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 Sex Hormones and Sex Life to Achieve Your Best Self

Whenever someone embarks on a journey, one of the first questions others ask is WHY?
What are you doing this for?
Why are you so passionate about it?
And of all things you can do, how do you hope to leave the world a better place with this?

Dr Cat and Di started Eat. Play. Sex. as a way to empower men and women in all areas of their sex lives from sex and relational therapy to sex hormones, toxins that impact our sex parts and nutrition.  They met in 2014 while teaching yoga in Orange County, CA after which they joined forces to record their first episode together on Dr. Cat’s podcast, The Couch, for Playboy Radio.

An X pro soccer player, Diane struggled with decades of PMS, UTI’s, digestive disabilities, depression and hormone imbalances, which affected her play, financial planning business and love life. These ailments fueled her passion to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist, where she discovered the roots of her health issues – auto immune disease and an extremely toxic body.  Her healing journey and disease reversal became the solution for thousands of women around the world who came to Diane for similar issues.

We're not ‘just a sex show' – my part of what we're going to talk about is topics such as nutrition and detox to uncover and release the things that are sex-blocking you.

The best way to describe Diane's role is:

“Many times I say learn the art of love, but what I really mean is: Learn the art of removing all that hinders love.  It is a negative process.  It is like digging a well:  You go on removing many layers of earth, stones, rocks, and then suddenly there is water.  The water was always there; it was an undercurrent.  Now you have removed all the barriers, the water is available.  So is love: Love is the undercurrent of your being.  It is already flowing, but there are many rocks, many layers of earth to be removed.” ~ Osho
  • how the gut impacts hormone imbalance
  • how to ditch yeast infections, UTIs, BV and other ridiculously common (no! not normal…contrary to what your doctor tells you)
  • ways to discover your sexy self and dream body through food and detoxification
  • how to restore your vaginal tissues so it won't hurt anymore…EVER!  My cape is ON for the ladies on this one.  Consider me a little Superhero attached to your ovaries cheering you on every day LOL
  • you're not bipolar, or even quad-polar…your cycles determine your mood. It's time to learn what you've never been taught about your hormones and why we act how we do during our cycle.  expect to learn that there are OPTIMAL days to make love, lift heavy, run long distance, write a book, schedule a photo shoot, get $hit done, and more.  (I'm most excited about this part ladies…such a shame releaser, this will be your new ‘mindset manual') –  I START to plant the seed about this in Episode 1.
  • and if you're not cycling, what does THAT mean for your body, based on hormone levels that are governed by 2 things you've likely never been taught – how toxic your body is

Like Diane, Cat’s purpose driven career path was born from empathy.

After years of struggling with the relationships she had with both her body and her sexuality, Dr. Cat decided that enough was enough. She then embarked on a journey of self-exploration through yoga, therapy, education, and spiritual practices to reclaim her body, love, and self as a sexual being.

Dr Cat focuses on the psychology behind it all.

The best way to describe Dr Cat's role is:

“Remain continuously on a honeymoon.  Go on searching and seeking each other, finding new ways of loving each other, finding new ways of being with each other.  And each person is such an infinite mystery, inexhaustible, unfathomable, that it is not possible that you can ever say, ‘I have known her,’ or, ‘I have known him.’  At the most you can say, ‘I have tried my best, but the mystery remains a mystery.’  In fact the more you know, the more mysterious the other becomes.  Then love is a constant adventure.” ~ Osho
  • mindset to support your vision of your ‘PERCEIVED' sexy self vs what society deems as ‘sexy' – body image is SO KEY to a happy, individual and sexually fulfilled life.
  • what are your real DREAMS for yourself and your life, and how can you achieve that in the bedroom with surrender and play?
  • Acceptance of self, forgiveness, the release of shame, how to let go, baby steps to explore and methods of connection to your lover beginning with self.
  • And if you don't yet HAVE a lover…things you can do NOW to create space for and attract someone into your life that resonates with your true needs and desires.
  • And many, MANY other juicy, cutting edge and sexy adventurous things you can try to prevent boredom both in the bedroom and in every aspect of your life.

Both Diane and Dr. Cat quickly realized their stories were not unique to themselves after hearing similar tales shared by their clients. Identifying a collective experience of sexless lives, they set forth to ignite a movement of passionate, shameless, and healthy sexual beings that we all can in-joy. For what’s a life without good sex?  #SexMatters

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