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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis


Let’s face it. Today we have all the knowledge we need at our fingertips with endless articles on the internet. It has taken me decades to learn what I have to share this wisdom I have amassed with you. Just as I have done in the past, I CAN things out myself, AND I can DO them myself…but I hire people to hold me accountable, keep me on track and most importantly, KEEP THE MOMENTUM toward my goal so it STICKS. This is one of the MAIN reasons people hire me, combined with being completely overwhelmed after working with dozens of doctors and leaving with not only more prescription drugs, but a diagnosis of ‘we don’t know what’s wrong with you’ and ‘it’s all in your head, maybe this anti depressant will numb your worry about these symptoms’.

We take the hard work, pain, continued dead end doctors appointments plus drive time, gas and parking expenses, questions, ego and nonsense claims like ‘diet has nothing to do with it’ out of it and we replace it with faith, excitement, sensible explanations, practical protocols, preparation for real life challenges (like what can I eat when I’m on the go), and more! What you’ll take away from this is MAJOR life extensions and vitality upgrades that will change your life forever.  Click on the image or CLICK HERE to READ OUR YELP REVIEWS and see the crystal ball of your future when you take this next step! What you can expect?  MAGIC. Expect miracles.  🙂  Diane has a unique, divine way of transforming those who seek out her love and healing energy.

Increase your productivity in life by at least 20%…GUARANTEED!

What would YOU do with 5 extra ‘hours’ per day? 😉

Package options for Diane’s consulting services

OPTION 1 – PLATINUM – 6 month Total Life Transformation

$200 deposit 


    • SAVE app. $250 PER MONTH ($1,500 VALUE) on what you would pay on a per hour basis.
    • Initial thorough results and recommendations comprehensive consultation to review your goals, current roadblocks, and results and interpretation of your previous lab tests in detail, to discover what you can do NOW to improve your health – no guessing here, we look inside you with real functional medicine tools to discover root causes of disease. This gives us our start point and order in which we work to remove, restore, repair and rebalance your body. THIS UNCOVERS THE KEY CLUES TO HELP ME, HELP YOU Restore & Reboot your SEXY BODY.
    • Includes WEEKLY 45 minute Nutrition Consultations for the first 3 weeks of each month and unlimited email support (Diane takes the last week of every month off – private FB group is available however)
    • Enjoy Diane on retainer for entire partnership. Unlimited value.  The first 3-4 months working with her gets you feeling amazing, the last 3-4 helps you retain the lifestyle you need to maintain it! What’s the point of investing in transforming if it doesn’t stick?
    • 30 day HEALING PROTOCOL with Monthly revisions customized to progress and goals.
    • Full Access to the BEST CLEANSE PROGRAM in the world, The Warrior Cleanse ($147 VALUE)
    • Practitioner pricing for Labs (you only pay our cost for labs).  THE HTMA is where we begin.  CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE. Once you do, we will email you a requisition form to print out and mail in.

      NOTE:  Nothing is mailed to you, nor to you need to go to a lab to do this, it is done from the comfort of your home!

    • The most POPULAR package! 90% of our clients chose this because their friends who referred them did too, and realized that the ONLY way to make lasting change is through habit forming, which is statistically proven to form after 30 days of dedicated practice. With 5 pillars of health we are working on transforming, we focus on one new habit forming per month in this partnership, to ensure long term and permanent change which = long term and permanent results and vitality.
      • Jan 1 = COMMITMENT MADE – YES!!!
      • Start The Warrior Cleanse; Your Healing Journey begins here
      • Jan 8 = you receive labs in mail (take 1 week to read, complete, send)
      • Jan 15 = labs sent in (results received within 1 month)
      • Feb 15 = DISCOVERY Call to Discuss lab results & Recommendations. Order healing herbs in protocol.
      • Jul 1 = Graduation!  Email any loose ends… we move into a consultation basis from here, and work together as needed! Option to renew for another partnership or monthly journey sessions to retain all you’ve learned.Sample Calendar: TIMELINE = 6 MONTHS (you have 7 months to redeem 18 sessions)

Unlimited Facebook group access
18 sessions with Diane
The Warrior Cleanse program
Lab interpretation
Healing protocol based on Lab Results
Customized Supplements & Nutrition at Discount prices
Customized Macros & Diet plan
All challenges
Weekly email check in

Does NOT include:

Lab fees


Welcome to your 8 week Sexy Body Reboot Session!
$597 for 2 sessions, medical history review and lab analysis

This plan is IDEAL and PERFECT for those who fit one of three (or all) categories:

  1. Partnership is not affordable at this time
  2. You're working with other practitioners and desire a second opinion (or third, or fourth…)
  3. You're a return client and wish to rerun labs and check the status of your health, get a quick reboot and desire some inspiration to get you back on track!

The details and timeline:

At this point, we have already had your complimentary ‘Discovery call‘, so I can determine which labs are appropriate to run at this time, given labs you may have already completed recently (that I can use in this my analysis) as well as your your goals and health challenges.

  • Step 1: reserve your spot (pending we have new client openings) by paying your DEPOSIT. Please allow 2-3 business days for us to create your account and send you intake forms.
  • Step 2: educate yourself in THE WARRIOR CLEANSE program and start your healing journey there, while we await your results. The cost of the program is $147
  • Which lab do we start with?  It depends.  Everyone is different, however THE HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral analysis) is the baseline lab I prefer to run alongside up to one other hormone lab I can help you request plus 1 other recent lab test, such as a thyroid lab (needs to be current, within last 6 months to be considered).  Once you do, we will email you a requisition form to print out and mail in.  NOTE:  Nothing is mailed to you, nor to you need to go to a lab to do this, it is done from the comfort of your home!  To purchase click on each link below:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
DUTCH Hormones Test Kit

2 sessions with Diane
Lab interpretation
4 week Cross Analyzed Healing protocol per lab based on Lab Results
Customized Supplements & Nutrition Program (no more wasting money on supplements you don't need)
Customized Macros & Diet plan specific to your Genetic and Endocrine Metabolic profile

Does NOT include:

Email or text support (if you prefer full contact with me, Option 1 Partnership is recommended for you)

Lab fees (HTMA would be $99 and Hormone Panel is $260 paid to lab)
Challenges (The Warrior Cleanse Program is $147)

Potential Labs we May Use for your Healing Journey
Lab fees are paid separate from Diane’s Partnership & PAID DIRECT to lab

  • BioHealth Hormone Panel (saliva) – determines your bodies production of unbound sex, sleep and stress hormones, etc. A window into the function of the adrenals – energy levels, weight & immunity – $189
  • MRT IgG (blood) – IgE Food Sensitivities, Molds/spices/inhalants + Celiac/Gluten Sensitivity – $295
  • BioHealth 401H Gut Health (Stool) – explores pathogens such as candida, parasites, bacterial infections (super common) – $255
  • Direct Labs Intestinal Permeability test (urine) – examines the extent to which cell wall lining of the digestive track is leaky. Proven the key trigger to auto immune disease, adrenal fatigue (hormone imbalance), poor digestion as well as purported the root to cancer and obesity – $179
  • Direct Labs Complete Thyroid Panel (blood) – assesses 5 markers instrumental in thyroid health; 3 hormones & 2 antibodies. Most endocrinologists do not run this lab with these markers – $159
  • Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth test – explores measures of bacteria in Small Intestine, where they should not inhabit. $269
  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis – checks mineral levels, imbalances as well as detects heavy metal toxicity. $150


Average clients/patients spend around $100-200 per month for healing herbs, depending on the state of their health. The greater the investment in the beginning, the closer your path to Superhuman!

Flex Spending Account?

Many of our clients and patients pay us direct for partnership and healing herbs, then submit for reimbursement. Please check with your FSA/HSA plan administrator for options. Since we work on a team of doctors, often they allow this when headlined with our invoice. As for labs paid direct to lab companies, this also applies. You pay the labs direct, then submit for reimbursement after. We see the majority of our clients/patients are reimbursed for the investments in this partnership, and if not, keep track of your expenses so you can itemize them on your taxes under ‘medical expenses’. Consult with your CPA for details.

What we need from you to Get Started!

COMMIT to your health transformation and your future vitality with either:

  • PLATINUM 6 MONTHS = $200 deposit + $675 first month partnership  OR Paid in Full (PIF)
  • SECOND OPINION Sexy Body Reboot = $200 deposit OR PIF

The subscription buttons are above for each. You decide, make the applicable payment and once we receive your initial investment, we'll be in contact with next steps.  🙂  Don't forget to make your deposit, it's $200 if you do it within 24 hours of your call with Diane, and $400 if after.

Success Stories

“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”

Watch Our Training

“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”