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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!

Eat Play Sex, Episode 15 – Bone Broth for Better Boners, Body, and Detoxification

Hey lovers and warriors!

Welcome to Episode 15!

Be sure to check back every second Wednesday (#humpday – how appropriate) for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe!

We appreciate and LOVE reading your reviews, it’s how we decide future topics!  To leave us a review for the podcast, CLICK HERE. Then click on ‘View in itunes’ under our picture square. Your itunes app will open, then click ‘ratings and reviews’ and VOILA, you can drop a love note there!  OR if you’re on your smart phone, I know it sounds ridiculous (itunes did it, not us), but open your ‘podcast’ app, then in the search bar type ‘Eat Play Sex’, then click on our image under ‘Podcast’ headline, then you’ll see ‘reviews’ in the middle tab, then ‘Write a Review’.

Thankfully, our goal is to make your sex hormones, dream body and sex life more convenient and enjoyable than THAT process…but regardless…We appreciate hearing from you more than you’ll ever know!

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Bone Broth? How about Boner Broth? We've got Chef Lance from the Brothery on to tell us how bone broth can support your hormone health, erections, sexy life, and sexy body. Yum!

In this episode you will hear:

  • How bone broth helps your hormone production
  • The power of collagen in strengthening the tissues of the penis and vulva for optimal arousal potential
  • Bone broth for increasing circulation, lowering cholesterol, and better aging.
  • The amino acids that help to heal your gut and detox your body!


Chef Lance has been professional chef for 28 years and founded The Flavor Chef ® in 2007. During 2006 Paul Chek introduced Chef Lance to the work of Sally Fallon and the Weston A. Price Foundation. After reading Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Nourishing Traditions and “Broth Is beautiful,” Chef Lance made it his mission to bring healing bone broth cooked in the traditional manner back to the market Place.

The Flavor Chef, Inc. has steadily grown and now produces 7 distinct bone broths for the public at offering the certified organic chicken bone broth; certified organic grass fed, grass finished, beef bone broth; certified organic chicken bone broth soup with coconut, ginger mint and lemon; AIP™ chicken bone broth based on
the auto immune protocol; 2 hour chicken meat stock designed for the gaps™ phase one protocol; and an amazing immune boosting vegan “no bone” broth. The Flavor Chef proudly brews all of the broths made with the famous locally available Palomar Mountain spring water.

Chef Lance lives in Carlsbad, Ca. with his wife Suzanna and Son Dylan.
Learn more about The Flavor Chef and America’s Original Brothery:

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Real life stories and expert interviews to help you improve your sex life, by addressing mental blocks, nourishing your body, and balancing your hormones. This podcast will feel like you’re sitting down for coffee with your two best girlfriends to chat about the most erotic and embarrassing things you’re dying to share and get advice about. The best part? They’re the experts. Sex expert, Dr. Cat Meyer with hormone and detox expert, nutritionist Diane Kazer reveal to you what works (and what doesn’t) in the most entertaining way, encompassing all things sex and sex hormones such as self-love, sex toys, bedroom play, body shame, libido, frisky food, PMS, hormone balance and anything else sex-blocking you from the sex, life and body you deserve and desire. Each episode will give you simple steps and sexy strategies you can implement NOW to leave you feeling empowered, courageous, playful and motivated. Eat Play Sex is YOUR guide to all things sexy, healthy, and fun to rock the body of your dreams and help you get back in the playground with those you love. Because…#sexmatters






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“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”