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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!


Hey lovers and warriors!

Welcome to Episode 24!

Be sure to check back every second Wednesday (#humpday – how appropriate) for a new episode, and head over to iTunes to subscribe!

We appreciate and LOVE reading your reviews, it’s how we decide future topics!  To leave us a review for the podcast, CLICK HERE. Then click on ‘View in itunes’ under our picture square. Your itunes app will open, then click ‘ratings and reviews’ and VOILA, you can drop a love note there!  OR if you’re on your smart phone, I know it sounds ridiculous (itunes did it, not us), but open your ‘podcast’ app, then in the search bar type ‘Eat Play Sex’, then click on our image under ‘Podcast’ headline, then you’ll see ‘reviews’ in the middle tab, then ‘Write a Review’.

Thankfully, our goal is to make your sex hormones, dream body and sex life more convenient and enjoyable than THAT process…but regardless…We appreciate hearing from you more than you’ll ever know!

Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at


Skip the bread to be your best in bed! Dr. Tom gives us the download on how gluten can be that sneaky culprit contributing to infertility, disrupted sperm production, lowered libido and more. Find out what YOU can do about it!

In this episode you'll hear:

  • The prevalence of Auto Immune Disease, how to spot it, and how to fix it (this will SHOCK you!)
  • What is gluten and exactly how does it impact your gut health and nutrient absorption
  • Beyond Bread – how does our environment, lifestyle and diet play a role in our sex hormones, sex lives and energy levels?
  • Why celiac and gluten sensitivity may not be showing up in your medical lab testing and what proper tests can
  • Learn the Huge Impact, Easy to do Tips to Transform your Life with an Anti Inflammatory Diet


When it comes to getting healthy, Dr. Tom O'Bryan’s goal for you is ‘Making It Easy to Do the Right Thing’. As an internationally recognized, admired and compassionate speaker focusing on food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and the development of autoimmune diseases, Dr. Tom's audiences discover that it is through a clear understanding of how you got to where you are, that you and your Dr. can figure out what it will take to get you well.

In November 2016, Dr. O’Bryan released Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They're Not Telling You, an investigation into why our immune system, designed to protect us, begins attacking our own tissue (autoimmunity). Currently, over 500,000 people worldwide have watched the Docuseries.

Dr. O’Bryan is considered a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and teaches that recognizing and addressing the underlying mechanisms that activate an immune response is the map to the highway towards better health. He holds teaching Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has trained and certified tens of thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced understanding of the impact of wheat sensitivity and the development of individual autoimmune diseases.

He is the founder of and the visionary behind ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, bringing together 29 of the world’s experts on the gluten connection to diseases, disorders, and a wide-range of symptoms and ages. You can find this info at

His 2016 ground-breaking book, winner of the National Book Award and ranked #1 in several categories on, ‘The Autoimmune Fix’ outlines the step-by-step development of degenerative diseases and gives the tools to identify our dis-ease process years before the symptoms are obvious and how to turn your health around, one step at a time.


Real life stories and expert interviews to help you improve your sex life, by addressing mental blocks, nourishing your body, and balancing your hormones. This podcast will feel like you’re sitting down for coffee with your two best girlfriends to chat about the most erotic and embarrassing things you’re dying to share and get advice about. The best part? They’re the experts. Sex expert, Dr. Cat Meyer with hormone and detox expert, nutritionist Diane Kazer reveal to you what works (and what doesn’t) in the most entertaining way, encompassing all things sex and sex hormones such as self-love, sex toys, bedroom play, body shame, libido, frisky food, PMS, hormone balance and anything else sex-blocking you from the sex, life and body you deserve and desire. Each episode will give you simple steps and sexy strategies you can implement NOW to leave you feeling empowered, courageous, playful and motivated. Eat Play Sex is YOUR guide to all things sexy, healthy, and fun to rock the body of your dreams and help you get back in the playground with those you love. Because…#sexmatters


We are proud to announce our partnering with UMIE because we believe in their company’s mission for pleasure, play, and empowerment for women. Each month you’ll get a chance to win your very own FREE UMIE. To enter, listen to our show and share on your favorite social media platform with #EatPlaySex. You’ll be entered into our monthly drawing for a chance to win. One winner per month. Only one (1) prize per household. Must be 18 or over to enter. The prize(s) that may be awarded to the eligible winner(s) are not transferable, redeemable for cash or exchangeable for any other prize.  All prizes must be redeemed within thirty (30) days of the end of the month entered into.  If a winner cannot be contacted or is disqualified for any reason, we reserve the right to determine an alternate winner or not to award that winner’s prize, in its sole discretion.




Success Stories

“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”

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“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”