25 Days oF Happy
Daniel Eisenman
Get Paid To Do What You Love
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What You'll Learn
- Changing your thought patterns from a victim to creator mentality
- Helping you face your fears through featuring your flaws
- Teaching you how to use your mind instead of being used by it
- Radical Honesty based on the work of psychotherapist, Brad Blanton
- Teaching you self-acceptance through self-expression
Grab your FREE Copy of ‘the Happy Code' Real talk Guide to help you determine what's holding you back from living the Happy Life You Desire…AND what to do about it.
Value $39, for you $0 (but only if you use it)
- The Mindset & Heartset of Money – power of money and how to get rich in life. Think and grow rich. Have a lifestyle to get paid to pursue your passion.
- Radical honesty? Don’t ask me for my opinion if you can’t handle the answer. Are you ready for TRUTH? Are you ready to EXPRESS and live your TRUTH? Teaching you self-acceptance through self-expression
- How to change your thought patterns from a victim to creator mentality
About our expert:
“By shedding the skin of who you're not, you allow the real you to come through.”
Daniel graduated Pre-Med from Emory University with a BS (Key Acronym) in Biology & even took the MCAT about 10 years ago. Before applying to medical school to stay on the path of “NORMAL” as people advised me, I decided to “take a year off.” That year off has now turned into a decade of BREAKING NORMAL while getting paid to the do the things I would pay to do and once my Breaking Normal tour is complete I'm quite sure I've visited all 50 states and 20+ countries in the last decade.
I had a dream to get paid to do the things that I would pay to do, and today that is my reality. I travel the world as a keynote speaker and facilitator of radical retreats and workshops (though I like to call them playshops, as what's more pure than play?) based on the principles of raw honesty and emotional freedom. After traveling the world for the last decade while getting to interview and interact with many modern-day-superheroes, I am now encouraging others to pursue their own passion and showing that it is actually more beneficial to the world than the old and outdated paradigm of a wage-slave culture where the masses have been duped into thinking that money is more valuable than time. I reflect this realization through a process of self-acceptance through self-expression by showing people how to lose their minds in order to connect to their hearts while truly living inside-out within one’s “fun-comfort” zone.
If you're ready to take your life experiences to the next level and turn your relationships into REAL-ationships, then get ready to get weird in a wonderful way while embracing all parts of yourself to discover new levels of fun, freedom, & love at my next retreat.
Dive deep into the radical truths of what's holding you back from living a truly abundant life.
How we FEED our Body Determines How we FEEL Inside.
Join thousands of Warriors who have ‘Found their Happy' in just 4 weeks.
The Warrior Cleanse