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Exclusively for warrior women who are ready to RISE UP & thrive

Discover How To Reverse Breast Implant Illness & recover from Hormone Imbalances, Autoimmune Conditions & Symptom Chaos, for good.

In this free masterclass, discover our exact 5-step system that has helped thousands of women break free from Fatigue, Thyroid Disease, Auto-immune conditions, Debilitating PMS, Depression, Acne, Rashes, Joint Pain and more … completely naturally.

In this Free Online Class You'll Discover...

  • The #1 place you must start if you want to resolve your symptoms (and it doesn't matter which diagnosis you've been given – they all start in the same place)
  • Why just removing Breast Implants won't necessarily resolve your symptoms. Plus, the critical pieces you must cover before you start a detox.
  • Why the blood tests your Doctors run are dangerously misleading for assessing hormone health (which is why they keep telling you “your labs look fine, there's nothing wrong”) and what data to gather instead.
  • Why “clean eating”, celery juice, charcoal, cilantro and juice cleanses aren't enough to address chronic hormone, auto-immune, viral or toxicity issues (I'll show you our “ABC” approach).
  • Our exact step-by-step Method to Overcome Breast Implant Illness , by reversing the root cause of what's really causing it, plus radically ignite your life on ALL fronts so you can get your fire back, and RISE.

About your host: Dr. Diane Kazer is a former Pro soccer player turned Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner , Detoxification Expert, Breast Explant Conqueror and Author of Overcoming Breast Implant Illness. She burned out her hormones and toxified her body with breast implants, excessive fitness and dogmatic diets for 10 years, so she could teach you all the things NOT to do!  (and there's a lot – heehee)

She's the creator of the CHI Explant Warrior program and visionary behind helping women with Breast Implant Illness to self-heal from emotional, hormonal and symptom chaos, remember their true power and pursue and CRUSH the life they know they were made for. 

Minus the silicone 🙊

Get the answers you've been searching for, today so you can start feeling better tomorrow!

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