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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!

You walk into a spa and you're greeted with a menu.
Scanning the menu, you see ‘Aztec Clay Facial, designed to cleanse pores, blackheads and acne'.
Realizing the sex appeal of that option, and judging the status of your hormonal chaos expressing itself on your face (thanks a lot hormones), you proclaim aloud “I would like the Clay Facial”.
$80 and 1 hour later, you're out the door, feeling smooth as a baby's bottom on your face.
Doesn't that sound nice?
But what if you could do that once a week for yourself for less than $1 each time?
Well read on sister, because you're in for a treat.
I'm going to teach you a recipe that will do JUST that.

YOU GLOW GIRL – With this 2 ingredient DIY Clay Mask

 The first time I ever tried this, I could feel the tingling from the acidity of the ACV penetrate deep into my pores. It dried quick and I was DONE in 15 minutes. When I removed it, my face was a little flush red and swollen. That’s how effective it is at removing blackheads and toxins. $9 for clay, $4 for ACV and you have 50 facials for less than $15 TOTAL
I'm going to teach you 3 THINGS in this share:
#1 – the recipe for this CLAY MASK
#2 – where to BUY the products
#3 – how to evaluate whether products are REAL or fake on Amazon
Sisters I HIGHLY recommend you consider getting your herbs from a practitioner you know locally or my online store, where most products are similar price to Amazon, free shipping over $50 AND you have a human you can talk to to ask about your order. I've organized my FAV products in the categories, such as Detox, Energy Support, Hangover Relief, Hormone Health, Metabolic Mocha (ingredients), Skin Health, Travel Healthy, and my personal favorite ‘Di's Favorites'.  You can search, shop and play on my Storefront HERE:
Ok onto the RECIPE. Super simple.


 STEP 1 – Dry Brush your skin first.
I buy the 3 brush kit so I can have one in my shower, another next to my sink and a third in my travel bag.
Because who DOESN'T want to have Sexy Skin all day, all around the world, everywhere we go?  🙂
STEP 2 – Then gather your 2 ingredients:
  • ACV (with the mother that you should be drinking every day anyway)
  • Clay Powder
Mix together until you have a paste. Leave on for 15 minutes.  Wash off, Pat dry, then apply your favorite moisturizer and FAV low chemical make up brand!

For further clarification, watch this HOW TO VIDEO I made here.


 You can either go to my wellness store online and grab the Moroccan Red Clay Powder in the Skin Health section OR Here's this link for best deal I found on Amazon: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing, 1 Pound 
I like to have both for different purposes.
Hint: I like the Red Clay because we're doing to be doing some ‘DIY make your own loose foundation powder' so you may consider getting yourself some. While you're at it, add any ‘Sexy Skin from the inside out' herbs such as BioRay Liver Life, Loving Energy or Lady Passion, as well as Vit E, Hyaluronic acid and Collagen.   My FAV Skin product which also helps repair and regenerate not only skin but joint connective tissues too, reducing pain and improving flexibility (hello HOT yogi with glowing skin) is Reserveage which is listed in my ‘Skin Health' section of my store.   Here's what people are saying about this blend:

Love this product

My knees don't hurt anymore and my skin is softer! i feel my dark spot looks lighter and skin texture is more supple

This combination of taking this supplement internally and good quality skin care products externally has made a huge difference in the appearance of my skin rather quickly (within a month)

+ $3-4 for ACV with the Mother = $12 for more facials than I’ve ever had in my lifetime.  AWESOME!


If you DO purchase products on Amazon, use THIS LINK to determine if it's real or not based on ‘fake review' analysis.  This company scopes out products that have ‘fake reviews' to gain higher ratings, to score higher.
As I mentioned before, due to this reason, among others, I recommend you consider purchasing from a reliable supplement source online, especially being many probiotics, herbs and other supplements require refrigeration in transit, which many Amazon warehouses/brands miss, hence your product is dead on arrival, essentially killing the majority of its nutrients and hence a large portion of your invested hard earned dollar.
Well that concludes this recipe.
Stay tuned for more blogs on DIY face scrub recipes, toners, loose powder foundation and so much more.
In the meantime, never forget that SEXY SKIN is Skin Deep and starts with Self Love.
Achieve both and more with our world-renowned CHI Hormone Warrior 8-week transformative program. If this is speaking to you, sister. If this is tugging at your heart – DON'T WAIT! DON'T IGNORE YOUR HEART! Schedule your free breakthrough call with me today so we can setup a strategy for your dream life.
CLEANSE your body
HEAL your hormones
IGNITE your life

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“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”

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“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”