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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!

Diane Kazer, Nutritionist and Hormone & Detox Expert is the most sought after nutritionist in Orange County, CA and has helped thousands around the world to achieve their Dream Body and Dream life. We’re going to cover the Top Myths and Secrets in the nutrition and fitness industry, you won’t hear anywhere else, that are holding you back from the body you desire and deserve.



Diane Kazer, FDN is the founder of, specializes in Hormones and Detoxification and is the most sought after nutritionist in Orange County, CA. A pro soccer player turned functional diagnostic nutritionist, Diane has a degree in business finance from acclaimed University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. She owned a financial planning business for 7 years and sold it to follow her dream to live by the beach and empower women to achieve their dream body and dream life through nutrition, fitness, yoga and self love. With her passion for the importance of detox in a toxic world, she created The Warrior Cleanse, which has transformed thousands in many countries. Having reversed many hormone related diseases including thyroid auto-immune disease, she is DI-HARD in her approach to teach women that a diagnosis is not our fate. Diane has an active and fully transparent Youtube Channel, for your health edutainment. She’s known for her talks on female hormones, especially her Sexy Body Video Series which grew so popular that she’s been asked to turn it into a book. In other hot topics, she and sex therapist doctor friend Cat Meyer are launching a radio show on all things sex and sex hormones called ‘Eat. Play. Sex.’. If you’re looking to slim down, simplify and sexy up your life, Diane’s your girl.


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TAO of Hormone Balance

      1. Thyroid – one of the Top 5 top roadblocks to a Sexy Body (weight loss, energy, Sexy Belly, mood, muscle building) is thyroid disease.  
        1. Check lab for reference ranges.  
        2. Did doctor check antibodies as well?
        3. How about liver health?  MTHFR genetic mutation?  Methylation impairment? 4 and 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone estrogen levels?
      2. Adrenal – Working out too much.  Exercise can actually hinder body sculpting goals.  Depends on stage of adrenal disfunction.  
      3. ESTROGEN DOMINANCE – The biggest change you can make in your day is this:  estrogen dominance is the key reason for our hormone imbalances today, which result in a number of common ailments that your OB-GYN or bio-identical hormones specialist will likely NEVER tell you about such as:

        1. stubborn weight loss
        2. cellulite
        3. breast cancer, prostate & other cancers fueled by estrogen
        4. depression
        5. anxiety
        6. Infertility & low sperm count
        7. UTI’s
        8. chronic fatigue or adrenal dysfunction
        9. constipation
        10. low or no sex drive  (low T)
        11. gall bladder infection
      4. Ovaries – reproductive issues (PCOS, HPV, HSV, PMS), sex hormone deficiencies, phases of Cycle are not always constant. Exercise performance will ALWAYS be inconsistent.  The 4 phases are:  menses, follicular, ovulatory, luteal.  Follicular is where it’s at Day 1-14, which is when estrogen and testosterone levels increase, making us feel energetic, with a boosted metabolism and mood.

WHEN YOU'RE LOW ON ENERGY…and you learn the Truth about Coffee:

  1. Adaptogenic foods – because who doesn’t have stress in their lives?  Or expects it to EVER slow down or go away completely?  We need these to help us ADAPT to life and the stressors in it:
    1. Ashwaganda
    2. Rhodiola
    3. Reishi mushrooms
    4. Ginseng
    5. Licorice
    6. Cordyceps
    7. Maca

Detox Methods for Energy, Beauty, Weight Loss

ABD – Always be Detoxing…we are exposed to 90,000+ chemicals today, of which the average American is carrying around 700 or more at any one given time. Here’s my top 5 strategies to ensure your body is effectively detoxing:

  1. Lemon Essential Oil in Water (i use 1 drop per 8 oz water). 16 oz first thing in morning
  2. Infrared Sauna (30 minutes per day if possible)
  3. Coffee Enemas & HydroColon Therapy (3 times per week)
  4. 1-2 pounds veggies (or DIM, Indol 3 Carbinol)
  5. Dry Brushing, Oil Pulling, Rebounding, EXERCISE

TRY THIS RECIPE – pulling it all together

Diane's Famous ‘Love my Hormones' Recipe –

Links & Products I referenced in the video:

    • INTERMITTENT FASTING for Rapid Weight Loss & to Reverse Insulin Resistance
    • BRITA, PUR water filters & BOTTLED WATER is not your friend. Learn:
    • WHEY protein powder I use and recommend:
    • BONE BROTH for hormone balance, BCAA’s, gut healing, pretty skin
    • PROBIOTICS I use and recommend: 
    • THE WARRIOR CLEANSE Free Facebook Nutrition Empowerment Group for Women
    • MY PROGRAM, the Warrior Cleanse.  Transform your life in 4 modules
    • SCHEDULE A FREE CALL with Diane to Break Through and Transform:

Success Stories

“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”

Watch Our Training

“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”