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15 Real life Stories of Women who Share their Journey
from Killer Breasts to Explant & Beyond


After 3.5 years of pregnancy and nursing two beautiful girls

I felt insecure in my skin. Implants gave me temporary confidence but I never really liked them and started having symptoms within a couple months, then an endless list of symptoms for years. We spent tens of thousands of dollars chasing symptoms but nothing resolved until explant, which was the best thing I have ever done for my health. Whatever deficit you see in yourself, breast implants will not resolve. Knowing your own self-worth and loving yourself is the only way to fill that void.


I had no idea breast implants could be harmful

The Queen of Confidence, an international confidence coach and popular 5 star podcast host. After surviving many traumatic experiences, from childhood sexual abuse, being in and out of the foster car system, car accidents and a whole lot of loss, Erika is a beaming and beautiful example of how you can heal your personal story to transform your trauma into triumph.


When Your Boobs Are Killing You

I got my implants in NYC while working as a fashion model, it was recommended to extend my career. I convinced myself that I liked them and needed them to work in the fashion world. I suffered from BII symptoms for two years, spent $50k trying to heal my symptoms through dozens of ‘natural’ doctors, who all denied the implants, because they were ‘in tract’. Symptoms got worse until I had no choice but to explant, which relieved almost 95% of my symptoms. Do the inner work to love yourself FIRST before getting implants.


Let me Get This Off My Chest

Competing in figure competitions, I felt implants would make me feel more like a woman. At first I felt confident but after a short time my health took a turn, I was so sick with cystic acne and anxiety, that I told my husband my wishes for my death. 2 years post explant, I am 90% healed! Implants will not fill the void of what’s missing in your heart.


The Discovery of My Destruction

After a traumatic child-birthing experience, I was on a mission to get my pre-mom body back, so I got “gummy bear” silicone implants and a tummy tuck. I immediately got sick and inflamed, but not until 4 years later did I know the implants were the cause of 100% of my symptoms, so I explanted and am still healing. You are loved for who you are, not the size of your breasts.

These women are proof you can feel, look and live your 'Breat Life Ever' Beyond the Breast Implants!


On the other side of Toxic Beauty, I discovered my Natural Beauty…then moved to Sedona, AZ to celebrate the splendor of God's Beauty! Now my mission is to help you connect to your own!

Want to take your Killer Breasts to the Next Level, my Natural Beauty Queen sister?

I invite you to invest in yourself with my program, for a more intimate experience along your journey.

How valuable would it be to have a coach guiding you along every step of the way?

There are far too many details, questions and moving pieces in your body that deserve better than simply explanting, which is Step 1 of your healing path, but not the last.

NO Woman enduring Explant should be without this, it is the EXACT template I followed from Silicone Suffering to Self Love Sovereignty.

It took me years to gather this research, trial and error, making mistakes, taking risks, figuring out the best way, and wasting unnecessary time, money and energy that you won’t have to… and it can be yours with just one click!