’veseen enough cases that I’m confident saying there are toxins your cleanse may have missed. It could be due to not going in the right order, returning to the lifestyle you had before doing the cleanse, or one of the other reasons I listed above. Based on my personal research, my team and I have found specific products and technologies that are rarely being talked about that specifically help with detoxing ingredients from the jab. Lastly, if you only used weak binders, or performed a detox without a provocation, or detoxed for a short period of time, you likely still have some degree of heavy metal toxicity. Despite what various organizations may say, it is my personal opinion that there is NO safe level of heavy metals in the body.
Consult with your doctor before following any advice within the course. That said, we have seen a variety of cases where doctors failed to empower their patients to correctly deal with parasitic infections or heavy metal detoxes. The guidance in this course may help.
The Warrior Cleanse is different from food sensitivity testing because it addresses something entirely different. Food sensitivity testing is about identifying and removing foods that cause an inflammatory reaction in your body. The Warrior Cleanse is about removing toxins like glyphosate, parabens, phthalates, heavy metals, etc. and improving overall body function. These chemicals and toxins hide in your fat, bones, and organs and require an entirely different approach than just removing foods.
Supplements available at your local grocery story are not designed to get all the way into the cell. Oftentimes, they are made from some of the cheapest ingredients if you don’t know what to watch out for. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is frequently made from Aspergillus niger (black mold as are some enzymes. Cyanocobalamin (B12) is toxic to the cells while Methylcobalamin is what we recommend. On top of that, you’re not getting a system when you’re buying from a big box store. If you do receive recommendations from someone at the store, they have nowhere near the level of training that my team and I do, let alone the experience of a practitioner who has helped thousands of people successfully implement detox protocols over the past decade.
Yes. We will present various levels of investment throughout the course regarding supplementation. We have already pre-negotiated discounts with our partners in order to get you connected with clinical-grade supplements for less.
No labs are included with this course, but there is a module at the end of the course that talks about how you can get access to lab testing. During the course, you will also have the option to book a call with a Warrior Cleanse Certified coach where you can ask any questions you have about supplements and labs.
You’ll learn how to cleanse in the right order, to nourish your WHOLE body, plus why we need to make cleansing a part of our everyday life, and HOW to simplify it. Oh and MOST OF ALL, you’ll connect with AMAZING, conscious like minded warriors, just like you. Tribe is priceless and accountability increases your odds of success by 300%

I get this question most, and it's the one that most hesitate to ‘cleanse' because they think it will be torture with deprivation of foods they enjoy, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Every week will be different, but we start plant heavy, low lean & clean meat/fish, nutrient dense healthy fats, THEN we’ll phase in higher macro ratios of fat and meat (or alternate forms of protein if you’re vegetarian/vegan). This is not a macro prejudice cleanse, except for ‘Empty carbs' that we'll avoid and blame on every failure you've ever had in your life LOL

We’ll  target reducing certain foods in your life … and eliminating when you're ready, and then you get to  replace them with healthier versions of yummy things your gut bugs and taste buds will be programmed to crave MORE)?

  1. ADDED SUGAR & Artificial Sweeteners
  2. Lymph Congesting DAIRY (I have amazing healthier versions of this)
  3. PUFA's (Polyunsaturated Unhealthy Fats)
  4. GLUTEN & Inflammatory Grains (esp containing Glyphosate)
  5. GMO's & Processed Foods
  6. Limit (Alcohol & Caffeine) & Replace with Less Toxic alternatives)
  7. Industrial Raised Meats (CAFO cows, Farm raised Fish, etc)

YES, it’s full of antioxidants. Well…sort of. For many, alcohol is a big factor contributing to metabolic and hormone imbalances, causing insulin resistance and hence fat loss resistance and chronic disease. AND I hear you…You have events to go to and stress to curb. For when you DO indulge..I'll teach you how to do so healthily, what to take to protect your liver and prevent a hangover/mindless munching the next day. There ARE healthier alcohol choices, we will plan your lifestyle around structure, limiting and replacing

No but I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend them. What would a cleanse be without them? Your results will be improved by integrating them into your cleansing food plan and routine. My best advice: if you’re going to focus 10 weeks with us on getting the body of your Dreams and cleansing 1 year or maybe 40 years of bad habits, why not go ALL IN? When we talk about waste, it’s about how to get it out of your body. These are NOT just your typical ‘3 day boxed cleanse' products. I will introduce them to you & how to buy in the modules & LIVE calls.

Absolutely. We have a special section on how to do just that. Your TWC coaches are all world travelers, so we love sharing how easy it is to make it work, no matter where in the world you are…literally. I've been ‘on cleanse' with herbs and foods, on trips to Thailand, Bali, Costa Rica, Hawaii, and the US to name a few! Oh and camping…that hike I mentioned above…I took my cleansing herbs with me and packed my own TWC friendly camping foods that I taught 50+ of my friends. Prepare to be an inspiration!

Sure. When it comes to ‘life' I'm not an extremist….I'm a realist and eat out myself 2-3 times per week. This is what I teach. Most restaurants today sell conventional foods full of toxic dairy, gluten, obesogens, pesticides. hormones in commercial meats, artificial colors, ingredients & flavors, GMO's, PUFA's, trans fats, MSG, added sugar, farm-raised seafood, etc.

I'll teach you how to ‘order as healthy as possible' without depriving or isolating yourself, feeling like a crazy customer, while also protecting your body from hidden toxins that cause you pain, disease and weight gain that most restaurants use.

Yes, and you'll learn SO MUCH, this is the best part. Forming a bond and relationship to food increases your odds of long term success. Having a connection to your food sources and farmers, increases the connection with your body, by what you eat and who you support. If you don't have time to make your own food or meal prep, we do have online solutions for you to buy prepared meals for delivery.

When in doubt, talk to your doctor, however simply eating healthier ‘real' foods should not contraindicate your medications…if anything, they'll treat the root cause for why you needed them in the first place. Many warriors have been able to successfully ditch many of their toxic meds, as a result of this cleanse. ANYONE on meds can do this cleanse!

First off, what's your health worth? If you're not your best self in your own temple, your diet and thought life are likely why, both of which we'll dive into during this cleanse.

Second, you'll learn the best places and strategies to shop to save $ and time, so most of your shopping will be at a significant discount.

I HIGHLY recommend trying TWC No Caffeine for 28 days Challenge. We have LOADS of alternative recipes that will likely give you MORE energy, for the ENTIRE day. Notice I didn't say you ‘couldn't', what I did say is ‘I recommend you explore'. There ARE healthier versions of coffee I'll teach you how to enjoy if your body tolerates it ok (I'll help you with that), however 80% of the population is chronically dehydrated, a key cause for many diseases & symptoms today, as well have a highly acidic pH, which further contributes to mineral and hence hormone imbalances. Trust me, I'll give you great options here you'll LOVE.

Disclosure: I drink coffee now, but do so in a way my body tolerates, enjoys and is fueled by with Energizing & Healing Superfoods.

YES PLEASE. Just don’t overdo it and burn out your adrenals because we need those on board to help assist with your cleanse. I’ll explain this more in Week 1, but the short answer is YES.

HINT: I did a 14 mile hike with a 50 pound backpack on my back, down to Havasupai Falls in Grand Canyon when I was on week 3 of mine. Another time I hiked Mt Baldy on Week 5. Only YOU know your body's limitations, and I'm here to help you both learn & stretch beyond them!

This cleanse is designed for both men and women of all ages. All of the Recipes, Lifestyle Modifications, Detox protocols and Health Hacks are practical, gender neutral, kid friendly and extremely tasty. Most often, couples do this Cleanse together and incorporate the kids over time, while they feel more confident and get the hang of it.
Sure! They can eat the foods with you, however I caution against certain Detox kits I recommend to adults. We do have amazing Detox Options I highly recommend for ALL children so please email us so we can help you with those.
Your call but in short: YES. We have had many women do this Cleanse with us while pregnant and have amazing results. It's how many women conceived naturally who I've worked with over the last few years. ANYONE can do this cleanse. That’s what’s awesome. EVEN if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, the herbs and foods we ‘use as medicine' in this cleanse, are very EFFECTIVE, and were reported by our pregnant moms to pave the way for a healthier baby through a healthier YOU! When in doubt, talk to your doctor (however they know very little if anything about nutrition)

There have been a TON of stories of conditions and symptoms lost during TWC like metabolic challenges, insulin resistance, diabetes or pre diabetes, blood sugar imbalances, high blood pressure, obesity & weight loss resistance, asthma, allergies, mood issues, ADD/ADHD, brain fog + memory & focus issues, hormone imbalances (and ‘cycle issues' like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, PMS), adrenal and thyroid diseases, food cravings, birth control toxicity, estrogen dominance, chronic pain, digestive issues, migraines, depression, sleep issues and victories gained on the flip side of losing those.

You may also lose unwanted fat that's been difficult to burn. 15 pounds in a month is common, a couple clothing sizes, and all of the awesome buzz others have said. Your clothes will fit so much better, is word on the street. 😉 We’re pretty confident you’ll be more than stoked you joined us.


We got you. If at ANY time during the Cleanse, you would like to dive deeper, have us review your labs, lifestyle or specific goals and/or challenges, help you customize your cleansing and life journey, we'll offer Breakthrough calls to discuss how we can help.
Most people who come to me are already taking TONS of supplements that are not properly being digested, absorbed, assimilated and excreted by the body. Therefore, my approach is to heal eliminatory organs with a Diet that supports Detox, Fasting & Lifestyle Hacks and then I also recommend a 14 day Liver Cleanse Kit + Cellular Deep Dive Detox Zeolites, both very affordable, flavorful, easy to incorporate and very convenient for busy people on the go.

This 6 week course combines the most effective approaches in Functional medicine, Ayurveda, Herbology, Holistic Healing, and Cellular detox and the deepest level.

Each week builds on the other, focusing on drainage then detox for clarity, nourishing to heal your hormones for energy, repairing your tissues to restore your temple … the GREATEST treat to transform your body from the inside out!

Diane and the team of ‘Detox Doctors’ will share engaged, effective, energizing, do-able steps to walk you through cleansing and caring for every cell of your body, in the proper order, to get you results quickly. This includes targeted recipes (that you’ll actually enjoy), remodeling habits, detox hacks and mindset shifts to release mental/emotional stressors that harm hormones and stall fat loss WITHOUT adding additional stress to your life!

This course is designed to free up time in your life by freeing the toxins that hold you back from all day energy, clarity and an inner beauty you’ll radiate to the world.

All scientifically proven and backed by clinical research and experiential cases.

See the full curriculum here.

Got More Questions Not Answered Here?


1. Foee 5 Environmental Impacts Glyphosate. https://www.foeeurope.org/sites/default/files/press_releases/foee_5_environmental_impacts_glyphosate.pdf
2. Vaccine Clot Mysteries Revealed With New Lab Results – Dr. Jane Ruby & Health Ranger Mike Adams – The Dr. Jane Ruby Show. Drjaneruby.com. Published July 31, 2022. Accessed September 15, 2022. https://drjaneruby.com/vaccine-clot-mysteries-revealed-with-new-lab-results-dr-jane-ruby-health-ranger-mike-adams/
3. Beans C. How “forever chemicals” might impair the immune system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021;118(15). doi:10.1073/pnas.2105018118
4. Ragusa A, Svelato A, Santacroce C, et al. Plasticenta: First evidence of microplastics in human placenta. Environment International. 2021;146:106274. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2020.106274
5. Grau D, Grau N, Gascuel Q, et al. Quantifiable urine glyphosate levels detected in 99% of the French population, with higher values in men, in younger people, and in farmers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022;29(22):32882-32893. doi:10.1007/s11356-021-18110-0
6.Study: Switching to Organic Diet Dramatically Lowers Glyphosate Levels in Adults, Children. Environmental Working Group. Published August 11, 2020. Accessed September 15, 2022. https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/study-switching-organic-diet-dramatically-lowers-glyphosate-levels
7. Caio G, Lungaro L, Segata N, et al. Effect of Gluten-Free Diet on Gut Microbiota Composition in Patients with Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten/Wheat Sensitivity. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1832. doi:10.3390/nu12061832
8. Losurdo G, Principi M, Iannone A, et al. Extra-intestinal manifestations of non-celiac gluten sensitivity: An expanding paradigm. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2018;24(14):1521-1530. doi:10.3748/wjg.v24.i14.1521
9. Smith J. Could Genetically Engineered Foods Explain the Exploding Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac Epidemic? Accessed October 12, 2022. https://www.responsibletechnology.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Do_Genetically_Enginereed_Foods_Promote_Gluten_Sensitivity_11.12.13-v2.pdf
10. Ma X, Nan F, Liang H, et al. Excessive intake of sugar: An accomplice of inflammation. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022;13. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2022.988481
11. Bolte LA, Vich Vila A, Imhann F, et al. Long-term dietary patterns are associated with pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory features of the gut microbiome. Gut. 2021;70(7):1287-1298. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2020-322670
12. Cipro, Levaquin & Avelox Lawsuits | Fluoroquinolone Claims. Drugwatch.com. Published 2015. Accessed October 15, 2022. https://www.drugwatch.com/cipro-levaquin-avelox/lawsuits/
13. Exposures add up – Survey results. Environmental Working Group. Published December 15, 2004. Accessed October 15, 2022. https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2004/12/exposures-add-survey-results
14. Group EF. The Health Dangers of Table Salt. Dr. Group’s Healthy Living Articles. Published September 2010. Accessed October 15, 2022. https://explore.globalhealing.com/dangers-of-salt/
15. Fowlke E. 9 Surprising Differences Of Whole Food Vitamins Vs. Synthetic Vitamins. Sunwarrior. Published October 2, 2019. Accessed October 6, 2022. https://sunwarrior.com/blogs/health-hub/whole-food-vitamins-vs-synthetic-vitamins-the-difference-may-astonish-you
16. Hassanzadeh K, Perez Pena H, Dragotto J, et al. Considerations around the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein with Particular Attention to COVID-19 Brain Infection and Neurological Symptoms. ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2020;11(15):2361-2369. doi:10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00373
17. Young RO. Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene & Parasites in CoV-19 Vaccines. Dr. Robert Young. Published August 20, 2021. Accessed October 19, 2022. https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-graphene-oxide-in-cov-19-vaccines
‌18. Ou L, Song B, Liang H, et al. Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. 2016;13(1). doi:10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y
19. Bekut M, Brkić S, Kladar N, Gavarić N, Božin B. Garlic clove applied as vaginal suppository – A case report. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2018;39:97-100. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2018.05.017
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