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Want to be an expert health leader for you, your family (and your clients)?

Master The PROVEN Framework That Beats Even the Scariest Health Challenges…

…without pills, surgeries or dealing with doctors who can’t (or won’t) help.

And even use it to ignite your health practice so you can live your dream life doing work that makes a difference.

“Diane is a part of my wellness team, as her philosophy is on point in seeking to find the underlying cause of disease instead of just treating symptoms. I wish there were more health practitioners like Diane that would actually look within the body as a whole, rather than try and treat 1 part with a pill, potion or lotion!”

Dr. Brandon Haskins

Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine

What do 95% of health coaches and Western medicine doctors have in common?

Their clients or patients keep coming back.

Doctors don’t want to cure people. There’s no incentive for that.

Because it makes them way more money leading you on, thinking there’s a cure at the end of the road…

When all you’re really doing is funding their vacation cocktails.

At the expense of not just your bank account…but your health.

Because let’s face it… hospitals have become kill zones.

Prescribing toxic meds…

Filling jab quotas despite side effects…

Pushing life-ruining surgeries that aren’t even needed.

The list goes on.

If you want a surefire way to NEVER rely on a symptom chasing Medical Professional again because you’ll have the tools you need to protect and secure your health…

Then this could be the most important thing you’ll ever read.

Because you’ll never have to deal with ‘the system’ again.

No more crawling out of hospitals worse off than you came in…

No more crushing medical bills or waiting on dangerous prescriptions…

No more putting your life in the hands of ‘experts’ who don’t care or know how to help.

And…no more “trusting the Science” (🤢) and surrendering your body to the dogma out there because you have no other choice.

What’s even better is…

Everyone you know and love can have the same freedom and control too.

How do I know?

Because I’ve been there.

From hormone imbalance to autoimmune disease to gut issues and more, I went through my own personal hell.

And this might be hard to believe…

But I was able to heal and reverse all of them naturally…by myself.

I became my own doctor.

And helped over 10,000+ people do the same…


I heard Diane talk on a podcast with Charlie Ward and it felt like I had finally found the missing piece of the puzzle. I felt so excited to get started. 

I had tried all kinds of vitamins, hormone supplements, probiotics, and I had taken all gluten and dairy out of my diet. Things would work for a while and then stop. Nothing every improved my exhaustion. 

Before I started working to become a CHI Holistic Health Coach, I was functioning only about 50%, I was sleeping in all my spare time.  Now, I am up to about 85-90% with so much energy and ready to learn more, live my life and help my family. 

Now that I’m well on my way to being fully healed,  I am helping my kids and husband with their health and am able to focus on my youngest son, and getting his stomach pain healed as well as getting my two seniors off to college. 

There is so much I have learned, I don't even know where to start. I am still digging into all those protocols and seeing what I didn't hear the first time and applying it to my daily life. 

I realized that what blocked me from healing was lack of knowledge of how our body works. The group calls were so great and had so much information, the longer I would go the more I would understand and learn.  

I recommend CHI to everyone I talk to about health because everyone deserves this gift of upgrading their lives.

Leah Wheeler

Dr Taj Haynes

Diane Kazer is a remarkable thought leader who possesses a rare blend of curiosity and skepticism among health professionals. Her tireless pursuit of knowledge has resulted in a wealth of valuable insights, which she shares generously with others.

As a practicing dentist, I have personally benefited from her guidance, which has not only benefited me but also my patients and clients. The information I gained has helped me to better serve them, and I am grateful for it.

If you're feeling unwell or frustrated with your doctor or the medical system, I strongly recommend that you work with Diane. However, you must be serious, committed, and take full responsibility for your health. If you do, you will benefit from the knowledge and skills Diane possesses, which can help you (and others you support) heal. Without hesitation, I highly recommend Diane Kazer and the CHI Institute.


I used to think most alternative practitioners were doing the same work…

But I was wrong.

Turns out, these ‘band-aid’ coaches only manage symptoms so they can keep taking their clients' cash…

I also found out something about the online schools, which 90% of them come from, that’ll probably shock you. 😳

Bottom Line Is...

Whether it’s you, your loved ones or your clients…

Solving health problems can be like running on a hamster wheel.

And even if you can afford the extortionate cost of healthcare or alternative practitioners…it just doesn’t work.

❌ Doctors say your labs are normal even though you can feel something is wrong

❌ It’s hard to know if supplements and lifestyle changes are having any real impact 

❌ Pharmaceuticals numb the problem and 99.9% of the time make things so much worse! 

Plus –  most of the pills we rely on these days come from China. 

And with limited supply…

It's getting harder to find those “medications”.

But You Can Take Back Control and Be Your Own Best Doctor…

If we don’t take matters into our own hands…

And continue to rely on this broken model of medicine…we’re in big trouble. 

Think about it… 

Nearly HALF the population is suffering from at least one chronic disease…

And that number is projected to more than double by 2050.

As a doctor myself who is deep in the medical community and worked alongside dozens of top MDs and health practitioners all over the world for more than  a decade…

I can tell you that they’re all saying the same thing…

We need more health coaches who can prevent and treat the root causes of disease. 

Like Reed Davis, a leading voice in alternative medicine and functional health who I’ve personally trained under.

“We need 50,000 – 75,000 new health coaches in the next few years.”

–Reed Davis, Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and Certified Nutritional Therapist (CNT)

Most Online ‘Health Coach’ Courses Don’t Cut It…

As a truth-seeker looking to learn as much as I could about how to heal the body naturally…

I was interested to continue my professional development under the major online schools.

So I was disappointed when I found that over 90% were nothing more than clueless followers of dogma.

They only taught surface-level lifestyle advice like ‘eat better’ and ‘exercise more’…stuff you can google for free.

But what really SHOCKED me was that they’re under the spell of the most harmful medical paradigms that CONTRIBUTE to sickness…. like 💉🤕…

And even the 10% that are legit…are still missing pieces of the puzzle.

There’s Only One Way to Fix the S.H.I.T. Inside Your Body

Most holistic practitioners and doctors think short-term cleanses, lifestyle changes and supplements are the solution – even after looking at your labs.

And while these play a role and can be helpful… the truth is it goes much deeper…

You Need To Look For the Fire, Not The Smoke

Professionals will treat you based on what they find in your labs.

Got low Vitamin D? Here’s a supplement.

Hormones plummeting? Have some replacement therapy.

This approach is like being in a helicopter finding the smoke in the sky, but ignoring the fire that’s raging on ground zero.

Your internal body is that ground zero – the terrain that’s been shaped and scarred by all the stress, trauma and “information” it’s been receiving over your lifetime…

This means the root of your symptoms have likely been developing for years beforehand

If you don’t address the underlying root cause that’s intelligently creating ALL of your symptoms as a smart, adaptive response to try and keep you alive…

You’ll forever be chasing symptoms instead of returning to the full & vibrant health that you were designed to experience.

So what IS the “root cause” that’s sparking fires all over your ‘terrain’ you might ask?

Well, just like a tree, it's never ONE root, there are many.

At the core, all symptoms in the body originate from the same source

Until now, nobody has put these pieces together…

That’s why you’ve probably been bouncing from expert to expert to trying to fix these one at a time.

One might specialize in Environmental toxins…

Another in hormone treatment…and so on…

But until you understand how to treat these connected problems in unison…

You’ll continue to be stuck in a game of whack-a-mole.

One symptom goes away…another emerges.

Think of it like this (I like fire analogies)…

Your body is like a burning building, and the Arsonists setting the fires are the ROOT CAUSES: Stress, Hormones, Infections, and Toxins.

Treating (putting out) only one fire at a time won't work….

Because if you do…

The other fires will continue to spread…

And all your hard work will go to waste.

So the only way to put these out for good is to tackle the S.H.I.T at the same time!

It’s Why I Founded

The CHI Holistic Health Ministry

We go miles further than 99.9% of other online schools with a completely holistic and intuitive approach that simultaneously deals with the root causes of illnesses.

And as the only Ministry that dares to challenge the mainstream…

We’ve attracted and worked with countless health practitioners, including doctors and nurses…

Seasoned professionals who could no longer reconcile with the state of healthcare and felt their training was incomplete…

…and who wanted to level up so they could make a real difference.

They quickly learnt through our unique approach that no disease is too difficult to overcome…

Even the scariest ones.

Meet Lisa Mills…She Overcame Arthritis, 30+ symptoms & MAJOR Fatigue with this Formula (and Became a Health Coach)

Lisa struggled with chronic health problems for 10 years and sought out natural remedies and holistic healing after doctors couldn't find anything wrong with her. She found the CHI Holistic Health Institute through a podcast on Dr Charlie Ward show, joined as a client, and eventually became a coach to help others find the root cause of their symptoms and detox their way back to a thriving life.

With debilitating chronic fatigue, she underwent several expensive medical tests, totaling over $10,000…. but Western medicine couldn't find anything wrong. She eventually dropped her medical insurance and started taking care of herself, including doing parasite cleanses, which helped improve her health significantly.


Lisa Mills

Certified CHI Holistic Health Coach & Detox Expert

We’ve had such profound effects on clients that some even ditched their careers to become CHI-certified health coaches...

And I know this all might sound too good to be true…

But those who know my story or have gone through any of my programs understand just how real this is and why it’s gotten me to where I am today…

From Deathbed to DETOX PRO

I’ve made it my mission to empower you to take back control of your health

Maybe you already know me…but if you don’t… here’s a quick bio 🤓 👇

Diane Kazer, Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy, FDN, CDS, HHC, RYT, CPT

A pro soccer player turned Traditional Naturopath, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Certified Detox Expert, Courage Coach and Non Toxic Beauty Educator, Diane has been through many life-threatening health struggles and with empathy and fierce leadership, is your go-to girl to help you help yourself break through anything, no matter what you've tried or what you've been told.

An intuitive healer, she is the author of ‘Killer Breasts, A Step by Step Guide to Overcoming Breast Implant Illness', producer of the Non Toxic Beauty Summit, 11 part Dying to Be Beautiful Ickonic Media Docu-Series and creator of Cleanse, Heal, Ignite – a program which helps you to use the power of intuition to discover your inner healer, by providing you with life-long tools detox and overcome auto-immune disease, breast implant illness, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, gut infections, emotional trauma and perfectionism.

Her mission is to help you CLEANSE your temple, HEAL the root cause of disease & IGNITE your Sovereignty by reconnecting with God, Nature & your INNER Warrior Badass!

My Fancy Credentials 😜

Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy (New Eden)

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Certified Holistic Health & Emotional Freedom Coach

Certified Detox & Toxins Expert

EMF ElectroSmog Coach

NASM Personal Trainer

CYT Certified Yoga Teacher

Advanced Reiki Practitioner

Gut & Infectious Disease Certified Practitioner

Estrogen Metabolism, Blood Chemistry Analysis and EpiGENEtics Specialist


I’m not telling you all this to brag… I’m telling you because I want you to have this gift too.

You can take my method into the world and make it your own.

Whether that means healing yourself, and those you love and never being a victim again…

Or transforming your own practice so you can not just make more money…but actually make a DIFFERENCE…

You can become the kind of health coach our world desperately needs.

You can take my method into the world and make it your own.

Whether that means healing yourself, and those you love and never being a victim again…

Or transforming your own practice so you can not just make more money…but actually make a DIFFERENCE…

You can become the kind of health coach our world desperately needs.

…without giving years of your life and tens (or hundreds) of thousands of dollars on training, certifications, licences and degrees.

…or falling down rabbit holes and getting lost in endless blogs, youtube videos and studies trying to figure it out on your own.

Cause I did all that for you.

And put my blood, sweat and tears into…

*drum roll please*



Become a certified coach for you, your family (and your clients) with a one-of-a-kind framework that conquers diseases and symptoms from every angle…in just 6 months.

A snapshot of what you’ll get…

✅ ​​Root Cause Approach
Dive deep to address the four root causes of health issues: Stress, Hormone Imbalance, Infections, and Toxicity as one. Learn to address everything from environmental toxins to the oral infections that drive 75% of chronic diseases, and so much more. 

Comprehensive Detox Education 
Learn to identify and eliminate the top toxins causing the most damage to our bodies, including everything from modern threats such as Hydrogel, to forever chemicals, microplastics, Xenoestrogens, heavy metals, mold and countless others.

Pathogen Problems and Protocols
A deep dive into the world of pathogens – Parasites, Candida, Bacterial infections, Viruses, and more. Learn how to identify these hidden threats and the protocols to eliminate them for a pathogen-free body

✅Objective Education of Western Medicine 
Learn the truth behind ‘Western Medicine’ arsonists setting flames of inflammation in the body.

Business Support:
Practical advice on how to structure your business for financial success and longevity. Learn everything from Common Law, to leveraging affiliates and partnerships, launching your website, setting up a client management system, and so much more.

Mindset Training 
Learn how to identify broken belief systems and how to help others alter behavior through mindset. This is half the battle of healing, and we'll arm you with the strategies to win it.

Lifestyle Transformation
The CHI holistic method isn't just a one-time fix. It's a full lifestyle transformation. We teach you how to make detox routines a regular part of life, so you can maintain health gains forever.

Community Support
Join a community of warriors who, like you, are committed to transforming clients’ lives. Share your journey, learn from others, and find support and encouragement every step of the way.

CHH V.S. Other Courses

CHI Holistic Health Certification

✅Created & Taught by a Traditional Naturopath and Certified Detox Expert

✅Holistic Root-Cause Education, including toxins, pathogens, mould, and oral infections

✅Credentials recognized by top supplement and lab companies so you can open accounts available only to doctors 

✅Challenges Western Medicine Paradigms (how to detox from vaccines, surgery and more) 

✅In-depth Mindset Training 

✅Strategic and comprehensive lifestyle strategies 

✅‘Done For You’ Health Handouts – White Labelled Handouts you can brand 

✅Full Business Support 

✅Affiliate Program 

Other Online Courses & Certifications

❌Created by ‘Health Coaches’ and ‘Fitness Experts’ or gurus with no formal education 

❌May cover lifestyle & detox basics but lack depth or holistic protocols.

❌Credentials not recognized by labs or supplement companies  – no account access

❌Mostly adhere to status quo without question 

❌May cover basic mindset training, but not in-depth 

❌Usually give surface level advice around nutrition and exercise

❌Typically don’t provide ready-to-use handouts for your practice 

❌Mostly leave you to ‘go it alone’ 

❌No affiliate program option 

How Does it Work?

1. Learn at your own pace & go through the protocol yourself 

Enjoy a fully immersive learning experience as you go through your own healing journey – learn to walk the walk so you can confidently create protocols guaranteed to get results for anyone.

2. Take the Final Quiz 

Enjoy a fully immersive learning experience as you apply everything you learn to yourself so you can walk the walk.  

3. Graduate & start healing!

Gain your certification, open your lab and supplement accounts. Use the CHI courses for your client's ‘Roadmap to Healing’ and have everything you need to start making an impact.

Take a Look Inside …

($1997 Value) 

The CHH Certification is a 6-month program where you’ll learn through first-hand experience by applying each module to yourself as you go through your own healing journey. 

Core Curriculum (25 hours)

Module 1 - Colon Cleanse to Optimize Drainage

How to Release 10-20 pounds of Toxic Waste that's Probably Lining Your Colon

The Top 7 "Colon Killing" Foods to Eliminate

An Advanced Hack to Boost Your Body's Natural Ability to Detox

Module 2 - Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse

How to Tell if Your Body Is "Trashing" the Food You're Eating before It Has a Chance to Absorb.

The Top Foods to Restore Your Body's Natural Production of Collagen... so You Can Have Better Skin, Hair, Nails, and Joints

How to Find and Eliminate the Single Biggest Toxin Burden on Your Body with a Simple Web Search

Module 3 - Loving your Lymph

If Your Lymph is Stuck, Your Body Can't Use Fat for Energy - Here's How to Get it Moving.

The Biggest LIES About Lymph, Swelling, and Immunity - PLUS! How to Reduce Cellulite

BONUS: A Self-Lymph Massage that You Can Do, At Home, For FREE, to Boost Your Detoxification

Module 4 - Detox Diet

No Diet Dogma here - I’ll teach you the four F.A.S.T. Foods you’ll need to effectively release Heavy Metals, Parasites and their waste! (some 60 times more vitamin rich than the average fruit)

The Myths and Realities of "Alkaline" and "Acid" Foods - AND How to Balance Them According to a Cleanse

88% of the Population Can’t Make Hormones or Manage Blood Sugar Properly. Here’s What You Can Do About it.

Module 5 - Detoxing the Gut & Addressing Parasites

The CRUCIAL steps to Ensure You're Properly Prepared for a Parasite Cleanse

The 14 HIDDEN Sources of Viruses You May Be Exposed to…

Do you like Sushi? It can be LOADED with Parasites... and THIS is the Best Supplement to take with Sushi to Limit Your Risk

How Often to Do Parasite Cleanse - We Deworm our pets, Why not us?

How to Adjust Supplement Dosing for Kids

Module 6 - Heavy Metal Detox + Deeper Parasite Cleansing

The Binders “Cheat Sheet” that Tells You Exactly Which Binders Are Best for Which Toxins (Exclusive New Research) - most are using Level 2 of 10 Binders

The comprehensive approach to Cleansing Parasites that involve not only ‘KILLING in the Name of … Parasites’, but also the other half of the battle, mopping up the mess they release in your body

The Undisclosed Toxins in C Jabs and How to Deal with Them

Module 7 - Reducing Toxins & Healthy Swaps (Blockers & Builders)

Discover the "Alternative Toxins" that Big Companies are Secretly, Legally allowed to exclude from Their Labels (and How to Avoid These)

Learn about the Biggest Cause of Organ Acidosis and How to Help Your Body Regulate pH for Optimized Healing (Not what you think!)

Healthy Swaps for EVERYTHING, no sacrifice included - Save Money and Find More Effective and Safe Products for Your Home, Body, and Life!

Module 8 - Going Deeper with Functional Medicine Diagnostics

How Doctors Unknowingly Misinterpret Your Blood Labs. This leads to More Prescriptions and Surgeries

The Big Difference Between Being “In Range” and Being “Optimal” On Your Lab Work

How to Test for High Priority Toxins and Heavy Metals with Lab Testing So You Can Customize Your Protocol (that blood testing falls short on)

How to Become Your Own Best Doctor AND Help Others, in a world where the ‘Medical Mafia’ system is crumbling.

PLUS - How to Ignite your Health Practice & Earn a (very generous) Living Helping Others

Learn Business strategies: How to make money, build wealth, protect your practice, attract clients and leverage affiliate and health professional partnerships.

Understand common law: learn to operate with freedom as a health coach and get around strict regulations imposed by big organizations so you can get the best results for clients – without landing in hot water.

After This Course, You’ll…

✅ Be a go-to root-cause medicine expert 

✅ Stand head and shoulders above 95% of coaches (and Western doctors!)

✅ Feel 110% confident in managing anyone’s health 

✅ NEVER AGAIN deal with doctors,  pills or hospital bills 

✅ Have the tools to help your family and friends reclaim their health 

✅ Get a shiny CHI Institute certificate 

✅ Have everything you need to launch or level up your health practice 

You’ll also get access to use my other programs…

Whatever health challenge you or your clients face, you’ll be able to use ANY of my programs as a roadmap to overcome it.

These are easy to understand and do all the heavy lifting for you so you can run with them like an expert.

  • The Warrior Cleanse Pro
  • The Parasite Cleanse Full Moon Challenge

We’ll Even Help You Make a Bunch of Money as an Exclusive Affiliate!

As a CHI Health Coach, you’ll be able to sell our programs to friends or clients who might benefit and keep half the sale! Cash you can reinvest in further education (or a shopping spree 😜)

Get Access to Labs & Supplement Companies Normally Only Available to Doctors…

Post-Certification, I’ll grant you exclusive authorization to open accounts for… 

✅ CELLCORE Bioscience Supplements –  Get the cleanest nutraceuticals so you can treat clients with 100% safe & clinically proven supplements that tackle root causes
✅ Vibrant America Labs – Get personal, high-quality testing for you and your clients with one of the leading labs accredited in all states (even NY!)

As well as all these FREE Bonuses:

6 White Label Handouts  – Be prepared and professional with supporting handouts, checklists and forms that are crucial for any real-world practice (or use them for yourself!)  ($1497)

  • Toxic Lifestyle Factors list 
  • Healing Factors List 
  • Symptoms Assessment form
  • Health History Questionnaire 
  • ‘Dream Body’ Daily Intake Journal 
  • Lifestyle Checklist

And In addition to everything above…

Get 300+ pages of ebooks personally written by me.

(Value: $1503)

Downloadable Lesson ebooks (value: $197)

‘This not That’ Health ‘Builders’ and Blockers’ lists (value: $397)

These ‘Healthy Swaps’ include Personal Care, Beauty, MedSpa, supplements, home solutions, and more! This alone will save you 10+ years of research on how to CLEAN IT ALL UP with the best health hacks in the world!

Healthy Food Swap Checklists & VIDEO (value: $297)

BONUS VIDEOS on Shopping, Systems & Solutions for how to create systems around how to shop, where to shop, TWC approved brands (who make products aligned with our values that actually taste good) + BONUS: Save time doing so!

The Warrior Cleanse RECIPE book (value: $47)

Supplements & Detox Troubleshooting Resources (value: $77)

Resources, Library of Documentaries & ebooks (value: $488)

8 BONUS Video Lessons

(Value: $997)

On EMF Hygiene

Detoxing from the CV Jab

The Truth about Gluten (EXCLUSIVE Interview with Dr. Tom O’Byran)

Advanced Detox Hacks

The Importance of Spine Health to Optimize Detox

How to partner with a Functional Medicine MD so your doctor visits involve Root Cause Research and Effective Remedies

Listen Up!

IF you join today… You’ll also get a VERY special limited-time FREE BONUS worth $97…

(Where I hang out too)

  • LIVE Webinars with Diane and the CHI Team
  • Access to all Call Replays
  • Exclusive access to Expert Videos
  • Action Steps from Diane to take control of your health
  • 1-on-1 Support from Diane and the CHI Team
  • Exclusive interviews with an array of special guests
  • The Knowledge and power to be in control of your life
  • Savings on Supplements

And so much more!

But I’m not sure how long I’ll keep this one on the table. 

I don’t want the Mastermind to become too big of a party …

And when I feel like it’s starting to get too crowded… I WILL pull this bonus…mark my words! LOL

I’ve been working with Diane Kazer, who in my opinion is one of the most knowledgeable people on parasitic infections, how to spot them, what they do and how to get rid of them. So everything that I have been going through on my journey is as a result of working with her and her team, using the product, doing the program absolutely to a T, and I’m really very happy with where I’m at now. 

I have been sick with “something” for about 15 years. I knew all about parasites academically and I knew about parasite cleanses and I went on them but I was sort of denying them though, thinking, well, I’ll just get this over with and then I’ll move on. But it doesn’t work like that. Ask Diane, she’ll tell you, it just doesn’t work like that.  

Here is the video footage I created to share with you revealing the microbes in my body that I was able to start to clear out

Valerie Robitaille

PHD – Holistic Health Online

100% Money-Back Guarantee.

While I’m confident you’ll be convinced by the end of module 1, I’m a woman of my word. If you’re not completely sold on the course. You’ll get a full refund. 

Just send my team an email within the first 7 days of purchasing the program where you’ll first get a taster with module 1 (others unlock after!), and we’ll refund the money you paid for the program!

The CHI Holistic Health Certification Program Includes…

✅ LIFETIME Access to 8 in-depth Training Modules ($1997 Value)

✅ 10+ Business coaching modules ($1,697 Value) 

✅ 6 White label handouts  ($1497 Value)  

✅ 7 Bonus Ebooks ($1503 Value) 

✅ 8 Bonus Videos ($997 Value)  

✅ 1 FREE Week inside the WFL VIP Mastermind ($97 value)


A $500 Coupon for my 1 to 1 program!

Continue Your Professional Development for Less.

All CHH Graduates have the opportunity to continue mentorship under myself and the CHI Holistic Health Ministry for personal and medical support of clients.



Yours FREE With the CHI Holistic Health Certification Program

The Real Value of This Program is $250,000+

I’ve given 10+ years of my life and spent more than $250,000 learning everything I’ve put into this program.  

And that doesn’t even include countless dollars that went into setting up the institute, perfecting the system and building enough credibility that I could offer it as a course. 

As a result, my team and I have been able to design, refine and streamline hundreds of thousands of dollars and over a decade’s worth of scientific wellness wisdom into this proven curriculum…

So that you can get everything you do what I’m doing and more at a waaaaaay lower price. 

You won’t pay $15,000, $10,000, $5000 or even $4000…

All you'll pay for lifetime access to this step-by-step online program is $1997

All you'll pay for lifetime access to this step-by-step online program is $1997

Or just $727 today, then 2 more monthly payments of $727 – if you go with our easy 3-pay option. 

That’s a majorly-reduced price… 

PLUS instant access to $8,482 worth in free bonuses when you join now – which won’t be around forever. 

If you really think about it…

This one-time investment costs pennies compared to what you’ll keep paying for appointments, prescriptions and supplements trying to figure out your problems… 

Or worse – dealing with sleepless nights stressing over treatments and surgeries you (or your loved ones) can’t afford. 

Plus –  you can easily make it back with your first few clients if that’s what you want to do. 

And I’ll be honest, it took a SH*T ton of work to create this. So I could charge A LOT more. 

Last year, the rate to enrol was over $10,000!

But it’s my mission to empower you, your family (and even clients) with the truth about health… 

As well as give you the chance to ignite your own health coaching business so you can CRUSH it and live your dream life.

And encourage as many people to become health leaders so we can break free from the model of Western medicine that keeps us sick, miserable and financially crippled. 

Here’s Everything You’re Getting Today

($8,482 Value)

✅ LIFETIME Access to 8 in-depth Training Modules ($1997 Value)

✅ Business coaching modules ($1,697 Value) 

✅ 6 White label handouts  ($1497 Value)  

✅ 7 Bonus Ebooks ($1503 Value) 

✅ 8 Bonus Videos ($997 Value)  

✅ 1 FREE Week inside the WFL VIP Mastermind ($97 value) 

✅ 1 Discount Coupon for mentorship with me & the CHI team ($500)

No More Pain, Pills and Hospital bills

Imagine never walking into a hospital again…

Dealing with long waiting lists… 

Or sitting helplessly at home watching your health fall apart because you can’t afford insurance or just don’t know where to turn. 

No more money wasted on supplements or dead-end consultations. 

Instead, you’ll have a complete toolbox at your fingertips that can rescue you  – and anyone else you wish – from the downward spiral of pills and bills.  

And never again bounce from doctor to doctor that gaslights you for daring to suggest they might be wrong.

And never again bounce from doctor to doctor that gaslights you for daring to suggest they might be wrong.

You’ll never second-guess yourself again…

Or fry your brain trying to do your own research. 

You’ll know the body inside out, and exactly what it needs to overcome anything. 

You’ll finally put an end to the nights of tossing and turning worrying about what the hell is wrong with you – or your clients, or family!

No more going in circles thinking you’ve finally solved it – only to have those ugly symptoms creep back in. 

You’ll feel liberated, optimistic and confident as you find yourself back in control.

And fully empowered to guide anyone else to do the same. 

All this and so much more can be yours if you sign up today.




Backed by our 7-day 100% Money-back Guarantee.



Pay just $727 today! Then two more monthly payments of $727.

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Here’s What Celebrities & Doctors Are Saying About CHI Holistic Health

“Ever since I began working with Diane, I have become much more aware of my eating and exercise habits on a long term basis. No longer do I feel that it is a burden or a phase but more of a permanent way of living. Eating healthy and staying fit on the go is a huge challenge, but Diane got me over that hump.

Marley Williams

“Diane is THE BEST! I travel internationally a lot, and she was able to customize an on the go nutrition and detox protocol for me, based on my labs, that led to amazing results – in just the first month alone, I lost 15 pounds, and my energy went through the roof. I think clearer, sleep better and my junk food cravings diminished.”

Mike Roberts

CEO of Sharper Image, FAO Schwartz, 360 Company
“Few people I've met in this profession take health as seriously as this woman. I have worked with Diane over the past 3 years to accomplish things that others may take a lifetime to. If you’re looking for the answers most doctors aren’t able to provide, on your body as a whole, prepare for the transformation of your life!”

Evan Hesse

CEO – Central Ave Pictures & Studio Charlotte

Frequently Asked Questions

While those are all valid treatments for different things, all in that list are focused on purely antiviral or anti-parasitic activities. What makes the Warrior Cleanse different is that it helps you detox the waste material left behind by those bugs. We also cover various strategies for dealing with heavy metals and other chemicals like glyphosate, parabens, phthalates.
Like I shared above, all of the binders in the previous list are helpful and have their place, but on their own they do not do a complete job ridding your body of toxins. This is because the products in the list above have a weak charge or lack the kind of molecular sieve structure that products we will recommend inside the program have. Adding in the types of binders that we recommend in the program (and most importantly, in the right order!) is key to effective detoxing.
YES! While I applaud the work you’ve already done in detoxing, I’veseen enough cases that I’m confident saying there are toxins your cleanse may have missed. It could be due to not going in the right order, returning to the lifestyle you had before doing the cleanse, or one of the other reasons I listed above. Based on my personal research, my team and I have found specific products and technologies that are rarely being talked about that specifically help with detoxing ingredients from the jab. Lastly, if you only used weak binders, or performed a detox without a provocation, or detoxed for a short period of time, you likely still have some degree of heavy metal toxicity. Despite what various organizations may say, it is my personal opinion that there is NO safe level of heavy metals in the body.
Consult with your doctor before following any advice within the course. That said, we have seen a variety of cases where doctors failed to empower their patients to correctly deal with parasitic infections or heavy metal detoxes. The guidance in this course may help.
The Warrior Cleanse is different from food sensitivity testing because it addresses something entirely different. Food sensitivity testing is about identifying and removing foods that cause an inflammatory reaction in your body. The Warrior Cleanse is about removing toxins like glyphosate, parabens, phthalates, heavy metals, etc. and improving overall body function. These chemicals and toxins hide in your fat, bones, and organs and require an entirely different approach than just removing foods.
Supplements available at your local grocery story are not designed to get all the way into the cell. Oftentimes, they are made from some of the cheapest ingredients if you don’t know what to watch out for. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is frequently made from Aspergillus niger (black mold as are some enzymes. Cyanocobalamin (B12) is toxic to the cells while Methylcobalamin is what we recommend. On top of that, you’re not getting a system when you’re buying from a big box store. If you do receive recommendations from someone at the store, they have nowhere near the level of training that my team and I do, let alone the experience of a practitioner who has helped thousands of people successfully implement detox protocols over the past decade.
Yes. We will present various levels of investment throughout the course regarding supplementation. We have already pre-negotiated discounts with our partners in order to get you connected with clinical-grade supplements for less.
No labs are included with this course, but there is a module at the end of the course that talks about how you can get access to lab testing. During the course, you will also have the option to book a call with a Warrior Cleanse Certified coach where you can ask any questions you have about supplements and labs.
You’ll learn how to cleanse in the right order, to nourish your WHOLE body, plus why we need to make cleansing a part of our everyday life, and HOW to simplify it. Oh and MOST OF ALL, you’ll connect with AMAZING, conscious like minded warriors, just like you. Tribe is priceless and accountability increases your odds of success by 300%

I get this question most, and it's the one that most hesitate to ‘cleanse' because they think it will be torture with deprivation of foods they enjoy, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Every week will be different, but we start plant heavy, low lean & clean meat/fish, nutrient dense healthy fats, THEN we’ll phase in higher macro ratios of fat and meat (or alternate forms of protein if you’re vegetarian/vegan). This is not a macro prejudice cleanse, except for ‘Empty carbs' that we'll avoid and blame on every failure you've ever had in your life LOL

We’ll  target reducing certain foods in your life … and eliminating when you're ready, and then you get to  replace them with healthier versions of yummy things your gut bugs and taste buds will be programmed to crave MORE)?

  1. ADDED SUGAR & Artificial Sweeteners
  2. Lymph Congesting DAIRY (I have amazing healthier versions of this)
  3. PUFA's (Polyunsaturated Unhealthy Fats)
  4. GLUTEN & Inflammatory Grains (esp containing Glyphosate)
  5. GMO's & Processed Foods
  6. Limit (Alcohol & Caffeine) & Replace with Less Toxic alternatives)
  7. Industrial Raised Meats (CAFO cows, Farm raised Fish, etc)

YES, it’s full of antioxidants. Well…sort of. For many, alcohol is a big factor contributing to metabolic and hormone imbalances, causing insulin resistance and hence fat loss resistance and chronic disease. AND I hear you…You have events to go to and stress to curb. For when you DO indulge..I'll teach you how to do so healthily, what to take to protect your liver and prevent a hangover/mindless munching the next day. There ARE healthier alcohol choices, we will plan your lifestyle around structure, limiting and replacing

No but I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend them. What would a cleanse be without them? Your results will be improved by integrating them into your cleansing food plan and routine. My best advice: if you’re going to focus 10 weeks with us on getting the body of your Dreams and cleansing 1 year or maybe 40 years of bad habits, why not go ALL IN? When we talk about waste, it’s about how to get it out of your body. These are NOT just your typical ‘3 day boxed cleanse' products. I will introduce them to you & how to buy in the modules & LIVE calls.

Absolutely. We have a special section on how to do just that. Your TWC coaches are all world travelers, so we love sharing how easy it is to make it work, no matter where in the world you are…literally. I've been ‘on cleanse' with herbs and foods, on trips to Thailand, Bali, Costa Rica, Hawaii, and the US to name a few! Oh and camping…that hike I mentioned above…I took my cleansing herbs with me and packed my own TWC friendly camping foods that I taught 50+ of my friends. Prepare to be an inspiration!

Sure. When it comes to ‘life' I'm not an extremist….I'm a realist and eat out myself 2-3 times per week. This is what I teach. Most restaurants today sell conventional foods full of toxic dairy, gluten, obesogens, pesticides. hormones in commercial meats, artificial colors, ingredients & flavors, GMO's, PUFA's, trans fats, MSG, added sugar, farm-raised seafood, etc.

I'll teach you how to ‘order as healthy as possible' without depriving or isolating yourself, feeling like a crazy customer, while also protecting your body from hidden toxins that cause you pain, disease and weight gain that most restaurants use.

Yes, and you'll learn SO MUCH, this is the best part. Forming a bond and relationship to food increases your odds of long term success. Having a connection to your food sources and farmers, increases the connection with your body, by what you eat and who you support. If you don't have time to make your own food or meal prep, we do have online solutions for you to buy prepared meals for delivery.

When in doubt, talk to your doctor, however simply eating healthier ‘real' foods should not contraindicate your medications…if anything, they'll treat the root cause for why you needed them in the first place. Many warriors have been able to successfully ditch many of their toxic meds, as a result of this cleanse. ANYONE on meds can do this cleanse!

First off, what's your health worth? If you're not your best self in your own temple, your diet and thought life are likely why, both of which we'll dive into during this cleanse.

Second, you'll learn the best places and strategies to shop to save $ and time, so most of your shopping will be at a significant discount.

I HIGHLY recommend trying TWC No Caffeine for 28 days Challenge. We have LOADS of alternative recipes that will likely give you MORE energy, for the ENTIRE day. Notice I didn't say you ‘couldn't', what I did say is ‘I recommend you explore'. There ARE healthier versions of coffee I'll teach you how to enjoy if your body tolerates it ok (I'll help you with that), however 80% of the population is chronically dehydrated, a key cause for many diseases & symptoms today, as well have a highly acidic pH, which further contributes to mineral and hence hormone imbalances. Trust me, I'll give you great options here you'll LOVE.

Disclosure: I drink coffee now, but do so in a way my body tolerates, enjoys and is fueled by with Energizing & Healing Superfoods.

YES PLEASE. Just don’t overdo it and burn out your adrenals because we need those on board to help assist with your cleanse. I’ll explain this more in Week 1, but the short answer is YES.

HINT: I did a 14 mile hike with a 50 pound backpack on my back, down to Havasupai Falls in Grand Canyon when I was on week 3 of mine. Another time I hiked Mt Baldy on Week 5. Only YOU know your body's limitations, and I'm here to help you both learn & stretch beyond them!

This cleanse is designed for both men and women of all ages. All of the Recipes, Lifestyle Modifications, Detox protocols and Health Hacks are practical, gender neutral, kid friendly and extremely tasty. Most often, couples do this Cleanse together and incorporate the kids over time, while they feel more confident and get the hang of it.
Sure! They can eat the foods with you, however I caution against certain Detox kits I recommend to adults. We do have amazing Detox Options I highly recommend for ALL children so please email us so we can help you with those.
Your call but in short: YES. We have had many women do this Cleanse with us while pregnant and have amazing results. It's how many women conceived naturally who I've worked with over the last few years. ANYONE can do this cleanse. That’s what’s awesome. EVEN if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, the herbs and foods we ‘use as medicine' in this cleanse, are very EFFECTIVE, and were reported by our pregnant moms to pave the way for a healthier baby through a healthier YOU! When in doubt, talk to your doctor (however they know very little if anything about nutrition)

There have been a TON of stories of conditions and symptoms lost during TWC like metabolic challenges, insulin resistance, diabetes or pre diabetes, blood sugar imbalances, high blood pressure, obesity & weight loss resistance, asthma, allergies, mood issues, ADD/ADHD, brain fog + memory & focus issues, hormone imbalances (and ‘cycle issues' like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, PMS), adrenal and thyroid diseases, food cravings, birth control toxicity, estrogen dominance, chronic pain, digestive issues, migraines, depression, sleep issues and victories gained on the flip side of losing those.

You may also lose unwanted fat that's been difficult to burn. 15 pounds in a month is common, a couple clothing sizes, and all of the awesome buzz others have said. Your clothes will fit so much better, is word on the street. 😉 We’re pretty confident you’ll be more than stoked you joined us.


We got you. If at ANY time during the Cleanse, you would like to dive deeper, have us review your labs, lifestyle or specific goals and/or challenges, help you customize your cleansing and life journey, we'll offer Breakthrough calls to discuss how we can help.
Most people who come to me are already taking TONS of supplements that are not properly being digested, absorbed, assimilated and excreted by the body. Therefore, my approach is to heal eliminatory organs with a Diet that supports Detox, Fasting & Lifestyle Hacks and then I also recommend a 14 day Liver Cleanse Kit + Cellular Deep Dive Detox Zeolites, both very affordable, flavorful, easy to incorporate and very convenient for busy people on the go.

This 6 week course combines the most effective approaches in Functional medicine, Ayurveda, Herbology, Holistic Healing, and Cellular detox and the deepest level.

Each week builds on the other, focusing on drainage then detox for clarity, nourishing to heal your hormones for energy, repairing your tissues to restore your temple … the GREATEST treat to transform your body from the inside out!

Diane and the team of ‘Detox Doctors’ will share engaged, effective, energizing, do-able steps to walk you through cleansing and caring for every cell of your body, in the proper order, to get you results quickly. This includes targeted recipes (that you’ll actually enjoy), remodeling habits, detox hacks and mindset shifts to release mental/emotional stressors that harm hormones and stall fat loss WITHOUT adding additional stress to your life!

This course is designed to free up time in your life by freeing the toxins that hold you back from all day energy, clarity and an inner beauty you’ll radiate to the world.

All scientifically proven and backed by clinical research and experiential cases.

See the full curriculum here.

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