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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!

Kiran Krishnan

Hey lovers and warriors!

Welcome to Episode 4!

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Be sure to check back every Wednesday (#humpday – how appropriate) for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe!

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Have you ever thought about Healing Your Libido Through Your Gut Health?
Probably not…it's a completely NEW hot off the press scientifically proven FACT that our gut has more to do with what we do, how we do and WHO we do (wink wink) than probably everything we've been told mattered most, as it relates to sex, sex drive and sex hormones…combined!

Kiran Krishnan, microbiologist, microbiome researcher and modern day Hippocrates gets your gut goin' with this interview and his TAKE home points that start with a Sexy belly, from the inside out! Learn how your digestive system is affecting your desire for sex, ability to rise to the occasion,  ability to connect and reach cosmic climax. Kiran tells how YOU can reclaim your health and hormones.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What does our gut (microbiome) have to do with our sex life?
  • How can we heal our gut to improve our sex drive, arousal, and orgasm?
  • Why should we be taking probiotics for sexual health, mood and sex hormone balance?
  • Learn how a sexy diet affects our intimacy in the bedroom.


A SEXY BELLY…made possible by KICK ASS gut Health…fueled by SPORE BASED PROBIOTICS.

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To the Point – What's in it for ME?

MEN on Spore Based Probiotics

Imagine you’re making out with somebody, you’re getting into the heat of the moment. But then your mind starts running in all these different areas.

You start worrying about—if you’re a guy, you might start worrying about, “Oh, my god. What if I can’t get it up? She’s so hot. I’m totally into this, but what if I can’t get it up?” or, “I have this other thing to do,” or, “Is this the right thing? Should I be doing this?”

You’re thinking about work, or you’re thinking about something else.

So, that distracted mind is actually a symptom of low levels of acetylcholine, that inability to focus on the task at hand and the inability to get the right neurostimulation to reach the sex organs, and create the hormones—the testosterone, the estrogen, and things like that that are required for heightened sexual experience.

So something as simple as acetylcholine deficiency can really shunt your ability to get an arousal.

Now, acetylcholine is really interesting because acetylcholine is also produced by gut bacteria. And the metabolism of acetylcholine or choline from your diet into acetylcholine is also the role of the gut bacteria.  So of course, get the spore-based bacteria that we talked about and consider consuming a higher plant based diet.

That can be the big change that really triggers, makes you horny, and gives you boners. So that’s a tip. JUST the tip!

WOMEN on Spore Based Probiotics

So, in my world of being with women—I haven’t been with women before, obviously, intimately—the women that I’ve been with that can orgasm and the ones that can’t, the difference between them is their ability to let go.

The women that I’ve seen that can’t orgasm have this fear of either not orgasming properly or peeing, or whatever that fear may be, but they’re not letting go, they’re not relaxing. They’re not allowing their body to do what it’s supposed to be doing.

And so it’s mental. That part of the orgasm is mental. The reason it’s mental is because of this component called GABA.

GABA is the one important component that will make you sleep better, that will make you sleep better, that will make you relax, and it will make you let go.

And GABA is produced almost 100% by the microbes in your gut.


Kiran Krishnan is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 17 years. He comes from a strict research background having spent several years with hands-on R&D in the fields of molecular medicine and microbiology at the University of Iowa. Mr. Krishnan earned his Bachelor of Science degrees in Microbiology at the University of Iowa; his undergraduate education was followed up with post graduate research in Molecular Biology and Virology. He left University research to take a position as the U.S. Business Development and Product Development lead for Amano Enzyme, USA. Amano is one of the world’s largest suppliers of therapeutic enzymes used in the dietary supplement and pharmaceutical industries in North America. Kiran also established a Clinical Research Organization where he designed and conducted dozens of human clinical trials in human nutrition. Kiran is also a co-founder and partner in Nu Science Trading, LLC.; a nutritional technology development, research and marketing company in the U.S. Dietary Supplement and Medical Food markets. Most recently, Kiran is acting as the Chief Scientific Officer at Physician’s Exclusive, LLC. and Microbiome Labs. He has developed over 50 private label nutritional products for small to large brands in the global market. He is a frequent lecturer on the Human Microbiome at Medical and Nutrition Conferences. He is an expert guest on National Radio and Satellite radio and has been a guest speaker on several Health Summits as a microbiome expert. He is currently involved in 4 novel human clinical trials on probiotics and the human microbiome. Kiran offers his extensive knowledge and practical application of the latest science on the human microbiome as it relates to health and wellness.


Real life stories and expert interviews to help you improve your sex life, by addressing mental blocks, nourishing your body, and balancing your hormones. This podcast will feel like you're sitting down for coffee with your two best girlfriends to chat about the most erotic and embarrassing things you’re dying to share and get advice about. The best part? They’re the experts. Sex expert, Dr. Cat Meyer with hormone and detox expert, nutritionist Diane Kazer reveal to you what works (and what doesn’t) in the most entertaining way, encompassing all things sex and sex hormones such as self-love, sex toys, bedroom play, body shame, libido, frisky food, PMS, hormone balance and anything else sex-blocking you from the sex, life and body you deserve and desire. Each episode will give you simple steps and sexy strategies you can implement NOW to leave you feeling empowered, courageous, playful and motivated. Eat Play Sex is YOUR guide to all things sexy, healthy, and fun to rock the body of your dreams and help you get back in the playground with those you love. Because…#sexmatters


Cat MeyerDiane Kazer




Intro:                  This is Episode 4 of Eat, Play, Sex. Here’s a highlight for what’s to come.

Diane:                  Let’s say, you’re making out in the couch, and all of a sudden, you’re like, “I just can’t get it up.” Or if you’re a female, and it just hurts so bad that you need to stop, think about, I would say, some of your most challenging sex moments because today, we’re going to hope to resolve a lot of them.

We’re going to talk about gut-related to sex matters. Our hashtag and our main mission is that sex matters. Today, we’re going to say gut matters for sure.

Intro:                  This podcast is for mature audiences, 18 and over, and for entertainment purposes only. Please contact your healthcare provider before pursuing any of our topics discussed.

You’re listening to Eat. Play. Sex. with your Queens of Climax, Dr. Cat and Di, the place to get play, sex and nutrition talk straight to your ears.

Side effects of this podcast may include more lovemaking, hormone harmony, spontaneous sex, exceptional orgasms, less sugar cravings and more sex cravings. In rare cases, listeners experience a strong desire to try new sexual positions and lube with organic edibles.

If you experience moods happier than usual, contact your Facebook friends immediately.

Diane:                  Oh, hell, yes. This is going to be my favorite episode, Dr. Cat.

Dr. Cat:                  I know. I can see you. You look like a little kid. You’re bouncing in your chair.

Diane:                  Do you know what I’m bouncing on?

Dr. Cat:                  Oh, please tell me.

Diane:                  Well, I am currently bouncing on a—today’s topic is going to be how you can bounce better.

Dr. Cat:                  How you can bounce better?

Diane:                  You know what I’m so sick of? Hearing about how many women are having these issues with painful sex.

Dr. Cat:                  Yes. I hear it a lot in my office.

Diane:                  Yes. And then the men who are like, “God, I don’t feel like she wants me because. Why won’t she bounce on me? What’s wrong with me?”

Dr. Cat:                  Well, you’re not a bouncy toy, first of all. But you could be if you dealt with…?

Diane:                  The gut.

Dr. Cat:                  Yes, the gut.

Diane:                  Some of you, loves, may have tuned into a show that Dr. Cat and I did—and we’ve referenced this a couple of times—on how we came together and the idea that sparked this whole show was just how bouncy we were when she and I did a fun interview together in the Playboy Station Studio.

It really turned out to be more about the gut than anything else.

Dr. Cat said, “Hey, Diane, I’d love for you to talk about the importance of nutrition on sex life. In the world of sex, how does nutrition matter?”

Dr. Cat:                  You even healed my gut. Do you remember that?

Diane:                  Yes, I remember that. No, I was so drunk. I don’t remember anything. I blacked out.

No, of course, I remember that. I remember after we worked on your gut together, and it was two months after I gave you that advice, and then I hadn’t seen you for a while, and I saw you walking down the hall in passing, and you had just finished a class or something and I had just finished a class, teaching yoga, I was like, “Whoa!” Literally, I went, “Where did you go? What happened to you?”

Dr. Cat:                  She backed it up. She came around again.

Diane:                  I was bouncing all over Cat. I was like, “You are so beautiful.” You were beautiful before, but now you just look—she had this glow to her. It was obvious that there was some puff that had gone. And that came from her gut.

I literally looked at her bellybutton and her cute, little waistline.

Dr. Cat:                  My bellybutton.

Diane:                  And I said, “Look how sexy your cute, little belly is.” And I was like, “Just what did you do?” And what was your answer?

Dr. Cat:                  Everything you told me to do.

Diane:                  And my face was like deer in headlights in the most positive way.

It’s very rare that I can give someone tips, and they literally just run with it. And I don’t hear them falling or train-wrecking, and going, “I can’t do this. What do I do?”

She literally disappeared and came back with this beautiful gut.

And to me, the sexiest thing—my thing is if you don’t have a sexy belly, then you’re in a sex rut. It matters so much.

Dr. Cat:                  Take note, guys. What turns Diane on is a belly, is a sexy gut.

Diane:                  Yes. So I want to know when you did all of the work that we did together, did you find any changes? Did you discover any changes in the bedroom?

Dr. Cat:                  I definitely remember having so much more energy. And at that time, I was doing a lot of school. That’s when I was in grad school. So I was already depleted a lot of energy, and I can imagine my adrenals were affected.

But when I started doing your program, everything that you had set me up on, I found that I was bouncing around even more than normal. I was a hyper-rabbit on steroids or something.

Diane:                  That sounds like a vibrator, hyper-rabbit with the beads on it.

Dr. Cat:                  I probably had one of those at one point. Wait, what? With beads?

Diane:                  The rabbit with beads on it. Okay, back to our topic for today. We’ll talk about sex toys in another day. But yes, if you want to feel more bounce in your sex life, and really, not just about enjoying it in the moment, but the journey toward starting the actual sex gesture which is in the mind.

So many of us today, women, are just completely worn down. It starts in the brain. We’re exhausted. Of course, there are hormones that are driving that, but there’s not enough people talking about what drives hormones.

So if you look at a tree—and this is the best I can think to describe what we’re going to talk about today—the tree has roots. And if those roots are diseased, then the branches too will be.

Then the leaves of those branches that will turn colors and fall—not just as in fall, but moving anytime in the seasons. And the tree starts to die from the roots up.

And what we’re addressing in today’s modern medicine is nowhere near the soil, which is growing these diseased branches. And these are things that are sexually-related diseases that we’re going to talk about today. And also, things that—

Even if you’re in the mood, maybe you have a yeast infection or you have erectile dysfunction. We’re going to talk about all of it, as concise as possible because this is, in my opinion—and I’m biased as a nutritionist, but you’re going to hear our guest expert today is going to agree—if you’re not addressing your gut, you will be in a sex rut.

And actually, Kiran and I (who I’m interviewing today) came up with that when we were on the phone and I was getting ready for the Playboy interview.

Dr. Cat:                  No way. My interview?

Diane:                  Yes.

Dr. Cat:                  The one with me?

Diane:                  Yes.

Dr. Cat:                  That was years ago.

Diane:                  That was years ago. And Kiran had sent me some really powerful studies and articles because it’s very hard to find reputable ones. And he sent me these. I dove into the research for two weeks, and I was up until 2 in the morning, 3 in the morning because I was so interested in this. I’m like, “No one is talking about this.”

So, that’s why this interview, what you’re going to hear today is something that is going to empower you, it’s going to shock you, it might even piss you off—hopefully, it makes you hornier. And our goal is that you guys have more bountiful, fruit sex in your lives, connection to yourself, and to feel like you’re not broken because this is something you’re going to want to share with every person that you know. So please, this is how our show grows.

And we’re going to talk a lot about sex topics that no one has ever talked to you about likely.

So without further ado, let’s bring him onto the red carpet.

Kiran Krishnan.

Kiran:                  Hey, it’s nice to be here with you, guys. It’s so great. I love listening to you, guys. I can just listen for the next two hours.

Dr. Cat:                  Go for it! Let’s push on play, and then repeat, and then play again.

Kiran:                  Loop it. Loop it non-stop. I love it.

Diane:                  Were you drinking some kombucha when you were listening to us talk?

Kiran:                  Oh, yes, of course.

Diane:                  And some GMO-free popcorn.

Kiran:                  Yes, exactly. How did you know? How did you know all these things?

Diane:                  Because I could hear you on the other side.

Kiran:                  You could hear me drink kombucha?

Diane:                  Kombucha is a daily thing for me. We’re going to talk about that today. Guys, there is something called probiotics. You’ve probably heard of that. Kiran is going to break it down in a very, very concise way, so that you can understand it in the basic form.

And then, of course, he’s got some really in-depth stuff to that we’re not going to share. I’ll reference the studies and whatnot that you can dive into deeper like I did, if you’re really curious.

But we have a very important question for you first. And that is the following—you can pick from one or two, Kiran. What is your most embarrassing sex moment, is option one; or option two is, what was one crazy diet or nutrition thing you tried for the sake of your sex, health or body?

Kiran:                  Wow! Those are both really good questions. Let’s see. Let’s talk about the diet/nutrition thing actually. That’s really interesting because I think a lot of people can relate to this.

We’ve all heard that your male or your female excretions can change, in terms of taste and flavor, depending on what you’re eating.

And of course, to be a good, considerate partner, you want to have nice-tasting excretions, so that people don’t have to gag when they’re going down on you or whatever it may be.

And so people have heard the whole rumors about eating pineapple, kiwis and things like.

And so I remember being in college, and being concerned about this, and being the considerate partner that I am, I remember just downing lots of pineapples, kiwis, strawberries and lollipops—whatever I thought would taste good.

Dr. Cat:                  Lollipops.

Kiran:                  Yes, without knowing whether or not it actually had any biological effect. That was pre-super nerdy scientist time.

At that time, I was just a horny, college kid, and I was like, “I just want to make sure my cum tastes good.”

I don’t think it worked. I don’t know if it did. I never tested it out myself.

Dr. Cat:                  Did you ever do a survey with the other women?

Kiran:                  You know, actually, I did. I’m glad you asked that. It’s not a common thing to ask right after you’re done, you’re not like, “So, how did that taste?”

But I did, in a clever way, asked. And I never had any complaints.

So I don’t know if that had anything to do with the excessive consumption of pineapples and kiwis or that’s just naturally how it is.

But I do note that diet can impact the taste of your ejaculate. I think certain foods—for example, we all know that the moment you eat asparagus, the next time you go to the bathroom and pee, you have that asparagus pee smell. And so it can impact it.

So I think there is some truth to eating certain types of citrus fruits, increasing some of the acidity of your excretion, so that it can actually impact flavor.

But at that time, I was just a horny, college kid, so I would do anything. I was just downing a bunch of pineapples, and following it up with vodka.

Dr. Cat:                  With vodka?

Kiran:                  Exactly. How else do you get out there and talk to women?

Dr. Cat:                  Well, then you come to me, and I help you out there.

Kiran:                  Exactly, yes. I wish I had known you then.

Dr. Cat:                  Well, now, you do. Are you going to answer the other question too or are you just going to leave us in suspense?

Kiran:                  I have to think about that a little bit. Embarrassing sex moment—that one’s tough. Let me stew on that as we go along, and I’ll pop in with the answer at some point during the interview.

Diane:                  As you are welcome because today, we’re going to dive so much into—if you guys can imagine the times that you’re feeling challenged with a—let’s say, you’re making out in the couch, and all of a sudden, you’re like, “I just can’t get it up,” or if you’re a female, and it just hurts so that bad that you need to stop, think about, I would say, some of your most challenging sex moments because today, we’re going to hope to resolve a lot of them. We’re going to talk about the gut related to sex matters.

You know our hashtag and our main mission is that sex matters. Today, we’re going to say gut matters for sure.

So we’re going to talk about what exactly are probiotics, what does it have to do with our sex life, what is our food have to do with our sex life. And I would love, Kiran, if you talked about the McDonald’s study that you guys did too, and how inflammation is also something that can hinder an amazing, electric sex life—and of course, fertility too.

We’re going to talk about oxytocin—the love hormone.

Dr. Cat:                  I think we have so much.

Diane:                  Yes, we have so much. And then we’re going to talk about gut healing for sex matters. This is a protocol that you will never hear anywhere else.

I think this is the first time I ever heard any interview that brings these two together in this kind of a depth. And there’s no better person that I know that can do this.

Kiran is a research microbiologist, and he’s been involved in the dietary and supplement nutrition market for 17 years now—right, Kiran?

Kiran:                  Yes, it’s getting longer by the year.

Diane:                  What’s getting longer? It’s getting longer? It’s working.

Kiran:                  It is. It’s working.

Diane:                  We’ll put the bio, so you guys can read his extensive study. But right now, whenever I ask him if he knows anything about topics, he’s like, “Of course, I do.” And I don’t know why I’m ever surprised.

So, let’s get straight to one of the most important questions. It’s going to segue us into all of the other ones. What does our gut—specifically, the microbiome—have to do with our sex life?

Kiran:                  So the great, great loaded question. There’s a lot, but let’s break it down into specific segments, so that it’s easier for people to understand.

The first thing people should know is what the gut has to do with your body, in general.

Unless you really understand how the gut is structured, what kind of influence it has on your body, in general, it’s really hard to grasp the type of influence it has just on your sex life.

So, let me just give a couple of tidbits of information on how the microbiome—so that word is something that people might start to hear about more often. Microbiome is basically the collection of organisms and all of the genetic elements that live in and on your body.

So when we say “microbiome,” that’s what we’re referring to. It’s all of the microbes that are in your body and on your body as well.

So how does the microbiome influence your body as a whole?

So when we compare ourselves as human beings, our genus and species is homosapien sapiens—we are at the top of the evolutionary ladder. We’re at the top of the food chain. We beat out all of the other mammals and animals on earth, to get on the top in being the most sophisticated organisms on earth.

We’re so sophisticated that we could sit here in the internet, talking about this kind of stuff. No other animals can do this.

When we look at what makes us us, what makes us unique, what makes us special, we always think of our DNA.

Now, if we look at the human genome, the human DNA, we’ve got about 22,000 genes in the human genome. That sounds like a lot. But then, when you compare it to a rice plant, for example, that has somewhere around 48,000 genes, we are less sophisticated—about half as sophisticated as a rice plant is.

Diane:                  You’re dumb as rice. No, wait a second.

Kiran:                  We’re dumber than rice. We’re half as smart as rice is. The same thing with an earthworm. An earthworm has somewhere around 40,000-plus genes, so we are less sophisticated than an earthworm is.

Diane:                  You’re kidding.

Kiran:                  Isn’t that crazy? So how is it that we do everything that we do, that we’re so cognitive, that we build these societies and cities, and all of this stuff, we invent things—how is it that we do all of that and an earthworm can’t do any of that?

So the answer to that is that it has nothing to do with our genome.

Dr. Cat:                  It’s because he doesn’t have arms. Is that right?

Kiran:                  Well, yes. That’s part of it too. No opposable thumbs, that’s a big issue.

Diane:                  Aren’t worms both sexes?

Kiran:                  Yes, they can be. They can split into two to become a progeny, rather than actually having worm sex.

Diane:                  That sounds like a fun sex position, what you just said—misogyny?

Kiran:                  No, progeny. That means kids, your next of kin.

Dr. Cat:                  So, worms don’t have to go out dating. They don’t have to find their soulmate, they don’t have to find their twin flame. They have life really easy. They just have to have sex with themselves.

Diane:                  Until we grab them, put them on a hook, and throw them in the water for fish food.

Dr. Cat:                  We’re ruining everything.

Kiran:                  All is well with the worm until it becomes fish food. Poor worm!

So imagine you’re a worm, and you’re sitting there masturbating in the soil, just doing what you’re supposed to be doing, you’re doing worm “jacking off.” And then some old bubba comes along, and grabs you, throws you on a hook, and throws you in the water.

But that bubba has 50% less—no offense to anybody that fishes, it was a fisherman. That person has half the genetic elements that you do as a worm. That’s what’s so crazy about it. Having less than half the genes, you still have the capability of grabbing this worm, putting it on a hook, and going out fishing for joy.

But the reason why we can do that is we have over 3.3 million microbial genes in and on our body.

So, that’s really what makes us us, the microbes that live in and on our body.

There’s almost nothing that we can do without those microbes, and all of their genetic elements that we use for our daily function.

The latest estimates are that somewhere around 99% of all metabolic activity that we perform every single day comes from the genetic elements that we utilize from the microbes in and on our body.

So our own genes basically dictate what our cell structure looks like, what color of hair we have, what our nose looks like, all those physical attributes. But what makes us human, what makes us us are our ability to bond with one another, our ability to get aroused, our ability to have enjoyable sex, ability to metabolize food, whether we’re fat, we’re thin, do we have enough energy, are we depressed or are we an optimistic person.

Everything, every one of those things is determined by the types of microbes you have in and on your body.

So that’s how powerful they are, which means that you cannot have a fulfilling and active sex life without having the right types of microbes in your body. It’s virtually impossible.

And if you’re not having a fulfilling sex life, if you’re having sexual dysfunction, if you’re having issues with desire, bonding, commitment or orgasms, all of those things are indicative of dysbiosis within your body.

Now, that’s another fancy word. But “dysbiosis” just means an imbalance of bacteria, imbalance of good to bad bacteria within your body.

Dr. Cat:                  So you’re saying, if I ever feel lonely at home, and eating a bag of chips all by my lonesome, all I have to do is remember that I’m with billions of microbiomes with me at all times.

Diane:                  You’re so not alone.

Dr. Cat:                  I’m never alone.

Kiran:                  You’re never alone. In fact, you have trillions.

Diane:                  You’re being watched.

Dr. Cat:                  Trillions.

Kiran:                  Trillions.

Diane:                  That’s a big orgasm. That’s a huge orgy of gut bacteria.

Kiran:                  Right, can you imagine? There are trillions of them just mating, messing around, hanging out, drinking and having fun to create you.

Dr. Cat:                  Wow, my body is a fun party.

Kiran:                  Your body, Cat, is a rave. And everybody is on Ecstasy at this rate.

Dr. Cat:                  Of course, it’s my body.

Diane:                  When you were talking, one of the things that I was thinking about when you were talking about how bountiful, beautiful and meaningful all of these bacteria are to the body, I just think, god, in the prevalence of antibiotics and antibacterial hand creams and things, you could just see the poor bugs, the good guys, going, “Nooo…” because they die along with the bad guys too that we’re taking antibiotics for.

Kiran:                  And they do.

Here’s the crazy thing. In fact, with bacteria, there are very, very few bacteria that we can really designate as bad bacteria. And when I say “bad bacteria,” the bacteria that have no beneficial function. It has only the function to hurt, kill and destroy the environment.

There are very, very few bacteria that have that. Even the ones that do make you sick, like E. coli at some point or clostridium or salmonella or streptococcus, all these types of bacteria, or H. pylori, that are known to be associated with illnesses, actually play a beneficial role in the body when they are in balance.

So when they are in the right balance with the good bacteria, they’re actually giving you a benefit.

Now, if we specifically target them and remove them, then they are not there anymore, that can actually cause just as much issue with them being overgrown.

So, with the body, it’s all about balance, it’s all about creating this harmony of the right types of microbes. And the beauty of it, the best part about all of it is that there are many things you can do to create that. It’s not out of our hands.

One of the best messages that came out of the Human Microbiome Project—this is where the NIH and a bunch of researchers studied the microbiome, the bugs, and how it relates to health and wellness—one of the best messages that came out of it is that our genetics have very little to do with our health, wellness, lifestyle, behavioral, and all of that stuff.

And that’s good news because we can’t change our genetics.

If somebody told you that the condition that you have, your anxiety, your depression, your erectile dysfunction, your failure to thrive, or your fibromyalgia, all of these things were genetic, you’d be screwed because there’s nothing you can do to change the genetics.

But the fact that they are all controlled by microbes is a great thing because we can easily change the microbes in and on our body.

We’ll talk about more of how we do that in the rest of this recording, but that’s an important message for people to get because you don’t want people to feel not empowered, you don’t want people to feel like they’re lost, that there’s no hope.

Almost anything you’re facing and suffering from right now can be changed.

Diane:                  Mic drop. That’s a mic drop because you said something about fibromyalgia, and I’m thinking about so many of the clients of both Dr. Cat and I, that we work with who are diagnosed with these diseases, their doctors are giving them this, “Oh, well, you’ve got to take this medication for life.”

And then these people end up owning their disease like, “Oh, my fibromyalgia,” or, “My Hashimoto’s,” or, “My lupus.” And that’s like, “Well, hold on a second.”

And this is what makes me so sad. Just because someone told you, and the doctors that have so much power in America, that you can’t heal from this, and you’re stuck to a prescription for life, it saddens me because that takes the power away.

And in taking the power away from someone like that with their body, it takes their sexual drive away because their confidence is now depleted—not to mention the fact that they’re on these nasty medications that majorly depletes sex drive, and they dry up vaginal flora. And they dry up, as well, cum.

And so we’ve got people who are just walking around zombie-like because they’ve been told they can’t reverse their disease, they’re stuck with it, and “take this medication.”

So, I want to focus on the other end of this because antibiotics are—I mean, I don’t want to talk about antibiotics forever, but what I do want to talk about is how delicate this beautiful gut microbiome is, where it lives.

All the people now, I think (probably the majority of people listening), they’re limited to, “Oh, just take a probiotic. I’ve heard to take a probiotic.” They go to Walgreens, they buy a probiotic, they buy whatever their doctor tells them to, and that’s about all that they know.

So, if you could, in a quick whiteboard, describe what exactly the gut microbiome does, and even if you could touch on the estrobolome, and different constellations in hormone production, and how that impacts sex and hormones.

Kiran:                  In terms of what the microbiome does in itself—do you want to break it down into different parts of sexual, health, arousal, desire and all that stuff?

Diane:                  Yes, sex drive, arousal, and orgasm, specifically, those three would be great

Kiran:                  So, there are four components to a really good, healthy sex life. The first one is desire. Without the desire, obviously, you’re not even going to engage in sex. You’re not going to engage in intimate behavior.

Desire is largely controlled by the microbes within your gut. I’ll talk about that in more detail.

The second part is arousal. Now, even if you have the desire, if you can’t get aroused, if you can’t reach that level of arousal, it doesn’t become enjoyable, and it feels like a task. And it feels like you’re moving through the process mechanistically, rather than that passionate, “I can’t do anything, but just have you at this moment” kind of thing.

That is the arousal component to it. That is also largely controlled by the gut, believe it or not.

Then once you have desire and arousal, of course, everybody wants to end it in some sort of wonderful orgasm. That’s the grand finale, and what you’re trying to achieve. And the intensity and the capability to have an orgasm is also controlled by the gut. I’ll talk about how that is.

And the last part is the resolution. Resolution is really important. The resolution means you end up having a post-sexual experience satisfaction with what you just did.

So, it’s not that the next morning, you wake up, and you’re seeing the person next to you, and you’re like, “Oh, god. What did I just do?” That’s not a healthy resolution.

The healthy resolution is you can coddle, you can cuddle, you can enjoy and bask in the excitement of what you just did with the person that you choose to do it with.

Diane:                  Oxytocin, our next episode should be about oxytocin.

Dr. Cat:                  Resolution is the time when my partner brings me breakfast in bed, right?

Kiran:                  Exactly! And how good the breakfast is, is also controlled by the microbiome.

Diane:                  Banana pancakes, we’ll talk about that when we do our oxytocin episode next.

Kiran:                  Yes, exactly. And I’ll touch on oxytocin as well as it relates to the microbiome because that’s important.

So, those are the four parts—desire, arousal, orgasm, resolution. Without any one of those parts, you’re really not going to have a healthy, complete sex life, or sex drive or really even enjoy the whole process of sex and intimacy. So let’s talk about each one.

So desire, desire is controlled largely by the neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine triggers the reward centers of your brain. And because it triggers the reward centers of your brain, it causes you to desire things based on previous experiences.

Now, this has been shown clinically because medicines that are known to block dopamine also have a very dramatic effect on one’s sex drive.

So when you take certain mood-altering medications that block dopamine, one of the most prevalent side effects is it cuts down your sex drive to nothing.

So, dopamine is a very important neurotransmitter that has to be produced, has to be sent up to the brain, and has to be metabolized properly in order for you to have an appropriate desire function of your sex drive.

Now, the gut bacteria produce most of the dopamine that your body uses. Without a healthy balance of microbes within your gut, you really don’t produce enough dopamine. So one of the other functions of having low dopamine is it causes more anxiety and depression.

So, nowadays, there are progressive psychiatrists and people that work in health practice area that are treating things like anxiety and depression with microbes and with balancing your gut bacteria because now know that the vast majority of dopamine is produced in the gut.

So, without a healthy gut, without a healthy production of dopamine, you really cannot increase that desire, which is the first step in having a healthy sexual life.

Now, bacillus bacteria—which are some of my favorite probiotics, we’ll talk about those—are some of the species within the gut that actually produce high levels of dopamine. So it’s really important.

Imagine these bacteria can get in and produce dopamine for you, and make you horny, which is fantastic. Who doesn’t love that?

Diane:                  Baby got bacillus.

Kiran:                  Exactly! Like, “Hey, baby. Your bacillus must be really high today.”

Diane:                  You’ve got a sexy bacillus.

Kiran:                  “Is that a cell phone in your pocket, or is your bacillus really high?”

That is the kind of humor that nerds enjoy, so I appreciate you guys laughing at that.

Diane:                  How else will we remember it? And maybe they’ll remember it too that way when they’re looking at labels.

Kiran:                  Exactly! And so let me some give you some practical things here. We’ll talk about what an effective probiotic is, and what kind of probiotic to add to increase dopamine.

But there are other nutrients that can help support that as well because dopamine has to be converted from other compounds within your body as well. So taking things like amino acids like tyrosine and phenylalanine, those can be really important precursors for the synthesis of dopamine within your body. So eat some protein basically.

And then folic acid is also another important precursor. It’s involved in the reaction to produce dopamine. Chromium, rhodiola, and ginkgo, these are other nutrients that can also help with improving dopamine. But you need the microbes because they’re the ones that produce it, and they will use some of these other nutrients as starting material to produce the dopamine.

Dr. Cat:                  I also work with clients, and we talk about serotonin in the gut. I know serotonin helps with sex drive as well. Does that work in the same manner?

Kiran:                  It works exactly in the same manner. 95% of the serotonin in your body is produced in the gut. They’re produced by a type of cell called intro chromatin cells. These cells are actually stimulated by spore-based bacteria.

So the spore-based bacteria are, again, the bacillus that I mentioned, and then also, things like clostridia.

Clostridia are natural inhabitants of your gut. A lot of people know about clostridia because of clostridium difficile, which is an infective bacteria. But there’s a lot of species of clostridia within your gut that actually will stimulate the production of serotonin.

Now, serotonin is also the driver for the fourth aspect—the resolution.

Serotonin managers anger, aggression, mood, sleep. And low levels of course of serotonin lead to lack of joy, lack of intimacy among people. The people with low levels of serotonin typically have depression and will withdraw from society.

And those are all symptoms of low levels of serotonin. And that low level of serotonin, of course, doesn’t allow you to have desire, but also creates problem with resolution—post-coital resolution, to make it all sound super scientific and nerdy.

Diane:                  Talk dirty to us.

Kiran:                  Exactly! Coital, it’s the word coital.

How do you help serotonin? There are, of course, the gut bacteria we talked about, the bacillus bacteria, having the right balance within your gut, which means eating a really diverse diet. We’ll talk a little bit more about that.

And then there are some nutrients that can help as well. So tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin. Your gut bacteria will actually take tryptophan, which is an amino acid again, a protein, and convert that to serotonin.

The other one is 5HTP, which is actually a supplement you can take and buy at any store. So that may help as well.

Saffron extract—saffron comes from rice, certain types of rice.

Dr. Cat:                  It’s my favorite, rice.

Diane:                  Rice is so smart.

Kiran:                  Rice is so smart because we know it has more genes than us. And then if you think about it—and this is a total guess on my part—but if you think about the parts of the world that they make the most babies—India and China, what is their staple food? In both India and China, it’s rice.

These people are eating saffron and fucking all day long. And so they’re making 1.2 billion in one country, and 1.6 billion or something in the other. So maybe saffron has something to do with that. But saffron can be really useful in terms of the serotonin production.

Dr. Cat:                  I’m going to make me some saffron rice for lunch.

Diane:                  I’m eating it right now.

Kiran:                  With a lot of proteins, so you get your tryptophan, your tyrosine and phenylalanine that we talked about as well.

So you’ve got your desire, and then we went to the resolution. But there are two parts in the middle—arousal.

Diane:                  We can’t forget orgasm and arousal.

Kiran:                  Those are the two important parts. We can’t even get to resolution until we go through arousal and orgasm.

So, arousal, in talking about your transmitters, is largely controlled by a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is one that works on your nervous system, it works on your vascular system, it gets blood flowing to the right areas, and it stimulates the right types of nerves and energy.

Low concentrations of acetylcholine actually leave you with the ADD type of reaction.

So a lot of times, people who have ADD, which all these people are trying to take Ritalin and all these things, to try to focus, that ADD mindset is actually a deficiency in acetylcholine in the brain.

And one of the things that happens when you have deficiency of acetylcholine, and you’re trying to engage in sex—and I think a lot of people can relate to this—imagine you’re making out with somebody, you’re getting into the heat of the moment. But then your mind starts running in all these different areas.

You start worrying about—if you’re a guy, you might start worrying about, “Oh, my god. What if I can’t get it up? She’s so hot. I’m totally into this, but what if I can’t get it up?” or, “I have this other thing to do,” or, “Is this the right thing? Should I be doing this?”

You’re thinking about work, or you’re thinking about something else.

So, that distracted mind is actually a symptom of low levels of acetylcholine, that inability to focus on the task at hand and the inability to get the right neurostimulation to reach the sex organs, and create the hormones—the testosterone, the estrogen, and things like that that are required for heightened sexual experience.

So something as simple as acetylcholine deficiency can really shunt your ability to get an arousal.

Now, acetylcholine is really interesting because acetylcholine is also produced by gut bacteria. And the metabolism of acetylcholine or choline from your diet into acetylcholine is also the role of the gut bacteria.

Now, here’s the little thing that you guys might not know about that actually can be a really important, practical help.

Dr. Cat:                  Ah, tell me.

Kiran:                  So, choline comes in as part of a diet. We get it in meat. We get it in a lot of different things. We get it in all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and all that. Or you could take it as a supplement. That’s another thing that you can do, take choline as a supplement.

Now, to convert choline to acetylcholine, so that your body can utilize it for a healthier sex drive, for better attention span and all these things, you need certain types of bacteria within your body.

Now, when you have an imbalance of bacteria, it can actually convert the choline into something called TMAO which is actually a toxin.

So, having the wrong bacteria can take a good nutrient like choline, and actually convert it into a cardiotoxin, a toxin that’s actually really damaging to your heart and your vessels.

Diane:                  It’s definitely the opposite of LMAO.

Dr. Cat:                  I had to stop and think about what that was.

Diane:                  Laugh my ass off.

Dr. Cat:                  Yes, I got it.

Diane:                  This is like toxic my ass off.

Kiran:                  Exactly, toxic my ass off. And so here’s what can happen.

So now, if you’re somebody that’s not as having issues getting aroused, so you have the desire, meaning, you want to engage in intimacy, you have people that you want to engage with or a person you want to engage with, but you can’t get to that arousal part, there is a good chance that you have a deficiency in acetylcholine.

But now, you could be taking all the choline you want, but you’re not converting it to acetylcholine because you have the wrong bacteria.

Now, here’s how you change the bacterial composition to get the right bacteria, which will convert the choline to acetylcholine and not toxic my ass off.

So, when you eat too much meat, high consumption of meat will actually favor the types of bacteria that convert choline to the toxic version of TMAO. But high consumption of vegetables does the opposite.

So if you’re having issues with arousal, one of the things you might want to think about is reducing the amount of meat you’re eating, and then increasing the amount of phytonutrients or plant-based calories.

Dr. Cat:                  Wow! I must be doing really well then. That’s all I eat. I’m a veggie.

Kiran:                  A vegetarian, so that’s interesting. They’ve done studies on the conversion of choline to acetylcholine or TMAO among vegetarians and meat eaters. And they found vegetarians produce very, very low levels of the toxic TMAO, and very high levels of acetylcholine. And people who eat excessive amounts of meat do the opposite.

Dr. Cat:                  So we are like bunnies in our sex life. Is that what you’re saying?

Kiran:                  Exactly!

Diane:                  #likeRabbits.

Dr. Cat:                  I knew it.

Kiran:                  So here’s a tip for the arousal part—try to increase your acetylcholine. You can do that by taking choline as a supplement. You can do that by taking DMAE, which is a precursor to it.

You can do that by taking acetyl-l-carnitine, which is also a precursor that can free the choline pathway. There’s something called phosphatidylserine. You can also use omega fatty acids.

Actually, omega-3 fatty acids also improve the production of acetylcholine and improve the absorption of acetylcholine in the brain.

So you can take all of those supplements, you can eat a good diet, you can, of course, get the spore-based bacteria that we talked about in the other two portions, but if you’re still not finding that you’re getting enough of the arousal effect, then you want to reduce the amount of meat that you’re eating and increase the amount of plant-based nutrients that you’re eating.

That can be the big change that really triggers, makes you horny, and gives you boners. So that’s a tip.

Dr. Cat:                  I wanted to ask real quick. So in working with my women, I often describe these cycle of arousal because they shame themselves that they don’t have the sex drive. So I help them understand that sometimes, it’s getting aroused in order to trigger the desire.

Kiran:                  Yes, absolutely. And the orgasm part, the next part, actually feeds into that whole thing because the neurotransmitter that controls orgasm actually feeds into the shame part of it.

And the negative feelings, the fear associated with not being the sex goddess that you think you should be, all of those things that snowball, that is GABA.

So GABA, which is aminobutyric acid, is actually a neurotransmitter that is a central nervous system depressant. It actually brings down all of the unwanted neuroactivity and nerve activity.

So, one of the most important things about GABA is it quenches negative feelings, and it quenches fear. And in fact, it is impossible to relax and to have an improved sexual tone without high production of GABA.

So, in my world of being with women—I haven’t been with women before, obviously, intimately—the women that I’ve been with that can orgasm and the ones that can’t, the difference between them is their ability to let go.

The women that I’ve seen that can’t orgasm have this fear of either not orgasming properly or peeing, or whatever that fear may be, but they’re not letting go, they’re not relaxing. They’re not allowing their body to do what it’s supposed to be doing.

And so it’s mental. That part of the orgasm is mental. The reason it’s mental is because of this component called GABA.

GABA is the one important component that will make you sleep better, that will make you sleep better, that will make you relax, and it will make you let go.

And GABA is produced almost 100% by the microbes in your gut.

So if you’re not sleeping well, if you have a lot of anxiety, you have a scattered brain, you can’t relax, and you can’t have enough desire, or you do have desire and arousal, you’re not having orgasms, you can’t let go, it’s because of the GABA.

And GABA needs to be increased. All of those things go together.

And so the way you boost GABA naturally, of course, is taking the right probiotic, getting to have the right balance within your microbiome. And again, we’ll talk about what a real probiotic is and how to balance your microbiome.

But separate from that, here are some nutrients that can actually increase GABA. You can actually take gaba as a supplement. I don’t know if it’s that useful, but it’s worth a try. But inositol is a nutrient that is a precursor for the GABA pathway, which could be really useful.

B vitamins, the full spectrum of B vitamins, play a role in the synthesis of GABA. There’s a great extract called kava kava. I don’t know if you’ve heard about that.

Diane:                  I take that every night.

Dr. Cat:                  Me too.

Diane:                  And there are lots of kava bars too that are opening. You can go drink it.

Dr. Cat:                  Really?

Kiran:                  Absolutely, yes.

Diane:                  Yes, in San Diego, there are several them. There are probably several in Los Angeles. There are kava bars.

Kiran:                  What they’ll do is help you relax, help you quench fear, quench that worry-like thinking. It negates negative feelings. Kava is known to do that.

And in fact, I wish I remember the full story of the tribes that use it in these tropical areas. But they use kava, they have these kava ceremonies where they will actually use it to engage with one another, and they will celebrate the harvest and everything that’s good about their lives. And it’s just a way of them re-engaging with one another, reducing fears, increasing relaxation, and just having a good time.

So, the kava kava can be really effective.

And then BCH, branched chain amino acids, branched chain amino acids, again, are a precursor to the production of GABA. So you have to give the bacteria that make GABA the tools to do it.

So even if you have the right bacteria, if you’re not giving them the right micronutrients and amino acids to produce these things, they can’t produce it for you. So that becomes really important.

So, that takes care of the desire, arousal, orgasm and resolution. So those are the four main parts, and every one of those parts is controlled by the gut bacteria. And without the right gut bacteria, you’re not going to have any one of those parts working effectively.

Diane:                  That’s amazing. When I tell people the importance of probiotics and gut bacteria, I say it’s basically like a Nutrishop or a GNC in your gut. It makes all of these vitamins.

And so if you simplify it by taking a healthy probiotic daily, and then feeding those good bacteria with things like fiber and greens, and all the other things that you talked about today, then you don’t need to take all these other crazy supplements, injections or prescriptions that are going to help with a symptom that is the upper branch that’s diseased and the symptoms that are the leaves that are falling off as we started this show with.

And we’ve got to start wrapping it up, Kiran, but there are a couple of things I wanted to say about what you had mentioned with B vitamins. I talked about this on Playboy Radio. The biggest depleter I see in women, of B vitamins, is the birth control pill. Yet that’s what so many women are taking because they have such painful periods or acne that they feel like in order to be sexy, feel sexy, or want sex, to take the pill.

And that even takes another path of destruction to the lining of their uterus. And that starts to degrade because there’s not enough natural estrogen. They have to use these crazy lubes, and then they’re putting all kinds of other chemicals inside of them because they can’t make their own juices.

There are so many parts to this that are all uproot from the roots that we’re doing in society. We’re wasting time, money. And literally, our brains, depression is so high today (which is why I interviewed you for my summit last year, the Heart to Happiness Summit, both you and Dr. Cat).

So, what I just decided since we’re at about 45 minutes now, and we’re going a little bit over, is if we could have you again for another show, and we can talk more about the specifics on leaky gut, leaky vagina—which sounds awful, but it is something that we need to talk about. What does that even me? It sounds so scary—and then talking about BV and UTI’s, yeast infections, and all of those things, and how our gut plays a role in all of it, and exactly what we can do.

The last thing I’ll ask you is in terms of the strains because I know that there are whole different kinds and you talked so much about spores today. So if you could, in two minutes or less, describe why spores are very effective at getting to the gut versus just buying any high colony-forming unit, multiple strain probiotic in the refrigerated section means more.

Kiran:                  And I can say with great level of confidence based on the studies that we have done and many other research institutes have done is that the vast majority of probiotics you can buy out there in your convenience stores, online, are just dead bacteria. They’re either dead in the bottle or they’re going to die moving through the gastric system of your stomach. And so you’ve got to stop spending your money on dead bacteria.

We focus on microbes that are naturally designed to be able to survive through, not only, of course, processing and all of that, which is easy for them, but the harsh gastric environment of the stomach, to get to the intestines alive, where they can actually create the functional change that we talked about that is needed for the production of dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA and all these important things.

So these bacillus spores are very unique bacteria. They are commensal organisms, meaning, they belong in your gut. The gut is their home. But they have the capability of leaving the body through defecation, and then surviving in the outside environment by putting this armor-like coating around themselves. That’s what makes them an endospore.

So they cover themselves with an armor, and then they can live in the outside world impervious to UV radiation, drying, and all the things that would normally kill all the gut bacteria until you re-swallow them again and they pass through the gastric system because of this armor-like coating.

The moment they get past the gastric system, it hit your small intestine, they break through this armor-like coating and become a live-functioning vegetative cell in your body.

Because of this capability, you’re delivering 100% live microbes into the side of action, which is your intestinal tract. And when they’re there, they totally reform your system in order to favor the right balance of good and bad bacteria and increase the growth of good bacteria and reduce things like inflammation and leaky gut.

And of course, they play a direct role in the production of things like dopamine, serotonin, GABA that we talked about earlier.

So, that’s an extremely important probiotic to take, along with feeding your microbiome a really diverse, healthy diet without all the processed foods.

But yes, like you said, the next show, let’s talk about the processed foods, leaky gut. Let’s talk about oxytocin in the gut, and how to increase that. There are so many things we can do to increase that. This is just the tip of the iceberg. But this should be enough information to make some people—let me just put the tip in. This is just me putting the tip in.

So next time, we’re going to go all the way. But this is enough information to start getting people horny and having better orgasms.

Diane:                  There’s so much here. And definitely, the next one, I want to talk about the estrobolome too, which is something that Dr. Sarah Gottfried and many other people are just shedding the light on, Christian Northrop.

There are so much talk and people are like, “What’s the estrobolome?” It’s just one of the constellations in the gut that manufactures hormones. And we’re going after all of these hormone-balancing gimmicks with a vengeance and taking five or six different types of bioidenticals and prescriptions. It’s destroying our bodies.

This is getting us farther away from the topic at hand, which is that sex matters, and we want to have more of it. Making babies will be easier, if that’s your desire and having orgasms is much more easily attainable. We don’t have to work so hard. It’s more about heart work and starting in the gut.

So Kiran, you are amazing. Thank you so much for this threesome today. And Cat?

Dr. Cat:                  Yes, I feel good. I’m eyeing my rice over there.

Kiran:                  This is the least embarrassing threesome I’ve ever had, so this is great.

Diane:                  God, I hope so.

Kiran:                  This is one I can do over and over again.

Dr. Cat:                  More than just the tip next time.

Kiran:                  Next time, we’re going all the way. Don’t you guys hold me at the tip.

Diane:                  Yes, I actually already wrote it in the calendar, Kiran. We’re going to put you in for January. We’ll have you in for part 2, and we’ll go all the way to home base as long as that works for your calendar. We’ll talk later.

But in the meantime, loves, please continue to make sex and self-love a priority. And if you were moved and inspired and inspired to transform with this episode, or know someone who needs to hear more about this, and it can save their life and their sex life, possibly their marriage, please share because we are always listening. And this is how we know to grow, on what feedback we’re getting from you, what things help, and what things that you love, so that you can love more.

Never forget, sex matters.

Closing:                  Thanks for tuning in, lovers. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel. You can find out more about our guests and topics from our show by checking out or

Until next time! Don’t forget to nourish your sex life.

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