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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!

WAIT! Before You Swallow That Pill…


Antibiotics = ANTI LIFE
Probiotics = FOR LIFE


Ok I need to say it.
For perspective.
*Measles have killed 0 people in 10 years – yet we're scared to go to Disneyland without having protected ourselves with the ‘measles shot'
**C Diff, a nasty bacteria…kills 14,000 people per year – this bacteria is spread so widely today because of chronic overuse of antibiotics…But have YOU heard of it?

1) Why isn't anyone talking about C Diff?
2) Where do C. diff infections start?
94% of C. difficile infections occur in people who have recently received medical care (ie – visited a hospital). So….lemmie get this straight. We go to the hospital to get well…and leave SICKER?
3) How can C. difficile infections be prevented?
Through infection control and careful control of antibiotic prescribing practices. About 50% of all antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary, raising the risk for C. difficile infections.

Most doctors way of saying “I'm not sure what you have so let's try this to kill everything off just in case. Including the good stuff…so you're left with no good bacteria to fight off more bad bugs you're exposed to day to day. Oh your immune system? Yeah that will die too, no big deal, we have drugs to fix that too when it dies”. Believe it or not, there is a skill to healing infections when/if you have them. Herbal antibiotics, foods in high doses and most importantly, reducing exposure to bad bugs. The more we get away from the art of reversing disease skillfully vs using chemical warfare to destroy everything, the closer we get to complete chemical dependence and disease.

it's like punching a hole in the wall and covering it up with a painting.
At some point we're going to need to deal with the consequences of our actions.


Poop: The Cure of the Future?

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“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”

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“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”