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Picture of Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Naturopath DIANE KAZER

Join Doc Diane Kaze and her Transformation Tribe of World Class Jedi Visionaries who will empower you with action steps on: Detoxification, Hormone Optimization and Sovereignty Solutions. This is your Home if you’re a Warrior of God, Protector of Earth & Jedi of Humanity! Time to let that S.H.*T. go and FLY baby, yeah!


Does any of this sound familiar?

I was experiencing recurrent respiratory infections that antibiotics couldn't clear up, extreme fatigue turned mono diagnosis, mental fog, lack of clarity and focus, unexplained weight gain despite unwavering commitment to exercise. I was lost in my personal life and in my career. I felt numb and devoid of joy despite having married the love of my life and excelling in a career where I knew I made a difference. The final fracture was the unexpected loss of my father in 2013 and finding out I was going to be a mother in the same week, the heaviness of trying to pretend I had it all together was hiding the reality of the pain that I was carrying.
Genaye L.
CHI Warrior

That heaviness that our warrior, Genaye L., experienced can be like carrying around a ton of bricks. You think that by carrying this weight it will make you stronger, but it’s just further burdening you. By first enrolling in our CHI warrior cleanse, she began to toss out these bricks one by one. 

But what about the ones that remained- such as the unexpected loss of her father- something completely out of her control?

The combination of her metaphorical CHI strength training relieved some of the burden that was in her control, and gave her more stamina and resilience to tug the bag along. Genaye’s story has been invaluable, to say the least, so that’s why we decided to dedicate this episode to her story, hormones, wins and fails, and how she made it to the other side.

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In this episode

  • How one woman, after many different programs, was forever changed by CHI
  • Discover what is blocking YOU from your health goals
  • High levels of this hormone creating a TOTAL IMBALANCE in the rest of her body
  • Learn that there is no better advocate, best friend, mother, sister, or mentor, than YOURSELF


CHI Warrior Testament of Success

For those who aren’t familiar with our program- are you wondering what the finished product could look like? I’d like to share some responses from Genaye, our Warrior of the Week, about how her life was completely transformed after cleansing her body, healing her hormones, and igniting her life.

What does your immediate future hold now that you’ve transformed into this magical unicorn warrior?

More time at home with my girls and some serious self-care for the rest of 2020. In 2021 my private practice will launch and I hope to use these next few months to solidify all the new healthy habits into my lifestyle so that in 2021, I can hit the ground running.

People are always afraid of surprises, but many who work with us, including you, have pleasant surprises. What surprised you or made you the most happy about making these changes?

The more vulnerable I was willing to be the quicker I saw transformation.

What did you learn from the work we did with your labs and the customized and specialized protocol we recommended for you?

That there was a very good reason for the ways I was feeling. I learned to listen to my body much sooner. I was very deficient in many key minerals and was absorbing horrible metals and neurotoxins from the water I was drinking. I learned I had several gut infections that are causing many of the symptoms I was experiencing. I am very excited for Diane's supplement line and to have everything I need in a few simple products.

Describe your life  BEFORE and AFTER CHI.

Before CHI: I was disconnected from my body and my mind was a looping tape full of criticism and judgment and the obsession to please others. I was exhausted all the time, felt constantly burdened by life rather than joyful for it. 

After CHI: I feel like I have a clear understanding of the supplements and care my body needs based on what it is telling me. My life continues to be a journey and not a destination.

What are women missing out on by just being content with “Well, the doc said my labs are normal” and then just continuing to make excuses as to why they feel like sh*t?

Women are missing out on their own freedom and joy for life and the key understanding that you are your own best advocate, best friend, mother, sister, daughter, no one else will do for you what you can do for yourself. Women who continue to make excuses are not ready to own their responsibility in their own life and take back their power. Eventually you won't be able to make excuses anymore, then what?

Want to ENTER TO WIN our Free Giveaway of the Week?  (this week it’s Trina’s Dental Detox Kit). All you have to do is Subscribe, Rate and Review the CHI Podcast (here’s a 1 min VIDEO on how to do that), then share an episode that moved you on social media and tag me @hormonewarriordiane, which will officially enter you in the contest!



“Cultivating the practice of being present and truly understanding that need to get done, and where the idea comes from that the perception that I am the one that needs to do these things.” [27:26]

“I did all the self-care things, in school they talked about working with all of these people that have had heavy traumatic events, and that you need to have self-care to take these things on. We’re in this self-care movement now but its really not about taking a bath, or using essential oils, it’s really about injecting care into yourself. There was this whole piece of embodiment that had been missing from my life. It’s like the last puzzle piece that you’re pissed off about because you can’t find it and you need it to complete the puzzle.” [36:20]

Resources & Links

Like to Read?

Check out My Book, ‘Killer Breasts’

Seeking DIY Help?

Check out My ‘Explant Solution’ Online Program ​

Looking to Detox?

Check out my 3 Phase, 3 Month Group Lead plan​

Looking for 1 on 1 Support?

Check out my Custom Explant Detox & Healing Protocol.

Seeking BII & Explant Supportive Supplements?

Check out my Warrior Cleanse Pre & Post Explant Liver Loving Kit & more…

Join the Truth Tribe

Our mission is to help you help yourselves by learning to listen to and TRUST your intuition, to ignite courage.

Success Stories

“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”

Watch Our Training

“After 11 years on birth control, horrendous acne, multiple periods per month, HORRIBLE mood swings, with the help of Diane, we fixed it ALL!”