Discover the exact process to effectively DETOX and heal your gut, brain and hormones at the same time so you can end symptom chaos, finally address weight gain, energy drain, broken brain & body pain … to get your life back.
Hey Warrior, It's Diane Kazer here...
Do you feel like you've tried everything to deal with your symptoms but are still struggling with any of the 10 most common signs of toxicity...
- Inability to Burn Fat or Lose Weight
- Chronic Fatigue or Hormone Issues
- Body Pain, Joint Pain or Muscle Issues
- Brain Fog, Difficulty Remembering Things
- Depression, Anxiety, Irritability, Mood Issues
- Headaches, Migraines, Lightheadedness
- Shortness Of Breath
- Sensitivity to Light, Sound, Smell
- Constipation, Diarrhea and Digestive Problems
- Sleep Issues, Insomnia, not feeling rested in the morning after waking.
Well, it doesn't matter which one is a “yes” for you because here's the thing…
At the core, all symptoms in the body originate from the same source
So if you want to truly take control of your health & overcome symptom chaos, you've got to get to the root of what's really driving it….which for 99% of women means learning how to properly HEAL from STRESS, HORMONE IMBALANCE, INFECTIONS & TOXICITY (from breast implants & more) … all the the SAME time!
And it's true, Breast Implants are endocrine disruptors and immune system disregulators that cause a state of metabolic chaos in which every system of the body begins to break down, resulting in symptoms.
At the core, all symptoms in the body originate from the same source
Whilst the Breast Implants may have been a significant source of toxicity that compounded and accelerated your symptoms, they weren’t necessarily the starting point for them…
The body is "Bio-Logical"
Which means it’s simply trying to “make sense of”, cope and adapt to the stress, trauma and “information” it’s been receiving over your lifetime…
Which means, the root of your symptoms have likely been developing for years beforehand
Or perhaps they were covered over by taking medications or may have simply gone unnoticed, undiagnosed or shrugged off as something you just have to “deal with” (such as weight gain, energy drain, broken brain or body pain).
Breast Implants then were just the final toxic, stress and emotional load that tipped your body over the edge.
So it doesn’t matter which specific symptom or “diagnosis” that your body is using to communicate with you –
if you don’t address the underlying root cause that’s intelligently creating ALL of your symptoms as a smart, adaptive response to try and keep you alive…you’ll forever be chasing symptoms instead of returning to the full & vibrant health that you were designed to experience.
And even if you didn’t have any health concerns before getting implants, if you’ve had any silicone and/or saline implant in your body, the toxins from those implants bleed into our bodies from DAY ONE of implantation.
Which means that Silicone, saline and 30+ Other toxins and Heavy Metals migrate to our lymph nodes, liver and brain creating havoc… that is, until you safely and sequentially assist the body to remove both the toxins and the stress & correlated emotions that created the dis-ease in the first place.
When most people (including most holistic practitioners and even Doctors) think about “detoxing” – they think of things like drinking Celery Juice, Green Smoothies, foot baths, coffee enemas, colon cleanses, juice fasting, or a 10 day herbal cleanse.
And yet if you've tried what feels like “everything” but you still don't feel WELL…
That's exactly why I created the Warrior Detox
A 3-month full spectrum guided DETOX designed to take you from battling hormone, autoimmune & symptom chaos, to getting your life back, all completely naturally.
The first step to healing is removing all the sources of toxicity which have been bioaccumulating in the body.
When the source of interference is removed, the body's innate ability to heal itself can be restored.
When your cells aren't working properly, toxins can't get out of the cells and hormones and nutrients can't get in.
So in order to repair the cell, we must restore the cell membrane by reducing inflammation, and increasing cellular energy. This is how you truly facilitate cellular healing & allow the cells to make energy for you again.
The third stage of Detoxing is about assisting the body to heal itself by creating the internal and external environment for it to do so, longterm.
It's about supporting YOU to know exactly how to take control of your health and create the lifestyle that supports optimum health, for life.
You must apply first to join the detox, this is to ensure we are both a good fit for each other.
Click the button to apply for a $79 call, the cost of the call will be applied towards the packages listed below if you decide to work with us.
During this 3 month process you will detox...
Glyphosate, Plastics, Graphene Oxide, XenoEstrogens, Pesticides, Prescriptions, Food Poison, etc
Candida, Viruses, Parasites, Bacteria, SIBO, H-Pylori, Lyme, etc + Pathogen Waste & Gas
From silver fillings, breast/teeth implants, lead from mom, fluoridated water, air smog, Vaxx
But remember... Detoxing isn't about just "magical" supplements.
Yes, the custom recommendations you'll get, plus the system that we use is pretty badass, but real detox is not short term, or about any “one” thing. That's why we've incorporated…
It's a complete system to support every aspect of your journey, from helping you stay on track through like minded community, to getting expert guidance from a team who understands the emotional as well as biological ROOT CAUSES beyond physical symptoms (which trust me, VERY few practitioners understand)
During this 3 month process you will detox...
CHI Total Body Assessment & Physical, Emotional + Chemical Health History
These forms are designed to help identify the root cause of illness and track your progress over our rapid healing months together. We'll assess, track and repair how ALL stressors (including emotional trauma past or present) show up on your labs & as symptoms + root causes from mitochondrial function, drainage, mineral/electrolyte levels, blood sugar balance, digestive organ optimization (stomach, colon, small intestine), intestinal permeability (leaky gut), hormone levels + Parasite, Lyme, SIBO, Mycotoxins + Radioactive, Heavy Metals, Radioactive, EMF Toxins and more.
Value: $500
Lifetime Access to The Training Portal
Discover the exact steps to detox your mind, home, and body to get your health back for good.
Clearly laid out and simple to use, this online haven is packed with resources to guide you through the Energy & Drainage, Gut & Total Body Immune Support Phases of the process & troubleshoot any detox symptoms so you feel your best throughout.
Value: $4000
Weekly Group Coaching & Private Group Support Forum
Every week you'll jump on a call with Diane and the CHI team to get expert guidance, answers to YOUR questions as well as advice, customized protocols, lifestyle healing hacks and advanced strategies that can assist you in the Cleanse, Heal, Ignite journey. In between calls, connect and stay inspired with our community of like minded warriors in a high vibe, action takers space.
Value: $3,500
1 on 1 Private Calls + 3 Labs to Assess Total Tox Burden & Customize your Journey
In order to get beyond where you've been, we need to go deeper than where you went. Most individuals who come to us have seen 10+ doctors (of all types), over 10+ years and spent $10+ thousands on labs, procedures, protocols and treatments that simply didn't work to heal you completely – Mind, Body, Spirit…we get it…and for most…they're short on time, trust, patience and money. Time to end that.
Value: $3,000
Bonus: The Explant Solution
Exclusively for our Explant Warriors – you'll be given access to The Explant Solution, a 21 Mini Video series – the ultimate bible of detox tips, guides and checklists to recover your health after pre & post explant.
Value: $297
Total Value Included: $11,000 USD
Click Apply Below To See If This Detox is for YOU!
You must apply first to join the detox, this is to ensure we are both a good fit for each other.
Click the button to apply for a $79 call, the cost of the call will be applied towards the packages listed below if you decide to work with us.
$2,500 deposit to start / Discounted Pay in Full Options available
- Lifetime Access To Training Portal – Over 20 hrs of comprehensive training to Detox your body, home and mind.
- Weekly Support Calls With Diane & her Team of Expert – Get expert guidance, support and all of your questions answered.
- Private Support Forums – Get daily support and accountability from others on a rapid healing journey and also want to learn how to coach self DEEPER or coach others.
- Assessments & Checklists for you to measure your progress every month & learn to use the to support clients.
- ⭐⭐4 * Functional Diagnostic Labs – Get specific data on what’s happening with your hormones, immunity, gut and toxic load with these advanced Functional Diagnostic Labs.
- ⭐⭐ Custom Health Assessment – which will shed light on your health history as well as any emotional, chemical or physical stressors which may be blocking you
- ⭐⭐ Private 1-1 Calls With Diane and our CHI Labs Health Practitioner Experts each one going through a different aspect of your journey from mindset to health.
See what others have experienced working together...
Emily Shannon
How Botox & Breast Implants almost killed her and her breastfeeding son.
Janesa Landon
Are Broken Beliefs the Root Cause of Your Hormone Imbalances?
Genaye Ledoussier
From Forlorn to TRANSFORMED: How this mother resolved trauma, and gained Clarity, Energy & Focus
Patricia Clancy
An M.S. MIRACLE & How She Beat Autoimmune Disease and ditched the wheelchair
Ready to get your life back?
Click Apply Below To See If This Detox is for YOU!
You must apply first to join the detox, this is to ensure we are both a good fit for each other.
Click the button to apply for a $79 call, the cost of the call will be applied towards the packages listed below if you decide to work with us.
Who You Work With On This Journey, Matters
I'm Diane Kazer and I'm a former Pro soccer player turned Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, Detoxification Expert, Breast Explant Conqueror and Author of Overcoming Breast Implant Illness.
Having now helped thousands of clients to self heal from emotional, hormonal and symptom chaos, I can't express how important it is to get the right guidance on this journey from someone who has the:
🔑EXPERIENCE of working with thousands of individuals recover their health and light a FIRE in their sense of purpose, passion & vitality for life again.
👩🔬EDUCATION in autoimmune, hormone, digestive and emotional dysregulation with specific knowledge in how to properly detox and heal them together… and in the right order.
❤️EMPATHY … because they've been there, and walked through the tumultuous journey of recovery many times.
If you're ready to take control of your health, get your power back and go after and CRUSH the life you were made for. I'm your gal.
Who You Work With On This Journey, Matters
Q1. I'm a details person... how exactly does this Detox process work?
Great question. I like the way your mind works.
The main system we use is CellCore, and it works in 3 distinct phases which each last for a month (30 Days).
The process works as follows…
No matter what you’ve been diagnosed with, the components of this phase are foundational to your healing journey. They’ll prepare you for true detox by opening your energy and drainage pathways, minimizing “hiccups” or side effects along the way, ensuring toxins are properly eliminated from the body instead of simply being recirculated, causing further damage (which is what most "detoxes" out there do.)
Building on the detox traction you gained in Phase 1, it’s time to start running any unwanted guests out of town. Phase 2 focuses on removing pathogens and deep-rooted toxins that could be holding you back from true health. If you've EVER had breast implants, silver fillings, a Gall Bladder removal, constipation, sluggish digestion, parasites, candida, bacterial overgrowth and more...this phase will REALLY help you!
After completing the first two phases, it’s time to build on the progress you’ve made and achieve even greater results. Continue gut-cleansing and clear pathogens and toxins throughout your body to prepare for deeper detox in Phase 4. NOTE: If you need support beyond 3 months, we'll teach you how to continue deeper (which most need) into Lyme, Mold, Deeper Brain detox and more!
Q2. Can I just get the supplements and do this by myself?
Well, I'm curious…why would you want to?
For most people the usual reasoning for this comes down to cost and thinking it would be cheaper to just get the supplements thinking they are the magic pill to your recovery. And hey, after a long struggle with Hormonal and Autoimmune symptom chaos it's understandable to be looking for a cheap solution.
But what's that thing that we've all come to learn over time? Oh yeah…. buy cheap, buy twice.
This process is SO. MUCH. MORE than supplements. Yes, they're incredibly helpful…BUT…
It's about what you're eating everyday, how you're living everyday, what you're thinking everyday, the stress & trauma your body is still holding onto.
It's about giving yourself the support you deserve & crave so you stop having to do this by yourself.
It's about getting this done properly so you NEVER AGAIN have to trawl around the internet or doctors office searching for answers.
It's about working with someone who's got years of experience, working with hundreds of clients and knowing exactly where to look so you don't waste years and thousands of dollars on expensive treatments that don't work.
So in short, I'm sure you can buy the kit somewhere on the internet – but it's really only 25% of what this program is about.
I'm thinking you're not here because you want to feel a bit better… am I right?
If that's the case, and you're ready to RISE – Join Us.
Q3. Is there any guarantee of results?
Ooh I love this question. Ok, Here's my guarantee.
I guarantee that if you follow the advice given, take action on what we share, show up to the Q&A calls with an open heart, ready to be real and vulnerable – you will see huge shifts in your health.
I also guarantee, that if you come with one foot in, and one out…and don't take action, and either don't show up for the calls, or don't ask questions or allow yourself to be seen & heard… then you'll probably see some results, but it won't be anything near whats possible when you choose to go all in.
This might sound harsh, but I say this because I'd rather let you down now, than 3 months from now.
Typically what I find is that when we're wondering if there's a guarantee – what we're really concerned about is wasting money, getting hurt and disappointing ourselves or others.
And, I want you to know that I totally get it. And I've got you..
That's exactly why I put this program together to provide everything I know you need to get the results you're seeking, if you show up for it.
That's why we do not offer any guarantees or refunds on this program because you need to be all in, with eyes front on where you're headed.
If however you're really on the fence and need to get a specific question answered – ping me your question using the widget below and we'll get right back to you.
Q4. Am I going to be completely "healed" after 3 months?
Firstly, we don't promise to “heal” anything, which is an important distinction to make.
And even if we could (what with all my goddess powers LOL), it wouldn't be ME, us or even this PROGRAM “healing” anything – it would be YOUR BODY doing exactly what it already knows to how to do.
Our focus together is on getting rid of the things which BLOCK your body's innate intelligence from doing what it does best.
Those blockers are Stress, Hormones, Infections and Toxins (which cleverly spells S.H.I.T. Go figure…it's this S.H.I.T. that makes you feel like sh*t.
Now, with that all said, what's typically going on with this question is a desire to have a realistic timeframe on how long it'll take to start feeling like yourself again. I get it.
We live in a time where we want results yesterday and preferably in a convenient pill.
So my answer to this question is… it depends.
It depends on where your starting point is, how long your toxic load has been building up and how much you're willing to go all in on making your health your number 1 priority.
This program is a 3 month container because it's the perfect length of time to support you in creating the knowledge, rituals & routines that turn your mind, body and lifestyle into the environment where healing NATURALLY occurs.
But it's important to remember that your symptoms have likely been developing for years (read this for a refresher) and so it's going to take TIME for your body to recover.
Realistically, you should expect to be following a clear & systematic detox plan for 1 year to truly give your body the time and space it needs to not just recover, but truly THRIVE.
Luckily for you – you'll create that plan inside this program. This is about giving you the tools and knowledge to know HOW to live in epic health not just for 3 months, but forever.
Q5. I have Breast Implants, can I do this Detox?
The first foundational principle of detoxing is to remove all possible sources of toxicity.
If you're struggling with Hormonal, Autoimmune and Symptom chaos, and you have Breast Implants it's highly likely the two are correlated. If you're struggling with Breast Implant Illness, you're in the right place, as many women are seeking support on making decisions to explant or not and all the details along the way.
Now, explant surgery is a choice that every woman must make for herself and there are lots of reasons why women get Implants in the first place, so for that reason if you're not sure if you want to go that route or you're awaiting explant surgery, we can help you prepare for your pre explant game plan + post explant Detox and Healing protocol. To do that, apply for our Explant Detox.
Q5. I have Breast Implants, can I do this Detox?
Yes, we can certainly help you if you're outside of the USA, including getting labs and supplements to you (extra charges apply)
Have a question that I haven't answered? Hit me up!
If you're feeling called to take part in The Warrior Detox but have a burning question you'd like an answer to – send me your question directly using the button below and someone from my team will get right back to you.
Will YOU be our next success story?
Dr. Patricia Reber
How this Naturopathic Doctor came to us to heal her symptoms and liberated herself from toxic relationships in the process.
Brandy Landen
How this beautiful warrior overcame symptom chaos, balanced her hormones, and is now living her purpose.
Bailee McCabe
How she came off multiple medications, overcame Depression & Anxiety and landed her dream job
Lunden Souza
How she detox'd off Birth Control and healed her Painful Cystic Acne
It's time, warrior.
To go all in. Choose YOU. And rise.
Click Apply Below To See If This Detox is for YOU!
You must apply first to join the detox, this is to ensure we are both a good fit for each other.
Click the button to apply for a $79 call, the cost of the call will be applied towards the packages listed below if you decide to work with us.
It's time, warrior.
If this experience is calling you but you've got a question that's keeping you on the fence it's time to reach out.
We want to make sure you feel 100% congruent in whatever decision you make and know that sometimes you have a question that needs a clear answer. So simply click the button below to reach our contact page and ask away!