Informed Consent You Deserve About Biological Dentistry & Dental Anesthetics
Notes & Action Items I Refer To On This Video
Notes & Action Items I Refer To On This Video
- Get a Cone Beam
- Work with a Biological Dentist (esp using Huggins Protocol) – Work with American Biological Dentistry OR Find one in your area HERE:
- Get Silver Fillings OUT (using S.M.A.R.T. removal technique aka Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique)
- Address Cavitations (Parasites/Pathogens in Anaerobic pockets in jaw)
- Remove root canals (opt for Zirconia implant, NOT Titanium)
- Ask your Dentist questions on what they’re using, what they know about what’s in their solutions, etc. Watch the video with Dr Porcella below for an idea: NOTE update on Mepivacaine…has been found to have the ‘GraphOx’
- Prepare for Procedures & Detox/Heal after:
- ENERGIZE – Support Cells to Make Mitochondria
- FLOW – Open Drainage pathways so Poisons, Pathogens, Parasites have a place to Exit
- KILL – Address ALL infections with multiple Herbal formulas (Parasites & the Pathogens within them – Candida, Mold, Fungus, Bacteria, Lyme, etc)
- BIND – Dental procedures use a TON of metals – Silver fillings are Mercury & Aluminum. Implants are Titanium. Before you have fillings removed, I recommend patients start taking Binders like HM-ET from CellCore 2 weeks before and take at high doses for 2 weeks after, and up to 1 year following for maintenance to address metals flowing from the gums, jawbone, brain, etc
- Can do all of this on your own, you’ll receive a Supplement Guide when you buy any supplements from MY STORE, with general instructions on how to take them to support you with my guidelines above, for overall daily use as well as preparing for Dental Procedures + Detox toxins & Healing tissues after.
- NOTE: It takes at least 1 year to bind to, chelate, detox and drain out dense metals like aluminum and mercury as they have a long half life and have been stored in your brain and glymphatic for years, as long as you’ve had them in.
- Use Healthy, Low/Non Toxic Oral Care Products & Procedures. VISIT for Dental Care
- Dental Detox Kit
- Whitening System
Getting Customized Support
Getting Customized Support
You might have more questions after reading this page and watching my video. We would love to help. Whether it’s getting group support or 1 on 1 help, you’re in the perfect place to take action and make change immediately.
For Custom support you have 2 additional options:

Our VIP Warrior Health Mastermind Group (receive support from our team of CHI Doctors & Detox Coaches every week)
Stay Informed On The Latest in Dental Treatments, Anesthetic Treatments & more
Don't miss this latest episode of the Warrior Wednesday Podcast with Dr. Alessandro Porcella.
We unveil the truth behind the dangerous and deadly VAXX ingredients that are in the so-called ‘safe, everyday’ dental procedures.
Learn where these toxins are hidden, when to look out for them and how to find a dentist who is looking out for you and your entire holistic health – mind, body and soul.
Get access to the FULL EPISODE in the VIP Mastermind Tribe, join for only $1 TODAY!
Membership is $67/ month after trial.
Naturopathic Doctor & Dentist Approved Dental Detox Kit
Naturopathic Doctor & Dentist Approved
Dental Detox Kit

I use something called the Dental Detox Kit from Primal Life Organics, by my friend, Trina Felber. She has several things in this dental detox kit that you absolutely need to start cleaning out your personal care products, and your oral care routine. We all need to just do a lot of healthy swaps to get back to mother nature's types of ingredients. This whole dental detox kit is six products and it's all that you need to keep your mouth clean. And she's had lots of testimonials for people who have cleaned a lot of things out of their mouth, including avoiding certain procedures that their dentist said that they needed to have because they saved their own mouth microbiome.
Strange "Mouth Detox" Makes You Appear 10 Years Younger…
Strange "Mouth Detox" Makes You Appear 10 Years Younger…
This is the BEST 16 minutes a day you’ll spend on your mouth + the result = 6 shades whiter!
…Stained or sensitive teeth? Bad Breath? Most ‘teeth whitening’ products are toxic and erode your teeth, gums and oral biome (your immune system’s first line of defense). This is the ONLY kit that whitens your teeth while also calms gum inflammation, reduces tooth sensitivity and improves your oral health.
Non Toxic Teeth Whitening Kit
Normal price $449, get it for $199 (while supplies last)

Oral Health & Meridians Causing Disease on Peripheral Organs?
Oral Health & Meridians Causing Disease
on Peripheral Organs?

Without knowing, many people chase health, without realizing that one of the key root causes that roadblocks us from eliminating symptoms and disease is toxicity and infection, much of which comes from the mouth, and the meridians you see above.
As an example… Every time you chew, when you have silver fillings, mercury, aluminum, silver, tin vapor leeches into your mouth which gets absorbed into your bloodstream through your cheeks, under your tongue (sublingually) as well as you swallow it with food when you chew. WATCH THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO (Evidence of Harm: Mercury Dental Fillings are Toxic) which clearly illustrates it.
This is why I HIGHLY recommend against mercury fillings and/or seeing a functional dentist to have them removed properly and in small groups. I made the mistake of having all of mine removed at the same time which is just too much for the body to absorb at once.
It went into my lymph nodes on my neck under my cheek bones and I looked swollen for years until I slowly detox'ed them with HEAVY METAL CHELATORS as well as more dedicated detox things like Coffee enemas and Infrared sauna, all of which I teach in my Warrior Cleanse Program.
Medical Resources In Mexico - CHI Team Partners
Medical Resources In Mexico
Chi Team Partners
Informed Consent You Deserve About Biological Dentistry & Dental Anesthetics
Informed Consent You Deserve About Biological Dentistry & Dental Anesthetics
Implants & Dental Anesthetics WARNING - Diane Kazer Speaks up!
Implants & Dental Anesthetics WARNING - Diane Kazer Speaks up!
Before You Have Dental Treatments
Before You Have Dental Treatments
Watch the videos above, and Ask your Dentist Which Dental Anesthetics, Implant Materials they are using, etc. Ask them their perspective on Flouride, if they use it, if they are aware of ‘GraphOx’ in dental injectables, and more that I share in my recent interviews about the ‘Danger in Dentistry’.
ONLY ONE DENTAL ANESTHETIC FOUND TO NOT HAVE NANOTECH (it’s been reported that many USA dentists do not have this)
- Levobupivacaine
COMMON / OTHERS (all listed below found to have the DarpaGel/GraphOx in it)
- Lidocaine
- Scandonest
- Mepivacaine
USED ON ME (when I had my reaction):
- Articaine
- Turbocaine
- Dr. Ana Mihalcea – They Have Put Artificial Life INSIDE HUMANS, Legal Action Commences
- Dentist injects anesthetic using the Sevillano-Delgado magneto-thermal depuration technique.
- Torsion Spectroscopy Analysis Of Dental Anesthetics And Vitamin B12 Injections By Diana Wojtkowiak PhD – 10 Out Of 13 Batches Contain Graphene
- 108 Days After Slide Preparation: One Drop of Blood, One Drop of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine. Technology is still moving.
Dental Anasthetics clip –