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BioRay Heavy Metal & Bad Bugs Detox Herbs
TWC Phase 2



This is Phase 2 of 2 of the Cleansing Herbs I recommend.  Optimally, you’re doing this with us in CHI Hormone Warrior Tribe, but if not, here are the directions to follow along on your own.

Unwanted Organisms: A Metropolitan Epidemic – “In 4 years of stool testing patients for unwanted organisms, 99.9% of them had at least one and as many as five variations of unwanted organisms.”

Diane's Cleanse Kits for the Warrior Cleanse, can be found in ‘Di's Supplement Store‘. Simply, create an account to access the shop, click on ‘Product Catalog' and you'll see TWC Phase 1 and 2 at the top, so you can purchase them.


Here are the unique results you can expect from this POWERFUL kit, only available through practitioners, like Diane, due to the efficacy and strength.

  • RESTORE HEALTHY GUT FUNCTION (Sexy Belly, Repair Leaky Gut, Heal Auto Immune Disease, Skin etc)
  • REMOVE UNWANTED ORGANISMS (Ditch Belly Bloat, Candida type symptoms, Hormone Imbalance, Brain Fog, Low Energy and more)

*NOTE – this kit does NOT include Liver Life and Loving Energy but are encouraged to maintain after Phase 1 into Phase 2 and beyond, which you can purchase in my Online Dispensary on my Shop tab listed HERE.  All you need to do is create an account if you have not yet.  FREE Shipping Over $50.

This Phase 2 is designed to be the second part to Phase 1 of The Warrior Cleanse Herbs.  NOTE:  It is recommended you continue with your max dose of Loving Energy and Liver Life alongside the addition of these 3, which you can purchase in my Online Dispensary on my Shop tab listed HERE.  All you need to do is create an account if you have not yet.  FREE Shipping Over $50.

Restore Healthy Gut Function


Titrate (dose mindfully, paying attention to how you feel after administration) slowly up to max dose per day (or to tolerance), for example…start with minimum dose below according to weight, if no side effects, double the dose in the afternoon. Work your way up to max dose 2 times per day, then if no bad side effects (hopefully at this point you're experiencing good ones), move on to PHASE 6.

NOTE: This process should take 2-3 days (unless you are sensitive to supplements, in which case it may take longer) 

  • Intake Instructions: Take on an empty stomach in water or juice, twice a day.
  • Children and Adults: Start with 13- 52 drops. Increase to 2 droppers (52 drops).
  • Sensitive Individuals: Start with 6 drops. Increase to 2 droppers (52 drops). Improvements are dose related.

CytoFlora® Ingredients: Micronized Cell wall Lysates of: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1.

Other Ingredients: Deionized water and gluten-free grain alcohol (20% by volume). CytoFlora® probiotics are pharmaceutical grade, hypo-allergenic, in a nondairy, maltodextrin base.

Shelf Life: 3 years
Storage: Store in cupboard. No refrigeration necessary.

When the gut is out of balance, patients will not detoxify toxins efficiently. Intestinal dysbiosis down regulates hepatic efflux pump activity and impairs phase I and II detoxification pathway in the liver, increasing oxidative stress.

Supporting the GI tract with CytoFlora®, a probiotic lysate formula, is a fast and efficient way to decrease harmful microbes in the gut and improve healthy immune function while strengthening the gut lining.

Intervention Study Findings

10 neuro-compromised children presented with elevated immune responses against 7 gastrointestinal pathogens as represented by IgA (Immunoglobulin A) indicating gut inflammation, and IgM (Immunoglobulin M) indicating GI permeability/leaky gut. CytoFlora® decreased IgA by 27% overall and IgM by 55% overall in just 35 days. Participants continued to improve during the 14 day washout period as seen in follow-up immunobilan testing.

CytoFlora® is a dietary supplement in which the cell wall of 12 beneficial probiotics have been decimated. This decimation process releases vital substances and nutrients from the cell wall and cytoplasm directly into the lysate solution.

Method of Action

CytoFlora® balances intestinal dysbiosis by pushing unhealthy gut flora out of the gastrointestinal tract and colon; creating an environment for healthy intestinal flora to colonize and thrive. In Japanese studies this pushing action has been termed, “The competitive exclusion effect”. CytoFlora® reestablishes healthy cross-talk between the gut and brain. Most notice benefits within 48 hours.

Restore Cellular Energy

PHASE 6 – NDF Plus

Titrate (dose mindfully, paying attention to how you feel after administration) slowly up to max dose per day (or to tolerance), for example…start with minimum dose below according to weight, if no side effects, double the dose in the afternoon. Work your way up to max dose 2 times per day, then if no bad side effects (hopefully at this point you're experiencing good ones), move on to PHASE 7.

NOTE: This process should not take that long since the dose for this (NDF Plus) will be roughly the same as the NDF dose you took in TWC Phase 1.

When heavy metals are present they disturb how energy travels through the body, creating chaos of the body's internal terrain. In turn, cells are not able absorb or retain nutrients efficiently. Diminishment of the cells energy is similar to a low battery — unable to hold a charge or maintain healthy cellular function. As toxic molecules build up, the body becomes more conductive and metabolic chaos increases. Patients that show signs of a “Low Battery Effect” have assimilation issues, which deplete the cell's ability to respond to other cells and utilize food and supplements appropriately. Toxic metals begin to displace beneficial nutrients such as zinc, calcium, and magnesium.

Intervention Study Findings

In our 6-week detoxification study, “Mitigating Neurodevelopmental Symptoms in Children Through Detoxification”, participants in Group A, the NDF Plus® group experienced more neurological improvements than the other test groups. This group improved their ability to be social by 42% and cognitive awareness by 27%. In real-time EEG case histories we see beta and theta waves come into range in 5-113 minutes after ingestion of NDF Plus®.

Signs of Low Cellular Energy

  • Histamine response to environmental triggers
  • Issues with focusing and concentration
  • Digestion issues
  • Need a nap every day
  • Brain Fog

About the Ingredients

When a “Low Battery Effect” is present supporting several mechanisms at once is extremely beneficial: Removing toxins, supporting the GI, and replenishing cellular energy. With NDF Plus® we are removing toxins with BIORAY's proprietary micronized organic chlorella,  mildly pushing toxins out of the GI tract with a host of 12 probiotic lysates, as well as mildly supporting the liver and kidneys with fermented cordyceps, himmematsutake mushroom, reishi mushroom, and milk thistle. A natural by-product of fermentation is trace amounts of fulvic acids that support healthy cellular function.

While NDF Plus® mobilizes and binds heavy metals and chemicals like it's sister product NDF®, this formula has additional herbs and is appropriate for patients with a compromised constitution, assimilation, or neuro issues, or those wanting a neuro boost.


• 40 lbs and under – 1 dropper (26 drops) twice per day

• 41-75 lbs – 2 droppers (52 drops) twice per day

• Over 75 lbs – 3 droppers (78 drops) twice per day

Intake Instructions:

Adults: 3 – 6 drops in 6 – 8 oz of filtered water twice (2x) a day. Increase intake by 6 drops every other day until intake is 52 drops twice (2x) a day. Stay hydrated with lemon and water. Ensure bowels are moving daily.

Children & Sensitive Individuals: Start with 1 drop per day in 4 – 6 ounces of filtered water or juice once (1x) a day in the morning. Increase by 1 drop every 3 – 4 days, as tolerated. Work up to 26 drops twice (2x) a day.

To avoid harmful side effects of chlorine: Take 3 – 4 drops prior to and/or after swimming.

  • Removes toxic metals including lead, mercury, arsenic, uranium, thallium, cadmium, antimony and aluminum.
  • Removes chemicals and pesticides including Lindane, dioxin, BPA, phthalates and chlorine.
  • Binds to endotoxins and exotoxins.
  • Balances essential nutrients as it contains naturally occurring amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
  • Provides natural occurring fulvic acid, antioxidant and free-radical scavenger, serving to balance cell life.
  • NDF Plus® Ingredients: Micronized Yaeyama Chlorella, Organic Cilantro, PolyFlor™ cell wall lysates of: L. rhamnosus, B. bifidum, L. acidophilus, B. infantis, B. longum, L. thermophilus, L. plantarum, L. salivarius, L. reuteri, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, and L. acidophilus DDS-1, Agaricus Blazei mushroom, Reishi mushroom, Cordyceps mushroom, Horsetail herb and Milk thistle seeds. Other Ingredients: Deionized water and gluten-free grain alcohol (20% by volume). Made with organic ingredients.

Shelf Life: 5 years
Storage: Store in cupboard. No refrigeration necessary.

Remove Unwanted Organisms


Unwanted Organisms: A Metropolitan Epidemic – “In 4 years of stool testing patients for unwanted organisms, 99.9% of them had at least one and as many as five variations of unwanted organisms.” Dr. Timothy Ray, L.Ac. OMD

High stress levels, poor diets, and inadequate chewing are all factors that contribute to increasing the acidic burden within the body. Unwanted organisms thrive in acidic environments. This makes us the perfect hosts. These unwelcome guests then release neurotoxins into our systems that can then cause emotional imbalances, impair mental function, and damage tissue and organs.

Artemisia & Clove™ is a broad spectrum liquid herbal supplement, expertly formulated for removing unwanted organisms and supporting a healthy gastrointestinal tract. This formula is carefully buffered for long-term use with sensitive digestive tracts and simultaneously maintains the full strength of action against unwanted organisms.

Ingredients: Green Black Walnut Hulls (Juglans nigra), Lion’s Mane Fruiting Body (Hericium erinaceus), Red Clover Herb (Trifolium pratense), Wormwood Herb (Artemisia absinthium), American Ginseng Root (Panax quinquefolium), Olive Leaf (Olea europaea), Qing Hao (Artemisia annua), Clove Buds (Caryophyllus aramaticus), Grapefruit Seed Extract, deionized water and gluten free grain alcohol (20% by volume.)

Clinical Use: Results in the table to the right are from Dowell Labs.

Patients were administered a dose of 8 droppers full, twice (2x) per day*. *Diatomaceous earth was added for treatment of ascaris.

Intake: Adults – Take on an empty stomach in water or juice. Start with low dose; increase as tolerated

  • Under 40 lbs: 1 -3 drops, up to 1 dropper (26 drops)
  • 40 – 75 lbs: 3 – 6 drops, up to 2 droppers (52 drops)
  • 76 – 115 lbs: 8 – 12 drops, up to 4 droppers (104 drops)
  • 116 – 150 lbs: 13 drops, up to 6 droppers (156 drops)
  • Over 150 lbs: 13 drops, up to 8 droppers (208 drops).

Titrate (dose mindfully, paying attention to how you feel after administration) slowly up to max dose per day (or to tolerance), for example…start with minimum dose below according to weight, if no side effects, double the dose in the afternoon. Work your way up to max dose 2 times per day, then if no bad side effects (hopefully at this point you're experiencing good ones), continue on this dose until bottle is gone. After this, you are done! 🙂 Ideal to repeat this every 3-6 months, and have your family do it with you, to reduce bugs and limit passing it back and forth between one another!

NOTE: This process should not take that long since you already know your dose, from Phase 1.

As with all herbals, after the first dose wait to see if there is stomach upset. If there is no reaction within one hour, proceed. If there is a mild stomach reaction, take dose with food.

Shelf Life: 2 years
After Opening: 3 months
Storage: Store in cupboard. No refrigeration necessary.


You've successfully completed The Warrior Cleanse & Phase 1/Phase 2 of your Herbs.